Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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Saw the start of this last night when Dutton was querying whether the energy relief should be given to people on high incomes.
Dutton lost me on ABC24 this morning when he went down the path of "We were more responsible" when it came to budget time and defending their record. Bloke is playing people for fools. Knows exactly what he is doing. The less fortunate rhetoric also got quite a bit of a work over and why aren't we thinking of those struggling etc. He's banking on the fact people forget alot of things he has said in the past around stage 3'tax cuts for eg so he can flip flop his opinions to suit the narrative. A complete political hack. Problem is it works such is the gullible nature of a fair portion of the electorate.
Didn't the LNP say it, then back-tracked, then Dutton disappeared because he didn't want to say anything?

That's their current MO. Throw something out there, and if it doesn't go well, disappear and come back with something else weeks later as if the last thing never happened. Not a bad plan from opposition, but undermines credibility over time. I guess they're banking that the public doesn't give either side any credibility to begin with, so what's to lose?
Pretty much what I posted just now

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Dutton lost me on ABC24 this morning when he went down the path of "We were more responsible" when it came to budget time and defending their record. Bloke is playing people for fools. Knows exactly what he is doing. The less fortunate rhetoric also got quite a bit of a work over and why aren't we thinking of those struggling etc. He's banking on the fact people forget alot of things he has said in the past around stage 3'tax cuts for eg so he can flip flop his opinions to suit the narrative. A complete political hack. Problem is it works such is the gullible nature of a fair portion of the electorate.
And the media need to pick him up on this. Never ran a surplus, likely couldn't tell you one tangible thing they got for their largesse. They pissed money up against a wall and are still trying to lay claim to 'responsible economic managers'.
And the media need to pick him up on this. Never ran a surplus, likely couldn't tell you one tangible thing they got for their largesse. They pissed money up against a wall and are still trying to lay claim to 'responsible economic managers'.
They were always going to run into this problem. It was all very well to sit back and preach fiscal responsibility after the salad days of John Howard and consecutive surpluses from opposition as they did last last time around, and Tony Abbott exploited that to a tee. But faced with their record in government over the last twelve years they've got nothing like that to hang their hat on and look to be almost devoid of ideas beyond culture wars and yet another energy policy that's going to solve everything.
I think they will say cost of living crisis 1,000 times. Might play a drinking game, every time they say crisis and possibly die.

Full focus on the poor outer-suburban types with mortgage stress.

This will be an LNP speech which completely abandons their usual support for the top-end of town. Trickle-down will not be mentioned any more by the LNP.

Can I play a drinking game where I take a drink every time someone around here suggests people only vote a certain way because they are stupid/uneducated/ill informed/brainwashed?
humour can cut through. but giving handouts to the mega-rich is not the true labor way.


The $300 is pure retail politics.

Labor know they are facing and endless onslaught from the Murdoch media about the $275 energy price savings and broken promise bullshit from before the last election and conveniently Labor just handed out $25 more to every single person for exactly that.

It is pure John Howard middle class welfare retail politics.
Can I play a drinking game where I take a drink every time someone around here suggests people only vote a certain way because they are stupid/uneducated/ill informed/brainwashed?
You missed selfish.

I think it's almost always selfishness. I don't blame the top 10% for voting to protect their interests. Nor do I blame the 15% of people who are bigots from voting for the party of bigots (though I do consider them stupid and uneducated).

A cohort of people who vote for any party have misplaced selfishness. (You know, the kind of people who blame immigration for everything or who think ALP MPs put workers ahead of the Unions)
You missed selfish.

I think it's almost always selfishness. I don't blame the top 10% for voting to protect their interests. Nor do I blame the 15% of people who are bigots from voting for the party of bigots (though I do consider them stupid and uneducated).

A cohort of people who vote for any party have misplaced selfishness. (You know, the kind of people who blame immigration for everything or who think ALP MPs put workers ahead of the Unions)
Lack of a means test on the leccy rebate will rule out class warfare.
The $300 is pure retail politics.

Labor know they are facing and endless onslaught from the Murdoch media about the $275 energy price savings and broken promise bullshit from before the last election and conveniently Labor just handed out $25 more to every single person for exactly that.

It is pure John Howard middle class welfare retail politics.
It also directly pushes down inflation by hitting a key component, which hopefully puts less pressure on the RBA to lift interest rates…

I miss Clarke and Dawe
Lack of a means test on the leccy rebate will rule out class warfare.

it rules out class warfare, but they then fire the “we don’t need it” cannon.
The LNP is only interested in finding a political angle to criticise… our media don’t call it out… it’s an attack on democracy.

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It also directly pushes down inflation by hitting a key component, which hopefully puts less pressure on the RBA to lift interest rates…

I miss Clarke and Dawe
That's only if you assume that the $300 gets taken out of the economy (e.g. people essentially putting it in the bank). With all the other cost pressures around at the moment that is highly, highly unlikely.

Chalmers tried unsuccessfully to prosecute this case last night. It doesn't stack up.
No it won't. The LNP are jumping on it. They're gonna start dumping on rich people soon, like US Republicans bagging "the elites from colleges.
Gonna start soon? Did you see Dutton et al attack Woolies earlier this year for discontinuing a poorly selling product?

We're already there Saint. My particular favourite is private school>Arts/Law Monash>IPA types railing against elites.
I found this interesting. Which probably says more about me than the pie-chart.

In my APS career I undertook a Uni of Canberra Grad Cert that focussed on Finance and Public Administration

One of the things I most remember is the graph of government spending over the years across different flavour of governments
The reality is 95% of spending is essentially locked in to the big ticket items of pensions/family allowances welfare; defence; health; payments to states etc

The point lecturer was trying to make was governments essential points of difference was how they spend the remaining 5%

Lots of bluster toil and trouble as evidenced when we have a change of government- not a hell of a lot changes
And the media need to pick him up on this. Never ran a surplus, likely couldn't tell you one tangible thing they got for their largesse. They pissed money up against a wall and are still trying to lay claim to 'responsible economic managers'.
No chance they will. Labor gets held to a totally different standard from the media it's quite laughable. Instead of calling out the nonsense he was sprouting this morning they just moved straight to the next question. No accountability whatsoever.
To be fair, to write for a newspaper or draft a media release, you need to unlearn everything you were taught about writing in late high school.
It’s the KISS principle in action
Keep It Simple and Stupid
Are high earners really crying poor that they need the extra tax cut but don’t need the $300 rebate? What is it?
To those crying poor it’s more “this 300 is a pittance compared to the multi thousands I was going to get”

Pack of selfish campaigners.
I am one who earns that but is not whinging.
Thank you for proving my point... Can you please show me examples of where high income earners are actually saying they need the tax cuts, rather than re-posting a sh1t clickbait headline?
We have had posters in this thread claiming they need the cuts as their “bracket creep relief” to which my answer is GAGF

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