Changes v Weagles

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Two forced outs in Coffield and Richards.

I’d bring in JOD for Coffield. For Richards, I like what we did today in moving Williams back and putting Baker on the wing, and would bring Baker into the 22 for that reason.

I like those changes. I’d definitely bring in Macrae for Vandameer. Would also be tempted to give Clarke or Busslingner a go against an injury depleted WCE side. Not sure for who, though.
Two forced outs in Coffield and Richards.

I’d bring in JOD for Coffield. For Richards, I like what we did today in moving Williams back and putting Baker on the wing, and would bring Baker into the 22 for that reason.


Nothing like playing players in their best positions (Williams)

JOD won’t come in after being under done then concussed in VFL


Injured Coffield and Richards and out Vandermeer

In Macrae, Garcia, Baker (was sub)
Sub Harmes

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JOD for Coffield seems the most straightforward.
Macrea for Richards (Gallagher to get some half back time)

FB. Khamis Jones Bramble
HB. Dale O'Donnell JJ
C. Williams Libba Baker
HF. Sanders Naughton Jamarra
FF. Weightman Darcy West
R. English Bont Treloar
Int. Macrea Gags Daniel Poulter
Out: Coffield, Richards
In: Macrae, Keath

Williams to Richards role, Baker into 23 and VDM sub

I'l like JOD to come in but they didnt play him last week because of match fitness and now missed two more games since. Think he will beed a full VFL game first.
On what planet has Macrae "not done enough" after 47 disposals and 16 clearances in the VFL?
Poulter got 8 disposals today. You call that enough?
Dont Get It Fran Healy GIF by Travis
I'd love to bring in Bedendo, but from what I read he had a quiet one in the VFL.

McRae in after getting leather poisoning in the Magoo's, perhaps Poulter makes way.

Who know's, it's Bevo's wonderful wheel of selection, F$%# knows what will happen... Chooklotto was more predictable.

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Macrae should come in for Gallagher.

Was ok, but is still a split second off it at the moment. Looks like he’ll be a decent player, has plenty of time for it to click.

Keith for Coffield, Clarke or Garcia for Richard’s and re jig the back 6.
I don’t think they’ll bring in JOD off the interrupted month he’s had. WCE have a very small forward line so just some shuffling of the deck chairs needed next week with hopefully JOD & Richards in the week after.

In: Macrae, Duryea, Baker
Out: Coffield, Richards, Poulter

Williams to defence for one week.
Unlikely Bev drops Poulter after one game.

Out: Richards, Coffield
In: MacRae, Garcia

Marking might be slightly down, but JJ, Daniel and Bailey should be able to cover the pace and delivery of Richards, at least for one week.
Unlikely Bev drops Poulter after one game.

Out: Richards, Coffield
In: MacRae, Garcia

Marking might be slightly down, but JJ, Daniel and Bailey should be able to cover the pace and delivery of Richards, at least for one week.
I believe it will have to be two weeks because the Geelong game falls in the 14 day protocol.

Changes v Weagles

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