Priest Stabbed Live Stream in Sydney

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The face of someone who is probably going to kill someone eventually.

Let's see how pathetic his sentence is. I'll guess about 6 months tops


Probably gets all his views from AFP
They are still not definitely saying whether self-inflicted, retribution or other.
They might not be sure yet, and have different/opposing versions of what happened from both sides.

Minns confirms teen lost fingers in stabbing attack, previously brought knife to school

By Josefine Ganko

NSW Premier Chris Minns has confirmed that the teenager arrested after the Wakeley stabbing had fingers cut off during the attack.
“The information we have is that [the teen’s fingers were cut off] in the commission of the crime,” Minns told 2GB’s Chris O’Keefe.
Minns also confirmed reports that the teen was found with a knife at school in 2020....'
I think there is a lot more information to come out about this situation. He was displaying dangerous antisocial tendencies already when he was 12 or 13, and he did not develop extremism in a vacuum to suddenly commit an alleged terrorist attack at 16. I am not excusing him, but at some point there was a massive failure to intervene and also some sort of influence.
Then they should change the laws to provide clear powers to quickly order the removal of pics and vids from terrorist and other incidents that might incite racial, religious and other violence.
I agree, and I frankly don't understand why they don't have those mechanisms or use them when they have them (because they do have them in some instances but they don't utilise them). Governments need to stop with their reluctance to label certain speech and behaviour what it really is.

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I agree, and I frankly don't understand why they don't have those mechanisms or use them when they have them (because they do have them in some instances but they don't utilise them). Governments need to stop with their reluctance to label certain speech and behaviour what it really is.
And they need to be 24/7/365 alert and be able to order takedowns at any minute of the day or night, without having to wait for committees, and decision makers to be awake or available.

And those on the other side of the equation, including main stream media need to be 24/7/365 available to take stuff down too.
More from PM Albanese in the below article on the video takedown orders to X & FB and inflammatory posts last night about this event.

The crap I saw being circulated on (twitter) X last night was absolutely appalling.
I can only imagine what was being read on the other social media platforms.

'eSafety commissioner orders X and Meta to remove violent videos following Sydney church stabbing'
'Tue 16 Apr 2024 17.25 AEST
The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, told reporters on Tuesday he was concerned about the videos circulating online and the communications minister, Michelle Rowland, had been in contact with Inman Grant about getting videos removed.

“We remain concerned about the role of social media, including the publication of videos that can be very harmful, particularly for younger people who have access. Anyone with a phone essentially can do that,” he said.

“We continue to work with the eSafety commissioner and to use what powers are at our disposal to demand that material be taken down. I know the AFP commissioner and the security agencies are engaged in that as well.”

Those in the crowd outside the church on Monday night were being incited by inflammatory posts being spread on social media, one member of the Assyrian community, Maria, told Guardian Australia.

“They were reacting to what they were seeing on social media, there were many inflammatory posts making the rounds, people advocating for violence and the such. It was making lots of people very angry.”
Removing the hateful rhetoric spewed from Islamic clerics?
I'm confused as to how quickly the NSW police commissioner has arrived at the conclusion that this was a terrorist attack.

I mean, what is the evidence of political or religious ideology from this attacker that normally necessitate the defining of terrorism?
It was motivated by religious ideology. Pretty obvious from the video.
The response by these people in smashing police cars etc is embarrassing for them

Clear footage below of some heavily tattooed guy with no shirt on, but with a dark scarf covering his face, jumping on Police cars and trying to smash the car glass with his feet.

Daily Telegraph below vid (no paywall, Josh Hanrahan, Mark Morri and James Willis)

"There are some very well known organised crime groups within the Assyrian Community, totally seperate from the peace loving people out there. Established organised crime groups that operate out of Fairfield that operate out of Fairfield. They are particularly violent, and they went there. Obviously they saw an opportunity to have hatred on the Police, and that's really bad. It reflects so badly on the rest of a very good, great community out there in Fairfield."

Noting that Morri does not say where he gets info that any Assyrian organised crime group members were ID'ed as being there last night.

Discussion in the vid on why the Police probably did not make any arrests during the incident (except for the 16yo stabber), is worth listening too.

It was motivated by religious ideology. Pretty obvious from the video.
Yeah I see it now. I also note the conspicuous lack of the posters that were scathing of people who assumed the Bondi junction attack was lslamic terror related, are now nowhere to be seen.

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At that age really gotta be looking at the parents imo.
A lot of parents are pieces of s##t but teens are probably more influenced by their schoolmates, friends, and broader social circle (including online). They spend far more time with those groups than with their parents.
At that age really gotta be looking at the parents imo.

Interesting interview with a mother of a 14 year old in Victoria whose son is out on bail on multiple serious offences about how powerless they are to stop him.

Yet until he kills someone, he’ll continue to be released every time.
A lot of parents are pieces of s##t but teens are probably more influenced by their schoolmates, friends, and broader social circle (including online). They spend far more time with those groups than with their parents.
I've seen way too many parents indulge and enable sh***y behaviour in their children from a very young age such that by the time the children are at high school they have basically no control over them. These things usually start young, long before the point where children can actually do harm and are being influenced by external factors.

It's everything - lack of consequences for poor behaviour; excuses for poor behaviour; supporting them as a victim even when they have done the wrong thing to another child; demanding special treatment and concessions; bullying teachers and schools on behalf of their child; not seeking support and intervention when problems are evident; allowing them access to things they shouldn't have; allowing social media use from far too young an age and never talking with them about the issues; no boundaries.
I've seen way too many parents indulge and enable sh***y behaviour in their children from a very young age such that by the time the children are at high school they have basically no control over them. These things usually start young, long before the point where children can actually do harm and are being influenced by external factors.

It's everything - lack of consequences for poor behaviour; excuses for poor behaviour; supporting them as a victim even when they have done the wrong thing to another child; demanding special treatment and concessions; bullying teachers and schools on behalf of their child; not seeking support and intervention when problems are evident; allowing them access to things they shouldn't have; allowing social media use from far too young an age and never talking with them about the issues; no boundaries.
For parents doing actual parenting, I agree, you've made a good list of behaviours leading to entitled kids, but I don't think these parents are raising the majority of the really s###ty kids. I see parents not caring, not being there, not working, being drunk/on drugs, and/or being abusive as a bigger influence on the worst kids. And the kids realise early their parents are trash and seek support/structure/care elsewhere (usually ending up being people just as bad or worse). And then those kids are likely to end up as bad as their parents.
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For parents doing actual parenting, I agree, you've made a good list of behaviours leading to entitled kids, but I don't think these parents are raising the majority of the really s###ty kids. I see parents not caring, not being there, not working, being drunk/on drugs, and/or being abusive as a bigger influence on the worst kids. And the kids realise early their parents are trash and seek support/structure/care elsewhere (usually ending up being people just as bad or worse). And then those kids are likely to end up as bad as their parents.
I agree, but for me that would still be something for which the parents have responsibility and which makes them a contributing factor to the situation. Not even bothering to be a parent is still sh*t parenting.
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And coaching underage kids into extremism ….
He was already an extremist whose parents contacted the police about their son being radicalised into Islamic extremism well before the AFP was on the case. That's a weird way to summarise what happened :eekv1:
I now firmly believe that Australia (& the world) would be better off without social media.

As part of the younger generation I use it everyday but it does significantly more harm than good for our overall health and well being. I think it’s reached a tipping point.
I don't.

Social media is the only thing that has allowed non dominant groups in society to challenge the dominant narrative, because it has given a voice to everyone rather than just the people in power with control of the narrative. It is also the only thing that has allowed the true harnessing of people power to correct injustices.

One side of this is that it provides a forum for dangerous extremism and conspiracy theories.

The other side is that it has shone a light on so many issues related to women and POC. Think #metoo and #blacklivesmatter. Think of all the women in the US who are able to access abortions because of our ability to share information via social media platforms.

And that it has saved lives and people from persecution. Rahaf Mohammed. Hakeem Al Araibi. The Nadesalingam (Biloela) family. All people who live in freedom due to harnessing of social media. I remember the infamous quote from the Saudis to the Thais when Rahaf was holed up in the hotel room: "You took her passport, but you should have taken her phone."

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Priest Stabbed Live Stream in Sydney

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