Vic Predict the outcome of the 2018 Victorian State Election

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Firstly, I am unemployed because the place I worked at, the owner sold up, and the new owners brought their own staff with them. So, it had nothing to do with me, smartarse.

I care about a surplus, and think that a wealthy state is No.1 priority, as all other issues can then be funded. I just think more people seem to think being nice to all is better than being successful, as if they are mutually exclusive.

Hospitals get more, schools get more, people get paid more, which then creates more jobs.

Look how well the country went under Howard, because of constant surpluses, or when Kennett was premier, and things were better.

I'm getting the sense why you are poor.
You've been unemployed for a whole year because of that? Why? Did the new owners tell you that you are not allowed to work for a year after they took over?

I do hope you find a job soon but there's a point where you have to take responsibility yourself and not blame something that happened a year ago.
I thought the issue was Sudanese crime, so it's all black people is it, how is that not racist?

No, but it is THAT PARTICULAR black person who committed a crime.

Sure, it doesn't mean that they all do it, but pretending that none of them ever commit crimes is ludicrous.

I bet you think all white people commit crime then.
I take the late trains, and there is always at least one drunken idiot on board.

I was even on a train where there was a guy on ice in the next carriage, and he was attacking people. That was scary stuff.

But, if things are safe and sound in the hole you crawled out of.....

lol, I grew up in Frankston - i used to walk from frankston to seaford through Kananook in the 90's

you think im scared of seeing drunk people?

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Obviously crime and wasting a billion dollars to not build a road Victoria needs is unimportant to the Victorian voters.

To Melbourne voters you mean.

I couldn't care less if a road I'll never use is or isn't built so someone can drive to work and get there 5 mins quicker.

You keep building roads they just fill up. Spend it on public transport and/or tunnels.
Okay, if we have a strong surplus,
There is no if. You just had the facts wrong.

then how come there are so many people unemployed?

While I acknowledge your status, some perspective is needed. 25 years ago we had unemployment above 10%. It has been between 4 and 6 percent for the last decade and is currently 4.5 percent in Victoria. That's historically very low.

I have been unemployed for a year. Every job I got to, hundreds of other candidates are also applying for.

If the economy was in surplus, then there would be far more jobs (especially in retail, where I am looking to work) because people would spend more and that creates more demand, and therefore more people needing to be hired to meet demand.
Again, there is no "if" about the current economic surplus in Victoria.

The only jobs around are building jobs, because Andrews has focused on infrastructure, and kept his mates in the building union in work.
I don't work in the building sector and I have employed 5 new people this year. So no, the only jobs going are not all in the building sector.

Maybe you need a course in economics to find out that society out there doesn't reflect a prosperous and well-to-do nation. A prosperous state wouldn't have people complaining about electricity and gas prices, because they would have the money and jobs to pay it.
Wow. Where do you get off telling me this in response to you being informed that the economy is currently in surplus? Surely it is you who need to do some better research mate and not me.

The only alternative universe is one where you believe that Victoria has a healthy economy at the moment, but, no matter, Victorians care more about gays not getting picked on at school.
I rest my case. Have a nice day.
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What you have is massive immigration stuffing up the political systems in this country. Virtually all immigrants vote labor because they want more immigration to bring in their extended families and then want more social welfare handouts to support their non-contributory lifestyle at the expense of the Australian taxpayer. The political party likely to deliver this is labor who have long since given up representing working class Australians and are pretty much now the party for ideological politics, SJWs, queers and immigrants.

It is little wonder that politicians of the ilk of Tony Burke will write to the Immigration Minister in support of visas for extremist islamic hate preachers but the ABC can only report about two au pairs (those greatest sin was that they were white).

The dilution of what it is to be Australian makes me think you should only get to vote if you've been born in the country. It would also be a good idea if governments stopped funding the ABC and SBS which is essentially just a subsidy for labor's agenda.
Well that is a racist lie.

Also, the Libs were the first to use demographic targeting, mainly amongst former fascists and Nazi sympathisers fleeing the end of WWII.
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Well that is a racist lie.

Also, the Libs were the first to use demographic targeting, mainly amongs former fascists and Nazi sympathisers fleeing the end of WWII.
Many of whom ended up as Libs branch presidents and the like; and who were assiduously courted by Libs power brokers, especially Billy Snedden and his gang.
Well that is a racist lie.

Also, the Libs were the first to use demographic targeting, mainly amongs former fascists and Nazi sympathisers fleeing the end of WWII.
I thought one of the interesting things about last night is it looks like the ALP has made inroads into the Chinese Australian vote who traditionally aren't that keen on them.
What you have is massive immigration stuffing up the political systems in this country. Virtually all immigrants vote labor because they want more immigration to bring in their extended families and then want more social welfare handouts to support their non-contributory lifestyle at the expense of the Australian taxpayer. The political party likely to deliver this is labor who have long since given up representing working class Australians and are pretty much now the party for ideological politics, SJWs, queers and immigrants.

It is little wonder that politicians of the ilk of Tony Burke will write to the Immigration Minister in support of visas for extremist islamic hate preachers but the ABC can only report about two au pairs (those greatest sin was that they were white).

The dilution of what it is to be Australian makes me think you should only get to vote if you've been born in the country. It would also be a good idea if governments stopped funding the ABC and SBS which is essentially just a subsidy for labor's agenda.

I reckon you are not right wing but an aspiring satirist. Am I right?
Let’s call in the pollsters while we are at it. Way off the mark

Could it be the huge influx of young voters who registered for ssm vote are biting, but somehow the pollsters don’t poll them?
Maybe young voters more prone to telling pollsters to GAGF

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Answer me this one question then:-

-Was the perpetrator who terrorised the city with a knife, and killed Sisto, dark-skinned or wasn't he?

If he wasn't, then the police person shot the wrong guy, and should be facing investigation.

My point is, while not all dark skinned persons commit crimes, neither can you deny that there are none who ever do.

Criminals come in all shapes, races and creeds.

To show that I am not racist, how do you feel about Trolley Man, who was lauded as a hero, yet has turned out to be on a number of aggravated burgulary charges?

One of the victims was dark skinned with a Muslim sounding name
I don't think we will have a conservative govt for a long time.

I think society is gripped with political correctness, and people don't want to be seen as not being inclusive, racist, sexist, homophobic etc, so they vote in a way which makes them feel like they are a good person who accepts all.

The media and the Left have made conservatives out to be worse than Nazis, and with social media being so prominent, you will never get hard-nosed conservatives whose No1 priority is getting the budget into surplus, as caring for people has become more important, and many think that you can't be both a nice person and be wise with money as well.

Mate, the coalition are lazy that’s why they spout that crap. More and more people are getting aware of it.
I have to honest here.

I would have never though so many blue ribbon Liberal strongholds would fall in one go.

Looks almost certain that Andrew will have at least a 3 term Government.

Whatever happens here in Hawthorn, getting used to being in one of the most marginal seats in Victoria.

In what universe is Hawthorn ALP and fern tree gully (I lived there once) conservative?
I thought one of the interesting things about last night is it looks like the ALP has made inroads into the Chinese Australian vote who traditionally aren't that keen on them.
Most of the booths in my district still had people of Chinese background, most older, volunteering.

It's an extremely conservative community, even with Liberal dogwhistles, they will still mobilise to support the LNP, ultimately because the mainland knows that dogwhistles=/= imposition of trade barriers and that the party is for sale.

But yeah, this idea that all immigrants vote Labor is very wrong. For years SA and British immigrants helped cement WAs conservative status.
I don't think we will have a conservative govt for a long time.

I think society is gripped with political correctness, and people don't want to be seen as not being inclusive, racist, sexist, homophobic etc, so they vote in a way which makes them feel like they are a good person who accepts all.

The media and the Left have made conservatives out to be worse than Nazis, and with social media being so prominent, you will never get hard-nosed conservatives whose No1 priority is getting the budget into surplus, as caring for people has become more important, and many think that you can't be both a nice person and be wise with money as well.
Sick of hearing this. There is nothing inherently good or bad about a surplus!!!

Countries operate - theoretically - over long time periods, so there is not the pressing need a human possesses to pay off their loans while they can before they're too decrepit to earn a wage anymore. Britain still owes significant war debt to America, as do just so, so many European countries, who just pay off the interest on the loan while chipping away at the actual debt. Countries also generally earn more over time as they get older, unless someone screws up royally.

I really do hope you're right that we won't see conservative government for a looong time, because every time they get a run at it they dismantle the things people actually want and need, services they prize, to porkbarrel the middle class or provide exorbitant amounts of corporate welfare to business and/or their donors.

One would think the side that spends the most time talking about economics would actually understand it a little better.
I don't think we will have a conservative govt for a long time.

I think society is gripped with political correctness, and people don't want to be seen as not being inclusive, racist, sexist, homophobic etc, so they vote in a way which makes them feel like they are a good person who accepts all.

The media and the Left have made conservatives out to be worse than Nazis, and with social media being so prominent, you will never get hard-nosed conservatives whose No1 priority is getting the budget into surplus, as caring for people has become more important, and many think that you can't be both a nice person and be wise with money as well.
It's because the Coalition act as a trojan horse for industry and their only response to being accused of having no policy is to ramp up the police state.
I wonder if the dog whistle campaign actually backfired in the east. Hawthorn, Box Hill, Forest Hill, Mount Waverley all have big residential Asian communities. Most are not fans of the alp, but anecdotally I have heard a lot considered the Sudanese message anti migrant at its core.

One thing about the Andrews government is it just gets on with the job of doing the things voters expect from a state government, we rarely if ever see members of the government carrying on with petty name calling or playing one group off against another, so yes the anti immigration message from the Liberals would have hurt them.
Whatever happens here in Hawthorn, getting used to being in one of the most marginal seats in Victoria.

In what universe is Hawthorn ALP and fern tree gully (I lived there once) conservative?

Similarly Brighton and Sandringham.

Now will Guy remain leader?

Is Kroger dead man walking as state president?
Or the Libs could have a policy agenda that people wanted to vote for.
This isn't going to happen.

At the federal level, they have to pretent to at least represent the centre to hold government.

But two elections of doing this, then immediately swinging right has roused the public.

Now Morrison is pursuing a Trumpian agenda and it's openly repellent. I think the poll bump was a reflexive response to the rhetoric following a terrorist attack and maybe pollsters are gating the data, scared of printing rrgular 10+ point margins.

I wouldn't be surprised if a federal election reflected the Victorian wipeout.

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