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Vax is a personal decision. I know of one person only who opted not to get the jab. What I do know the data is that is those on ventilation are mostly unvaxxed or with very significant comorbidities.
So with 33 of 36 deaths yesterday in NSW being vaccinated wouldn't they have been on ventilatiors?

Not having a dig i honestly don't know how many people die on and of ventilation.

The hospital, ICU and ventilation stats don't seem to be going down and up with deaths .

Are these people dying at home or age care facilities ?

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More people die in car crashes whilst wearing a seatbelt than those who don't, therefore seatbelts are useless. That's his point.
I'm not having a go about his straw man just his claim of peoples terrible maths without providing any of his own .

Sure if he wants to go down the comparing vax rate vs the death rate vax/unvax is perfectly fine but provide the data , do the maths and lay it out for us all .

The best indicator that they don't advertise because it goes against the narrative is age of the people dying .

This is from the article posted by amazingjoshy just before

The median age of COVID deaths is 82; Australia’s median age of all deaths in 2019 was 78 for males and 84 for females
Not sure your definition of a strawman is accurate, but anyway. From another forum:

You have to account for the fact that 93.8% of NSW over the age of 16 is vaccinated. There's about 6.7 million people over 16, so 6.25 million are vaxxed and 0.45 million are not.

Therefore the chances of dying are:
11 Jan:
Vaxxed: 1 in 695k
Unvaxxed: 1 in 225k
12 Jan:
Vaxxed: 1 in 480k
Unvaxxed: 1 in 55k
13 Jan:
Vaxxed: 1 in 445k
Unvaxxed: 1 in 55k
14 Jan:
Vaxxed: 1 in 330k
Unvaxxed: 1 in 45k
15 Jan:
Vaxxed: 1 in 390k
Unvaxxed: 1 in 115k
16 Jan:
Vaxxed: 1 in 445k
Unvaxxed: 1 in 75k

And yes age is a factor. No one has ever claimed otherwise, not sure what narrative you're referring to there.
This is from the article posted by amazingjoshy just before

The median age of COVID deaths is 82; Australia’s median age of all deaths in 2019 was 78 for males and 84 for females
My main takeaway from this is that if you're a man you should go out and catch Covid because it will add 4 years to your life.

Speaking of takeaways, I am now booster'd and ultimate double whopper'd. Open the border now IDGAF.
I'm not having a go about his straw man just his claim of peoples terrible maths without providing any of his own .

Sure if he wants to go down the comparing vax rate vs the death rate vax/unvax is perfectly fine but provide the data , do the maths and lay it out for us all .

The best indicator that they don't advertise because it goes against the narrative is age of the people dying .

This is from the article posted by amazingjoshy just before

The median age of COVID deaths is 82; Australia’s median age of all deaths in 2019 was 78 for males and 84 for females
Yeah, it's always a 'strawman' when you either disagree with it, or simply can't understand the point.

The point is clear, if nearly everyone is fully vaccinated then of course the death rate amongst those will rise to match unvaccinated.

It's simple math.
You say people are struggling with maths yet you offer no mathematical reply ?
When 50% of deaths are vaccinated from a population 90% vaccinated that means it's better to be vaccinated . Out of 1000 people 10 die for example that is 5% death rate for unvaccinated vs 0.55% of vaccinated people died . Approximately 10 times better off to be vaccinated.
What do you mean Hollywood Style bodies piling up on the streets ?
New York had morgues full and freezer trucks brought in to cope with the deaths , they also had back hoes digging up an island there to bury the dead . That wasn't vaxine companies . There was no vaxine early 2020 .
It's almost like all of the interventions put in place by governments on the back of advice from doctors and scientists helped to stop this from happening. Stay at home, social distancing, masks, oh yes and the vaccine. But because they aren't 100% people want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Read any comment on McGowan's FB posts (actually I recommend you don't do that) and you will see dozens of clowns with the "herp derr the vaccine doesn't work" BS. Does my ****ing head in. It's like, people die on the roads, road rules don't work. And why bother with seatbelts and airbags?

EDIt - just saw others have made same argument. Excuse my rant.
My main takeaway from this is that if you're a man you should go out and catch Covid because it will add 4 years to your life.

Speaking of takeaways, I am now booster'd and ultimate double whopper'd. Open the border now IDGAF.
Double Whopper? That's just ****ing reckless.
Not sure your definition of a strawman is accurate, but anyway. From another forum:

And yes age is a factor. No one has ever claimed otherwise, not sure what narrative you're referring to there.
Well the other poster has been saying that these vaccines claimed 90-95% Stopping transmission. Then the goalposts were moved to stopping serious illness .

He then pointed out 33-36 deaths were vaxxed so his argument has always been from what I can see is the pharmaceutical companies data is full of shit .

A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.Wikipedia

You seem to be arguing something different from what he is .

As for age it really is a massive factor the median age of a covid death in Australia is 82

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I'm going to sea for a month in a few days, could be a different world here in the cave when I get back.
Here's some inspiration for you all when the time comes to push through on Feb 5.

Yeah, it's always a 'strawman' when you either disagree with it, or simply can't understand the point.

The point is clear, if nearly everyone is fully vaccinated then of course the death rate amongst those will rise to match unvaccinated.

It's simple math.
I don't believe that is what he has been arguing. I think he is arguing the ever moving goalposts of the phama companies with their data on the vaccine. The same data every country used to grant emergency use
Well the other poster has been saying that these vaccines claimed 90-95% Stopping transmission. Then the goalposts were moved to stopping serious illness .

He then pointed out 33-36 deaths were vaxxed so his argument has always been from what I can see is the pharmaceutical companies data is full of sh*t .

A straw man is a form of argument and an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.Wikipedia

You seem to be arguing something different from what he is .

As for age it really is a massive factor the median age of a covid death in Australia is 82
The vaccines were 90-95% effective at preventing transmission. Over time it was discovered that the effectiveness wanes, and also, Omicron came along, reducing that effectiveness further. It's not that the data is FOS.

To the world's eternal fortune, it was also discovered that the vaccines remain largely effective at preventing severe illness and death.

One individual day (data point) where deaths skew highly towards the vaccinated is not cause for alarm. If the data continues to show, day after day, week after week, that the proportion of vaccinated people dying is at the same rate as the proportion of the populace who is vaccinated, then we have something to be worried about.
The vaccines were 90-95% effective at preventing transmission. Over time it was discovered that the effectiveness wanes, and also, Omicron came along, reducing that effectiveness further. It's not that the data is FOS.

To the world's eternal fortune, it was also discovered that the vaccines remain largely effective at preventing severe illness and death.

One individual day (data point) where deaths skew highly towards the vaccinated is not cause for alarm. If the data continues to show, day after day, week after week, that the proportion of vaccinated people dying is at the same rate as the proportion of the populace who is vaccinated, then we have something to be worried about.
I agree the data shows that vaccines work with about a 3-6 month period at stopping serious illness .

I also agree with the other poster that the phama data on their trials is highly dubious and the data shows that either the vaccine isn't anywhere near as protective as they claim or the effectiveness reduces much faster than they claim .

The truth as always is probably somewhere in between but it seems like 2 different arguments to me .

1 being if the vaccines work

2 being is the pharma data accurate
The vaccines were 90-95% effective at preventing transmission. Over time it was discovered that the effectiveness wanes, and also, Omicron came along, reducing that effectiveness further. It's not that the data is FOS.

To the world's eternal fortune, it was also discovered that the vaccines remain largely effective at preventing severe illness and death.

One individual day (data point) where deaths skew highly towards the vaccinated is not cause for alarm. If the data continues to show, day after day, week after week, that the proportion of vaccinated people dying is at the same rate as the proportion of the populace who is vaccinated, then we have something to be worried about.
Makes me wonder if the "GOALPOSTS KEEP SHIFTING" crew have even heard of evolution and mutations.
there are some basic facts that the medical profession seems agree on.

Old age reduced the strength of yoiur immune system, as a result you will be much less able to fight off a virus. Vaccination helps I guess but isnt a miracle cure. Thats who the very old are so vulnerable. They cannot help themselves largely just be super careful.

Co-morbidities sort of have the same effect in that you are less able to fight off the virus. Again Vaccination helps I guess but isnt a miracle cure. Thats who the the very ill are so vulnerable. I think nasty stuff that compromised your immune system like chemo etc is tough, but some like obesity and type two diabetias are sort of self inflicted lifestyle outcomes. They cannot help themselves largely just be super careful.

The bumber is that more than half in NSW hospitals for Covid are younger healthy unvaccinated. They are also clogging up the ICU. The can help themselves and the medical system but chose not to. So less than 5% = more that 50% of hospitalisation.

The above is not medical advice and is BF garbage, make of it as you wish.
I noticed there is a petition going around to fight Marks vaccine restrictions come 31st Jan. Last time I checked we were almost at 96% one dose and over 88% second dose.

So how many people are there over 12yo left in WA to not get vaccinated? Maybe 50k? Do they not realise they are a very small minority? A petition will do nothing.
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