News 2019 Rumour File - discuss rumours here! (Part 2)

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I follow the club for the footy, not for the backstage dramas whereas that seems to be the only thing some in here are interested in.

After watching us play the last two years, the backstage dramas are all we've had to look forward to.

Burton and Campo being sacked was the best day I've had as a Crows fan since the 2017 PF.
After watching us play the last two years, the backstage dramas are all we've had to look forward to.

Burton and Campo being sacked was the best day I've had as a Crows fan since the 2017 PF.
Fair comment. I too did do a little jig when the news came through.
Fair comment. I too did do a little jig when the news came through.
I suspect that over the next 12-24 months we are going to hear more and more stories leaking out about just how inept some of our staff were and the damage that was done. When it does, it is going to reflect very, very poorly on Chapman and Roo.

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I suspect that over the next 12-24 months we are going to hear more and more stories leaking out about just how inept some of our staff were and the damage that was done. When it does, it is going to reflect very, very poorly on Chapman and Roo.
We've been hearing that for two years now.

I think most on this board are going to be disappointed.
Ok... we MOSTLY have no control. Therefore, why bother with all the angst? I've sent emails to Fagan when I've not been happy about stuff. I've commented on social media if I agree with what people are putting forward (ie. call for a review, or sacking of Burton et al). But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, because they'll either do something, or they won't. Being in a perpetual mind set of "they are all evil and will only be happy when the club burns and crashes", frankly seems like too much of a bother to me. I follow the club for the footy, not for the backstage dramas whereas that seems to be the only thing some in here are interested in.
You do realise the backstage dramas affects the footy right? And that we don’t actually want backstage dramas? We prefer our club gave our footy the best chance.

As for not wanting drama, yeah that’s why you always embed yourself in it with ridiculous comments like Chapman wouldn’t know about Pykes payout
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Wouldn't think so. But have you ever seen Facebook?
Facebook vote in Football boards?

Not one AFL club with full member voting has anywhere near a board full of ex players. Same goes with the SACA.

Members would get a list of all those seeking to sit on the board & unlikely they would select all ex players. More likely to get a better cross section than just putting 1/2 position up for nomination.
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2020 is all about finding out exactly what we have , especially with all of the players that have not been given the crack the might have earned elsewhere .
Let's try some things where it is warranted so that we know where are placed and what are the draft moves coming into 2021 .
It is f..king exciting that we will have 12-15 players staking their claim throughout the season.
Develop the list , build some equity throughout , build a clear picture for the future .
I don't now about that
From the very start Nicks was not sure if he wanted a senior assitant or more help in other areas, ie Development
Latter he started to favour more development help to relace the older knowledge leaving the club.
I am suprised a lot on BF are critising the club re not wanting a senior assistant.
At this time with the last few years in mind do the players need a split leadership group, No they need 1 boss and a bunch of assistant pulling in the same direction, not 2 leaders with a bunch of assistants.
As for help for Nicks he is better of with a personnal mentor not involved with the Coaching side of things and maybe an Outside mentor.

But maybe the poeple critizing and blaming the club should have a chat to Nicks, at this time he is appoachable and very friendly. He has a strong charater and not the type to need a senior assistant.

I don’ ordinarily agree with you, but we’re on the same page here. A senior assistant is a role that you have when opportunity presents an irresistible candidate, as it did with Dean Bailey. You don’t have one just to put a name alongside a position on an org chart. Internally it happens organically anyway. Nicks will ultimately come to lean on the coach that he trusts the most. It’s unlikely he’ll be dialling Hart’s extension if he’s mulling through a few ideas and wants a bit of input from a different set of eyes. Externally, you let it be known in the industry that the cash and role is waiting to be filled, and when the right person presents, you grab them. If that doesn’t happen, WGAF?
I remember that, we stood together in shock and disgust

Time for some blowtorches to be applied to the board

Is there a thread in that? How many questions would they tolerate from any 1 member? How are they with a follow up, “yes, that’s all well and good Mr Chairman, I’m excited too, but my question was............... And that question remains unaddressed”

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Is there a thread in that? How many questions would they tolerate from any 1 member? How are they with a follow up, “yes, that’s all well and good Mr Chairman, I’m excited too, but my question was............... And that question remains unaddressed”
Did anyone read that b crouch really wanted leave Adelaide should have traded him for 15 20 and 11 next year. He will be gone next year to gc should been traded this year for maximum value 🥵
Well I'm just saying it's bullshit to say supporters have "absolutely no control over what happens at the club". Of course they do. Either through singular actions (adjusting polls) or group efforts (blowing up social media calling for a review)

or pissing Roo’s sense of superiority off so much that he puts his foot that far into his mouth that he had to wipe the shit off his shoe.
Did anyone read that b crouch really wanted leave Adelaide should have traded him for 15 20 and 11 next year. He will be gone next year to gc should been traded this year for maximum value 🥵

Did you quote the wrong post old mate? Mine was about creating a thread to put together reasonable questions to ask at an AGM and whether there’s any tolerance for that.

If Brad goes, we’ll get band 1, so something not dissimilar to that anyway, assuming we can’t match.

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