Europe War in Ukraine

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100% the issue re the west getting further involved like no fly zone or troops is that as soon as a western nation kills or even fires upon Russia NATO and every country that is a member/ally will be at war with Russia
Which is why my friend with his conspiracy hat on, said is a major reason why Russia hasn’t committed most of its newer armour and experienced troops.

They are holding those troops and armour back, just in case the West does engage.

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Which is why my friend with his conspiracy hat on, said is a major reason why Russia hasn’t committed most of its newer armour and experienced troops.

They are holding those troops and armour back, just in case the West does engage.
Only thing I would say to that is that no nation would fully commit its entire military to one operation unless they were bring invaded no matter how badly they were run
Russian civilians leaving Russia in droves
I’d say it’s much more a trickle, than droves. Like it’s probably around the tenth of a tenth of one percent. The vast, vast majority can’t leave, due to the current sanctions.

I don’t believe exaggerating what’s actually happening benefits Ukraine.

Tell the truth. Many in Russia are afraid to speak out, because they’ll end up in gaol, and there’s still a (probable) majority that buy in to State propaganda.

That current sanctions aren’t tuff enough to cause civil unrest any time soon.
Which is why my friend with his conspiracy hat on, said is a major reason why Russia hasn’t committed most of its newer armour and experienced troops.

They are holding those troops and armour back, just in case the West does engage.

Russia has been sending it’s newer armour and most experienced troops to Ukraine however. VDV Airborne (getting ass kicked) Spetsnaz, Guards Tank and Motor Rifle Divisions, T-90 tanks (the newest T-14 isnt in mass production yet).

And they are thoroughly having their asses kicked
Long live the thought police
Yeah in russia you now could get 15 years jail for saying the wrong thing about the war. f*** you cant even say its a war.

but instead your upset that someone here gets asked to leave a tv studio for supporting the dictorships invasion and murder.

That will change soon.

Countries are currently using their national oil reserves, but will run out soon.

As my mother in law said, Vietnam will run out of oil before the end of the month, and will then have to buy Russian oil again.

A lot of countries will be extremely nervous having used up their national reserve, so won’t just be buying what they need to keep running, but will also look to restock their national reserve.

As I’ve mentioned multiple times before, Russia will find markets for its oil, simply because there’s not enough oil being produced by the Middle East, South or North America, to meet the worlds needs.

It’s just a (short) matter of time.
Yep. People have a right to freedom of speech but if they abuse that right by making up BS or sprouting deliberate misinformation (i.e. falsely claiming the UN said 13000 Russians killed by Ukrainians) then no one should complain when the adults in the room don't want to play with the one acting like a child and boot him out of the studio.
or educate them

maybe not what the producers of the show wanted, but maybe laying out the facts for the guy, in front of the audience, THEN telling him to STFU. Saying he makes you uncomfortable so calling for his expulsion is so US GOP.

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When the Ukraine boss says Ukraine men can't leave the country during an invasion.

Why is it hard to believe mauripol authorities wouldn't allow civilians to leave the city ?
Yeah in russia you now could get 15 years jail for saying the wrong thing about the war. f*** you cant even say its a war.

but instead your upset that someone here gets asked to leave a tv studio for supporting the dictorships invasion and murder.

I don't think anyone is supporting the Russian system.

That doesn't mean censorship in the west is good. Next they'll be burning books
Only thing I would say to that is that no nation would fully commit its entire military to one operation unless they were bring invaded no matter how badly they were run
Last figure I saw was that Russia had committed less that 20% of its ground forces (let alone actual combined military/naval/air forces) to the conflict.

The questions being asked are, how much of those forces were professional military or elite units, and what can be inferred about the military that has been held back.
When the Ukraine boss says Ukraine men can't leave the country during an invasion.

Why is it hard to believe mauripol authorities wouldn't allow civilians to leave the city ?
Would imagine if Australia is invaded or WW3 breaks out conscription would be back on the table
The country if fighting for its sovereignty I don’t really understand why people are acting surprised
Russia has been sending it’s newer armour and most experienced troops to Ukraine however. VDV Airborne (getting ass kicked) Spetsnaz, Guards Tank and Motor Rifle Divisions, T-90 tanks (the newest T-14 isnt in mass production yet).

And they are thoroughly having their asses kicked
No they haven’t.

There’s a website linked here a few pages ago, that shows the verified losses of both sides of the conflict. The majority of the Russian losses are older (20 years or older) machinery, much of it from the Soviet era.

As for the troops, they have only recently (as in the last 4 days) begun swapping troops. Someone else here already mentioned this, and posted a link mentioning that the conscripts are being pulled out, and the losses one unit faced.

There’s a website linked here a few pages ago, that shows the verified losses of both sides of the conflict. The majority of the Russian losses are older (20 years or older) machinery, much of it from the Soviet era.

The majority of Tanks lost have been T-72s and T-80 as they comprise the majority of Russian tanks overall. About 10% of losses have been the newest T-90s, which is roughly their proportion of overall active Russian tanks. Count the reserves and it’s an even smaller fraction.

Multiple types of IFVs lost as well, but even a lot of the older models were upgraded with newer tech.

We know Russia is putting tanks on trains near Vladivostok to bring them to the Ukraine, man king it unlikely they’re holding their “best” equipment in reserve in case NATO starts charging towards Moscow.

As far as units go the supposed “elite” VDV were deployed first. We know this as an airborne Major General was killed by a sniper. We know the VDV was torn up in Hostomel yesterday (can search for the graphic evidence on social media)

The supposed “elite” 4th Guards tank division is abandoning vehicles:

The supposed “elite” Spetsnaz abandoned their vehicle in Kharkiv:

No I think Russia’s so called “elite” forces we wa bunch of paper tigers, and the only way they can win is through obliterating cities and weight of numbers

If anything this is showing how a smaller but high tech military armed with advanced anti tank and anti missiles and drones added to local knowledge can hold off a numerically larger force. It’s just a matter of ensuring they are supplied with enough missiles before their current stocks are depleted and Russia can win through weight of numbers
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Yeah in russia you now could get 15 years jail for saying the wrong thing about the war. f*** you cant even say its a war.

but instead your upset that someone here gets asked to leave a tv studio for supporting the dictorships invasion and murder.

You can’t talk or show the truth of the war in Ukraine.

There is a significant difference between the use of the words “wrong” and “truth”.
Yeah in russia you now could get 15 years jail for saying the wrong thing about the war. f*** you cant even say its a war.

but instead your upset that someone here gets asked to leave a tv studio for supporting the dictorships invasion and murder.
If this is about Q&A - I can't recall the last time they removed someone. Didn't see it so I don't know how disruptive he was being.
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