NBA League Pass

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50% off at the moment for Black Friday I think so I just signed up through Sth Africa for ~$31

Edit- when I applied the 50% discount and paid through PayPal it went through as ~$21US however I got an email saying I authorised a payment for $42.99US even though it says in the receipt the 50% discount was applied. It won't go through until 3rd December after the 7 day trial so should I assume it is going through at the full price and cancel it? Screenshot_20211126-225027_Email.jpg
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Pissed off. I paid 300 dollars for the annual league pass, and I cannot stream two games at once (I am currently watching Suns @ Nets on my smart TV and wanted to watch the end of Wolves @ Sixers on my mobile phone)

It's shitful really..
Pissed off. I paid 300 dollars for the annual league pass, and I cannot stream two games at once (I am currently watching Suns @ Nets on my smart TV and wanted to watch the end of Wolves @ Sixers on my mobile phone)

It's shitful really..
They've really cracked down on the multi streaming this season. I share an account with a few friends... only had rare issues with multiple streaming in the past, but this season they're right onto it and it boots you straight away. No matter what device combination you use.

To be honest, I'm surprised it's taken this long for them to fix that.
Has anyone had trouble with league pass recently? I went to chuck a game on last night after not using it for a couple of weeks and games won't load on appletv or android phone app. I signed up via South Africa, are they cracking down on getting around geoblocking?
I signed up via South Africa and been watching it fine from PC (no VPN)

I doubt it's a crackdown on geoblocking as you're likely not using a VPN to watch, just getting charged annually in South African Rand.
I signed up via South Africa and been watching it fine from PC (no VPN)

I doubt it's a crackdown on geoblocking as you're likely not using a VPN to watch, just getting charged annually in South African Rand.

It's weird it's working on my android tv but Apple TV won't load the videos - I deleted the app and reinstalled on Apple TV and now the app doesn't even open just says "you're not connected to the internet" which I obviously am.

It was working on my phone before after I reinstalled the app then stopped again. Very strange, will have to reboot the modem tomorrow and see if that helps.

I tried my PC earlier too and it didn't work but after I loaded the VPN with Sth Africa location it worked which is why I suspected the geo-location being an issue.

Edit: now it's working on my phone over wifi but not 4G whereas earlier it was working on 4G but not wifi - this is doing my head in haha
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On the appletv the app wouldn't load no matter what - kept saying I was offline. Even after restarting the appletv and unplugging it etc

So I unplugged the ethernet and it still wouldn't work over home wifi BUT it did work using my phone as a hotspot! I signed in and now it's working even after plugging the ethernet back in and switching off the hotspot. Will be interesting to see what happens when I restart the app.

Judging from this I would think that my IP address has been flagged possibly however the phone was working sporadically on the home wifi and the Sony android tv was working on the home network. The phone was not working using my mobile network though (even though I used that network to hotspot to the appletv which DID work)

So confusing, at least I've got the appletv working for now, will have to test the laptop tmr.

Edit: I contacted their support last night and they've sorted it all out for me just in time to see the Celtics destroy Philly today 🙂
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Anyone signed up via VPN this season? It seems autorenews went thru fine if your account had a credit card attached but PayPal is no longer supported.

Trying to sign up fresh via VPN seems to be blocking credit card payments.

I haven't tried yet as I'll hang on til black friday and see if they have the 50% discount again. They've slashed the Aussie au a this year anyway by 50% I think but if I can get it through Turkey or Argentina for $30ish I'll opt for that.
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Genius feature. Work takes place with the corner of the eye on NBA in the corner of the screen. 10/10.

NFL Gamepass needs to take note.

NBA League Pass

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