Damage control: Yet another St.Kilda scandal Part 3

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Why do you say it was the players seducing her? From what I've read, she was the one taking interstate road trips and attending footy clinics to stalk the players. Reeks of groupie.

Ill conceed that it could of been the girl who started the seduction if you would like to comment on the part of my post which stated they were using the girl for sex parties....

Now personally I dont care if they were having sex parties, but the AFL does. They cant hide behind a "respect for wmen" policy and then condone that sort of behaviour.
So if she has had players from 8 other clubs, then I doubt if she went from room to room one night to collate the album.

If correct she would have had to have done some serious clubbing/partying across different states, (where the $$ came from who knows) to attract the players into her web. So lets say over the course of 2 years she achieved this ambition, this could mean she started her conquest when she was 14 or 15 YO...Ouch!

Also, would the media generate such hype if she loaded up pictures of an ex-boyfriend i.e. a Mr Nobody?

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Yep....The anger and initial disappointment would linger but this is ones flesh & blood where are they?...somethings not right here..you just don't neglect your kids in troubled times.. Even if they don't agree and came out and said we will be getting her the best possible help we can...but nothing?

I know, right??? Where are they?

I just hope they aren't included in that huge bucket of people who have let down this kid. As if the St Kilda FC, AFL, school board and Vic Pol aren't enough!

I just can't for the life of me imagine where her parents are and why they aren't protecting their child.
Maybe, just maybe Big Sam knocked her up, and when she fronted him he lost interest. She then chased him all over the country to get him to accept responsibility for the child(s).
After getting the runaround from Daddy Sam, she then went to St Kilda admin who again fobbed her off.

By now she is fairly pissed at the Saints so she decides to go to AFL direct HQ. Guess what happens there.

Shit now hits the fan

Now i don't think any Sainters will believe this, but maybe just maybe it happened.

Why did Saint Nick pose for a photo with his **** out, while Dawson was simulating putting a rubber on the Brazilian gentleman.

Why did Dal Santo pose for a photo while rubbing one out with a flaccid roger ( i hope to god it was flaccid )

Why does Sam Gilbert have these photo's on his hard drive, and allegedly many more.

That's right " she is a skanky whore who deserves to be put in jail " ;)
I'm not a Sainter, but I still don't believe it.
I don't for a second think that you believe it either.
Very good point that.


Hinch says everything I have been thinking...

I'd think Hinch would be sympathetic.

Can't find an original media release but the discussion is here.


n a dramatic two hours of radio, Hinch also revealed he had once had
an affair with a 15-year-old girl.

Hinch said he met the girl, who was a lingerie model, at a party at
Molly Meldrum's house.

Hinch, who was 30 at the time, said he had sexual intercourse with the
girl once before he learned her age and ended their relationship.

"She was a model and I assumed she was 25," he said. "Assuming things
is always dangerous."


Hinch, who was 30 at the time, said he had sexual intercourse with the
girl once before he learned her age and ended their relationship.
i couldnt believe the dribble Hinch wrote.
why does st kilda have to give answers?
she is the age of LEGAL consent
the group sex claims, isnt iilegal, if its true, after all she did say at first it was only 3 players and different times 1 at a time.
and also hinch the saints tried to help her even thou they didnt have to, and shes throwing it back in their faces.

this girl shoplifted at the age of 14 was allegedly pregnant then, had sex with a cop, then claimed she was pregnant with twins with saints players but convidently had a miscarraige.

has changed her story every 5 minutes

St Kilda have to give answers because of what the hell Sam Gilberrt was doing with her.

so they deserve to have the photos splashed all over the internet?

this bitch couldnt give two shits about them, i dont see why we should give two shits about her and the fact she's "someone's daughter".......

There is claim that the St Kilda players didn't give two shits about her in the first place.

No the police man who charged her also admitted that she was pregnant. But hey when all else fails you can always try the Black Night line of reasoning


Trolls beating a dead horse..probably to Del's photo also :eek: who woulda thought it :D

I feel for the poor dear, mainly a condescending pity...NAH!;)

LOL at St Kilda fans getting concerned about trolls.

LOL are you that gullible you still believe a thing that dribbles out her mouth?
Of course I know that people/problems get paid to disapear, I just dont think she is a problem willing to disapear more a nutso whack job, and the pay off I referred to wasnt earlier this year when the original storm in a teacup story was driven in to the ground.

p.s. funky word you made up there, conveys a meaning while actually meaning nothing. You truly must be insightful and I shall henceforth believe every thing you say as you say it with vehemence and much repetitiveness :rolleyes:

LOL she may be untrustworthy but so is Gilbert and his club. Both have a habit of covering up and hiding these sort of things :eek:.
I'd think Hinch would be sympathetic.

Can't find an original media release but the discussion is here.


n a dramatic two hours of radio, Hinch also revealed he had once had
an affair with a 15-year-old girl.

Hinch said he met the girl, who was a lingerie model, at a party at
Molly Meldrum's house.

Hinch, who was 30 at the time, said he had sexual intercourse with the
girl once before he learned her age and ended their relationship.

"She was a model and I assumed she was 25," he said. "Assuming things
is always dangerous."


Hinch, who was 30 at the time, said he had sexual intercourse with the
girl once before he learned her age and ended their relationship.

Relevance? seems like a deflection.
Ill conceed that it could of been the girl who started the seduction if you would like to comment on the part of my post which stated they were using the girl for sex parties....
If that is true, then she could have exercised her right to decline. Again, nobody forced her to put herself in those situations. Instead, she's openly boasted how she has regularly participated in consensual group sex.
If that is true, then she could have exercised her right to decline. Again, nobody forced her to put herself in those situations. Instead, she's openly boasted how she has regularly participated in consensual group sex.

Seriously - you do know she is a child, yeah?

These comments directed to a 25 year old may ring true. But..... SHE IS A CHILD! How the Hell is that OK with anyone? Regardless of her how adult her behaviour may be, the fact remains she is in fact a kid.

Ill conceed that it could of been the girl who started the seduction if you would like to comment on the part of my post which stated they were using the girl for sex parties....

Now personally I dont care if they were having sex parties, but the AFL does. They cant hide behind a "respect for wmen" policy and then condone that sort of behaviour.

While I would never condone this sort of behaviour personally, we're talking about the AFL here, not Big Brother. And you'd be naive to believe that a lot of these girls aren't looking for this sort of thing. Make no mistake, they each use each other as much as the other does in many cases. Must have been about a year ago, a woman contacted the Herald Sun and if i recall correctly, was interviewed on triple m where she bragged about sleeping my something like 200 past and present AFL players. the overwhelming majority of which were one night stands. This is an example of a woman clearly wanting to use and be used. Now i'm not trying to criticize her, but surely if this type of behaviour is frowned upon when it involves an AFL player and warrants education about respect and responsibility, then surely by the same token these women also need to be educated on the same issue?

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Right, been on hols and offline for a few days, can't be arsed reading all the threads and posts. But is this wench the same "Saints girl" from 6 months ago?

I'm not a Sainter, but I still don't believe it.
I don't for a second think that you believe it either.

If that is true, then she could have exercised her right to decline. Again, nobody forced her to put herself in those situations. Instead, she's openly boasted how she has regularly participated in consensual group sex.

I think you have made your mind up, as to where you sit on this matter.
You barnstormed the thread with a fixed agenda.

No amount of rational thinking will change your percetion of this Girl.
A POLICEMAN who took a 17-year-old girl to a nightclub and bought her several alcoholic drinks to console her over a miscarriage, later began a sexual relationship with her, a court has heard.

The 34-year-old senior constable from a south-east suburban station was this week suspended without pay after being charged with 14 offences. He first met the girl after he arrested her for shoplifting in September this year when she was 30 weeks pregnant.

The policeman, whose identity is temporarily suppressed, had unprotected sex with the girl on four occasions; once telling her that she should wear a police shirt because that made her look ''sexy'', the Melbourne Magistrates Court heard yesterday.

Thats for the Saints fans who don't rate Derryn Hinch's version. Thats from yesterdays Age.
Seriously - you do know she is a child, yeah?

These comments directed to a 25 year old may ring true. But..... SHE IS A CHILD! How the Hell is that OK with anyone? Regardless of her how adult her behaviour may be, the fact remains she is in fact a kid.


She is not a child and anyone from age 16 to 115 is legally allowed to screw her brains out, unless they are in charge of he in a positin of authority.
Why cant you get it.
If that is true, then she could have exercised her right to decline. Again, nobody forced her to put herself in those situations. Instead, she's openly boasted how she has regularly participated in consensual group sex.

I dont believe that the term consensual applies to this girl, 16 is just a number she is obviously not mature enough or emotionally equipped to deal with that sort of situation. Thats painfully obvious to me and ive only heard her speak for 30 seconds...

Its a lesson that the players need to understand.. they also need to adhere to the guidelines the AFL expects them to follow in regards to there respect for women.

Unless you consider it appropriate for them to exchange numbers with year 11 girls during school camps or rocking up to sweet 16's with a bowl full of keys.
I'm starting to feel massively for this girl.

She needs help.. She basically needs for this to go away ASAP, and if the AFL/St Kilda actually care for her well being, all they will do is ensure she'll never release the rest of the pictures and be done with it.
To put her under financial burden like some are speculating will be too much for her.
She just lost her parents, she's put herself into a corner. She's only 17. What she did is inexcusable, but yeah..
She is not a child and anyone from age 16 to 115 is legally allowed to screw her brains out, unless they are in charge of he in a positin of authority.
Why cant you get it.

The reason her face hasn't been shown or her name made public in the wider media is because at 17 she is considered a child and as such is afforded a certain amount of protection.
She is not a child and anyone from age 16 to 115 is legally allowed to screw her brains out, unless they are in charge of he in a positin of authority.
Why cant you get it.

So, is this official St Kilda policy.
Is this part of pre season training for new recruits to the Saint Kilda Football Club?
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