Premier Lg EPL Matchday 9 - On Optus Sport

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Liverpool fan carries on like crybaby in recent match-day thread. People reciprocate in a subsequent thread.

We know where it started and who cast the first tantrum. 👍

Are you three years old? If not, how embarrassing that an adult thinks that's how the world should work. One person said something I didn't like so we all should retaliate against anyone like that person. Can't these lonehly types of people leave it to twitter/x where these types of sad individuals live.
Cunha's goal at the start of the second half was just glorious.

Then right near the end the Bournemouth defence self combusted and gifted us the winner.

Safely out of the relegation zone for now.
Are you three years old? If not, how embarrassing that an adult thinks that's how the world should work. One person said something I didn't like so we all should retaliate against anyone like that person. Can't these lonehly types of people leave it to twitter/x where these types of sad individuals live.
Lol. I wasn’t even involved, nor do I care. Just reading the aftermath.

Zidane’s antics and biased crap bores everyone on here. Not surprising you choose to ignore that, rather selective, aren’t you?

But yeah a forum where one of the posters has for 10 years taken the same embarrassingly biased position surrounding every single contentious decision involving his side is a good one. 👍
Seems like the real crybabies are the ones that continue to carry on as such.
Yes hundreds of posts crying about the same thing would indicate as much.

Reading some of your other views paints a pretty clear picture

Every position you take in life is swayed by your predispositons. You lack the ability to objectively look at anything and its ****ing tiring reading your rubbish in every thread that involves something controversial about Liverpool.

Moderators give you free reign to
argue endlessly and post endless amounts
of biased rubbish. You’re absolutely the problem here amongst other posters who actually understand the need to critically and objectively analyse things without letting your opinion be endlessly dictated by the shirt someone’s wearing.
Yes hundreds of posts crying about the same thing would indicate as much.

Reading some of your other views paints a pretty clear picture

Every position you take in life is swayed by your predispositons. You lack the ability to objectively look at anything and its ******* tiring reading your rubbish in every thread that involves something controversial about Liverpool.

Moderators give you free reign to
argue endlessly and post endless amounts
of biased rubbish. You’re absolutely the problem here amongst other posters who actually understand the need to critically and objectively analyse things without letting your opinion be endlessly dictated by the shirt someone’s wearing.

Thanks for confirming your utter lack of ability to look at anything objectively.

Including your laughably incorrect views on Liverpool.

If you want to continue a factually incorrect rant, go right ahead. Bit of Sunday arvo light entertainment never goes astray.

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And i’ve not read any of this thread except for the last page but honestly what do moderators expect when Zidane just endlessly argues like a broken record about any little thing?

It’s not only tiring but creates the climate where rubbish is posted and arguing is prominent.

No need for this level of melt fella. Breathe.
Surprised to see so much blame attributed to Raya for the Mudryk goal. He was positioned correctly for the expected cross at his near post. It was a fluke Mudryk sliced it and sailed over his head to go in at the far post. No keeper can account for that.
Yeah harsh. The GK **** up of the match was Sanchez.

And lol at White going full Aker. Looks like a flog with that do
Again, open your other eye. Tsimikas' first challenge was identical to the one Young got his first yellow for.

This was even later than Young’s first, but not one supporter can own up to admitting it. Amazing.

This was even later than Young’s first, but not one supporter can own up to admitting it. Amazing.

Just imagine how you lot would have reacted if Konate was actually awarded a second yellow card. Stayed on the pitch because of a referee error and scored the winning goal with all other match officials staying silent on the matter. .
Feels like a loss throwing it away like that, 75 minutes of top class football. But would have taken a point before the game.

Really starting to gel which is nice, just love watching Palmer play so much. Cant wait until he has Nkunku with him up forward.
Nice of Chelsea to give a helping hand to your 2nd team
No need for this level of melt fella. Breathe.
No melt, just think your views on football and other things are laughably compromised by your allegiances and predispositions.

I guess instead of complaining the easy thing is to put you on ignore as it’s a complete waste of time discussing anything with you. Should’ve done it a long time ago.
No melt, just think your views on football and other things are laughably compromised by your allegiances and predispositions.

I guess instead of complaining the easy thing is to put you on ignore as it’s a complete waste of time discussing anything with you. Should’ve done it a long time ago.

The funny thing is you are guilty of exactly the things you are complaining about while going on a huge rant.

You probably need to put yourself on ignore fella.

Premier Lg EPL Matchday 9 - On Optus Sport

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