Society/Culture Why do less intelligent people gravitate to conservative/right wing ideology.

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The Daily Mail article reports upon a study by Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario, Canada. (another Canadian Academic Psychologist but without a youtube presence). He looked at data from 2 UK studies testing child development. The subjects were
(a) 4,267 boys and 4,537 girls born in 1958;
(b) 3,412 boys and 3,658 girls born in 1970.

The tests were of
(c) verbal and non verbal intelligence; and
(d) cognitive abilities (number recall, shape-drawing tasks, defining words and identifying patterns and similarities among words).

In both surveys, 23 years later, the same groups were asked to answer a series of questions about traditions, authority and attitudes toward other races. Hodson then postulated a definition of conservatism which is undefined but looks to be based upon attitudes towards Authority and other races and concluded that low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservtive ideologies.

I’d very cautious about accepting the conclusions drawn by Grin and his gaggle of applauders from the article helpfully posted by Mofra
So would I.

Here's a meta-analysis that's far more wide ranging.

There is a significant body of work on the subject. Assuming the entire concept is based off a single study is folly.

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Your pretty diagram is wrong.

The Greens are the most authoritarian of any political party. Greens are also far left.

True Liberals are right and closer to the Liberterian (so in the purple area). Labor Is more left and authoritarian.

Katter and Nationals who knows?

Your diagram is painted from the perspective of a far left person.

No, you just don’t realise how far right we have gone in the Overton window over the last 40+ years.
No, you just don’t realise how far right we have gone in the Overton window over the last 40+ years.

you are joking right? Society is far more left wing today than it was 40+ years ago.

Gay marriage 40 years ago - 5% community support

Paid parental leave

Family tax benefits

Transgender rights

The welfare state has expanded significantly

Society is getting more and more left wing and will continue to do so whilst the left is effective at controlling the education system
You need to check your understanding. Rudd/Gillard built in massive unfunded expenditure into the forward estimates. When Abbott was elected if he changed nothing debt was $600b+ after Rudd inherited no debt. Now Morrison overspent during COVID and destroyed Libs economic record but still screwed the budget less than Rudd
robert downey jr bullshit GIF
you are joking right? Society is far more left wing today than it was 40+ years ago.

Gay marriage 40 years ago - 5% community support

Paid parental leave

Family tax benefits

Transgender rights

The welfare state has expanded significantly

Society is getting more and more left wing and will continue to do so whilst the left is effective at controlling the education system

Indefinite detention for refugees.
Unconditional support for a far right apartheid regime that appears to be committing genocide.

To name just a few.

What makes you gravitate towards conservative right wing ideology?
you are joking right? Society is far more left wing today than it was 40+ years ago.

Gay marriage 40 years ago - 5% community support

Paid parental leave

Family tax benefits

Transgender rights

The welfare state has expanded significantly

Society is getting more and more left wing and will continue to do so whilst the left is effective at controlling the education system
There has been quite a few gains for the left on the social side of things, economics is a very different kettle of fish.
Where has Australia's welfare state expanded since the mid 70's? Healthcare costs I guess, this is more a factor of longer lifespans and increased tech/pharmaceuticals than a political choice
No, you just don’t realise how far right we have gone in the Overton window over the last 40+ years.
I agree economically. A tidbit i found out recently was the origins of Overton himself, freemarket/low regs/libertarian etc thinktanker

Sort of a controlled opposition style thing that has been too easily accepted from many on the left, me included
you are joking right? Society is far more left wing today than it was 40+ years ago.

Gay marriage 40 years ago - 5% community support

Paid parental leave

Family tax benefits

Transgender rights

The welfare state has expanded significantly

Society is getting more and more left wing and will continue to do so whilst the left is effective at controlling the education system

Socially in some ways, yes.

Economically, definitely further right.

I see that has been covered above.

Problem is many left leaning parties in the western world don’t do proper economic changes and only social ones and often it’s more window dressing than anything.

For example thinking Taylor swift being a female billionaire isn’t a sign of social progress, nor are people from minorities coming into power who just enact the same politicise which funnel the money to the richest 1%.

The social ones are good, but they are also profit motivated. The more people with rights and included, the more $$ to go around.

Lol the left controlling education. The whole culture war stuff is a distraction, so people fight over that stuff while our politicians feather their own nests and placate the rich.

LNP way worse on the above than ALP, but ALP still govern too far to the right economically.

People just think it’s currently the way it is with taxation of the wealthy is just normal and anyone advocating for it to change is a radical, when they used to be taxed way higher in general in the western world 40-50 years ago, by both conservative and progressive parties alike.
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Indefinite detention for refugees.
Unconditional support for a far right apartheid regime that appears to be committing genocide.

To name just a few.

What makes you gravitate towards conservative right wing ideology?

Locking up illegal immigrants is good policy. 40 years ago we had only just gotten rid of the white Australia policy. Now we are very multicultural.

What is the far right apartheid regime committing genocide?

AUKUS is now right wing?

You clearly come at things from the extremley far left.

I am centre to left on social issues (pro gay marriage, pro abortion - basically people can do whatever they want and identify as whatever they want, love whoever they want. I am a live and let live kind of human. If you aren't hurting anyone why is it my business to tell you who to love, what to value etc?)

Right wing on economic. I believe in the free market with necessary regulation to counteract its extremes. I believe in a social safety net but one that doesn't harm incentive and support bludging. For example, if you are incapable of working because of age or health, I am happy for society to provide you with a comfortable wage to live a life of dignity. What I don't support is people who choose welfare as a career.
There has been quite a few gains for the left on the social side of things, economics is a very different kettle of fish.
Where has Australia's welfare state expanded since the mid 70's? Healthcare costs I guess, this is more a factor of longer lifespans and increased tech/pharmaceuticals than a political choice

kidding right?

Baby bonus. Paid parental leave. NDIS

The welfare state and the role of government in people's lives has grown considerably

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Locking up illegal immigrants is good policy. 40 years ago we had only just gotten rid of the white Australia policy. Now we are very multicultural.

What is the far right apartheid regime committing genocide?

AUKUS is now right wing?

You clearly come at things from the extremley far left.

I am centre to left on social issues (pro gay marriage, pro abortion - basically people can do whatever they want and identify as whatever they want, love whoever they want. I am a live and let live kind of human. If you aren't hurting anyone why is it my business to tell you who to love, what to value etc?)

Right wing on economic. I believe in the free market with necessary regulation to counteract its extremes. I believe in a social safety net but one that doesn't harm incentive and support bludging. For example, if you are incapable of working because of age or health, I am happy for society to provide you with a comfortable wage to live a life of dignity. What I don't support is people who choose welfare as a career.

Thing is we can do more to make things more equitable for all, it’s just been conditioned into us it’s too hard. Murdoch media is a poison to Australian society.

In saying that we are wayyyy better off (in terms of income inequality issues) in Australia in this regard than most of the world.
Socially in some ways, yes.

Economically, definitely further right.
Friedman / Chicago School became the dominant economic school in response to late 70s stagflation. That's what is generally accepted at being economically 'right'.

The GFC did bring Keynes back into higher in some quarters, as did the work of Stiglitz - both considered 'left'.

Neoliberalism is still however the dominant economic orthodoxy in much of the OECD (e.g. Austerity measures during the PIIGS crisis')
I agree economically. A tidbit i found out recently was the origins of Overton himself, freemarket/low regs/libertarian etc thinktanker

Sort of a controlled opposition style thing that has been too easily accepted from many on the left, me included

Yep same. Good thing we have preferential voting so we aren’t forced into just voting ALP cos less shit than LNP.

Of course you have to preference one over the other, but it gives further left parties a chance to have a say.

Conversely also far right loons.
Friedman / Chicago School became the dominant economic school in response to late 70s stagflation. That's what is generally accepted at being economically 'right'.

The GFC did bring Keynes back into higher in some quarters, as did the work of Stiglitz - both considered 'left'.

Neoliberalism is still however the dominant economic orthodoxy in much of the OECD (e.g. Austerity measures during the PIIGS crisis')

Neoliberalism is still seen as a religion in the western world as people think there is no other way.

It has the added advantage of benefiting the Uber wealthy.
Locking up illegal immigrants is good policy. 40 years ago we had only just gotten rid of the white Australia policy. Now we are very multicultural.

What is the far right apartheid regime committing genocide?

AUKUS is now right wing?

You clearly come at things from the extremley far left.

I am centre to left on social issues (pro gay marriage, pro abortion - basically people can do whatever they want and identify as whatever they want, love whoever they want. I am a live and let live kind of human. If you aren't hurting anyone why is it my business to tell you who to love, what to value etc?)

Right wing on economic. I believe in the free market with necessary regulation to counteract its extremes. I believe in a social safety net but one that doesn't harm incentive and support bludging. For example, if you are incapable of working because of age or health, I am happy for society to provide you with a comfortable wage to live a life of dignity. What I don't support is people who choose welfare as a career.

Refugees are not illegal immigrants. You are showing your far right bias there.

I'll leave it at that as you are clearly ignorant.
kidding right?

Baby bonus. Paid parental leave
Baby bonus has been around since 1912, and amounts to a few $1000 over a lifetime. A fertility rate of 1.6 puts parental leave at around 15 weeks off per individual over a lifetime per person, 12 weeks paid maternity/40 weeks unpaid leave was introduced in 1973

What isn't counted is women are now expected to work for the bulk of their lifetimes, a good thing for personal independence and an absolute boon for capitalists/real estate agents
An invalid pension was put in in 1907. The NDIS was largely to replace existing schemes, there was some idea it might reduce bureaucratic costs, not sure if this has been seen.

Also the scheme is underfunded and demand has been steadily increasing.
The welfare state and the role of government in people's lives has grown considerably
It really hasn't. Ignoring COVID bump, ave govt spending per person has gone from $5800(01-02) to $7300(18-19), this could be put down to an aging population

Welfare expenditure
Refugees are not illegal immigrants. You are showing your far right bias there.

I'll leave it at that as you are clearly ignorant.

a refugee who comes on a boat to Australia when they have several other counrties they pass through is an illegal immigrant

That is the law and those are the ones we lock up

A refugee in a camp in Africa is a refugee. They come here legally at our invitation through a proper program.

Disagreeing with you does not make one ignorant. I understand it is straight from the extreme left handbook but it doesn't make it so
a refugee who comes on a boat to Australia when they have several other counrties they pass through is an illegal immigrant

That is the law and those are the ones we lock up

A refugee in a camp in Africa is a refugee. They come here legally at our invitation through a proper program.

Disagreeing with you does not make one ignorant. I understand it is straight from the extreme left handbook but it doesn't make it so

You are in another thread defending Trump.

Now you are in here, using his language, labelling everyone extreme left.

You are a moron. An ignorant moron.
Neoliberalism is still seen as a religion in the western world as people think there is no other way.

It has the added advantage of benefiting the Uber wealthy.
Trickle-down has been shown to be absolute BS.
Check out the tax rates in the US 'glory' reconstruction post WW2 years. Modern neocons tend to gloss over that part.
Trickle-down has been shown to be absolute BS.
Check out the tax rates in the US 'glory' reconstruction post WW2 years. Modern neocons tend to gloss over that part.

Yep, many of those who think the world is going “far left” should take notice of said tax rates in the post WW2 years.

Some people just think being left is recognising trans people and not hating gay people. We need economic policies to benefit everyone.

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Society/Culture Why do less intelligent people gravitate to conservative/right wing ideology.

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