Pets Things that please me

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"Bit too much" makes it sound like they have had an extra slice of bread as a once off. They should be exchanging that white rice for brown rice for start
Since when did white rice count as takeaway?

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Who said it did?

If you're strong enough, you'll be able to

I can't the remember the last time I had takeaway (bar subway). Would be over a month. I bet anyone who eats my diet (which isn't even that good) wouldn't be overweight

You're the one who said your diet (which doesn't consist of takeaway bar subway) wouldn't be overweight.
As funny as I find the Angry Dad videos, I can't help but feel the old man is in on it all.

Same. If I tried that on my dad, he's slap me around the back of the head for being a little shit, and rightfully so. :p
People make excuses not to eat healthy. It's not that hard to follow a decent eating plan that consists of high protein, good fats and a moderate amount of low GI carbs. People who eat a shit load of sugar and processed foods are generally the ones who complain about not being able to lose weight. It really isn't that hard, however people will continue to make excuses and eat shit because it's the easy thing to do.
I think the fact that there are a lot of people overweight means it is an indication that it is indeed hard.

If it was so easy, everyone would be flaunting six packs.

I'm not saying it's impossible (for most), but it's certainly not as easy as you claim it is. (For those not blessed with high metabolism)
I'd go so far as to say that healthy weight has almost nothing to do with diet.

Person A:
8 weetbix, 2 sugars, reduced fat milk, four slices of toast and vegemite.
Salad Roll, Can of Coke
Cheese and Bacon Roll, Energy Drink
Pie, Chocolate Bar, Can of Coke
Double Serving Pasta dish, Soft Drink
Ice Cream
4 slices toast and Vegemite, Milo with 2 sugars.

Person B:
Coffee, full cream milk, no sugar.
Salad roll, Coffee.
Energy Drink (zero sugar)
Stir-Fry/Curry dish

One of these people is 50kg overweight, the other in decent shape.
My brother has two dinners, not nearly as active as me, two years older and struggles to get to 60kgs at 5 ft 8 no matter what he does. (Still ripped as anything)

I eat pretty healthily, haven't had the fast food culprits in four years, highly active, play plenty of sport and cycle around the joint nearly daily, whilst having a relatively active side job around my post-uni down time, and at 6 ft 2ish struggle to stay in the high 80kgs range rather than my current 90kgs.

Dat metabolism.
I'd go so far as to say that healthy weight has almost nothing to do with diet.

Person A:
8 weetbix, 2 sugars, reduced fat milk, four slices of toast and vegemite.
Salad Roll, Can of Coke
Cheese and Bacon Roll, Energy Drink
Pie, Chocolate Bar, Can of Coke
Double Serving Pasta dish, Soft Drink
Ice Cream
4 slices toast and Vegemite, Milo with 2 sugars.

Person B:
Coffee, full cream milk, no sugar.
Salad roll, Coffee.
Energy Drink (zero sugar)
Stir-Fry/Curry dish

One of these people is 50kg overweight, the other in decent shape.
Person B?
Weight has fluctuated by 1-3 kg over ten years of adulthood(?). Watch what I eat whilst eating what I want. My secret? Have always been active over that period, any of my friends that have had good exercise routines have maintained their weight. Those that haven't have struggled.

On the subject, often people say to me "it's easy for you to be skinny, you've always been skinny. I just can't lose weight" This is usually followed by a smart-arse comment about me still playing competitive sport :rolleyes:

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Some people have freak metabolisms and are really skinny naturally. Feel sorry for these people who could gym 24/7 and still never put on a pound. Doesn't mean fat people aren't in control of their weight
There are few new younger kids at school that are absolutely massive, I hope it's not just from over eating because then I don't feel bad that he is so big. One of them would probably be around 165cm but at least 110-120 kilos. Probably more
I'm 18, 6'2 with quite a poor diet and do very little exercise other than go for the occasional run. I'm at 68kg with very little of that being fat and that's as heavy as I've ever been. I'm probably going to be in for a rude shock some time in the next few years.
There are few new younger kids at school that are absolutely massive, I hope it's not just from over eating because then I don't feel bad that he is so big. One of them would probably be around 165cm but at least 110-120 kilos. Probably more
You realise that's like saying 'I don't feel sorry from the poor kid born into the poor family, he should just have more money.'

If he's that overweight at a young age there is absolutely no ****ing way it's his fault. Just like kids can be taught to believe ridiculous religious stories they can also be conditioned to eating too much/junk food. I definitely feel sorry for that kid, it's gonna be a nightmare for him to ever turn it around.
I'm 6'1, 65 kilos. Almost 20, go to gym a fair bit these days and play social ball and exercise otherwise almost every day.
I want to put on weight but I tell myself it's inevitable I will when I stop growing and hit my mid 20's. Not too fussed about it otherwise.

That being said, from my position I always think it would be easier to lose weight than try and build something onto a wiry figure like mine.
My personal view is that nobody under the age of 30 should really be allowed to have an opinion on weight loss.

I know when I was having meals cooked for me, going to uni, working a low-level job, able to play plenty of competitive sport, I scoffed at people who said it was hard to lose weight.


I mean I'm not going to give weight loss advice to a 35 year old mother of 4, but I don't there is anything wrong in having an opinion for your own age group.

It's a lot easier staying in shape when you are young, I don't think many argue otherwise - but there are plenty of fat under 30s, and plenty of under 30s who don't eat properly or exercise enough.
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