Things You Have Done While Drunk

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-Stole somebody;s mail Box
-Stole about 50 garden gnomes and all put on some guys lawn
-Stole a bag of cement, ripped it open and poured a fair bit into a public toilet and flushed it
-Pissed in MANY mail boxes
-Threw a Bag of Flour at a Police Car
-Stole one of those kids swings set from a derelect house, put it infront of the neighbours house
-At the shed (Northbridge Pub, shit place) was talking to a girl i knew from ages back, good friend, after she walked away a bloke came up started saying "shes mine you ****** **** off" and i spat on him, ended up with 5 blokes beating the shit out of me
-Friend Passed out in some bushes, Decided to leave him there and left him in strange neighbourhood passed out
-Drunk and saw this bloke passed out in the bushes, decided to pee on his shoes
-Egged a Muzz Buzz
-Almost accidently had a threesome with 2 mates GF's
-drunk off my ass again we drove around and found a farm, had 5 carton of emu draft($19.90) and we got a set of golf clubs, and played some Midi Golf
-Nudie Run down Some road, Drunk/high Abo chick asked me if i wanted some halfway during my jog:thumbsu:
-Dropkicked my mate in the back of the head for some reason, he broke my nose.
-Made out with Lesbian, Her GF Punched me in the head
-Made out with some total Uggo for a free drink
-Let somebody taze me for 50 dollars.
-With a Certain young Football player (i wont say his name, wasnt on a list back then)got really drunk and threw empty bottles all over the outside albany go-kart track, had to bolt when police showed up
-Dug about 3 50cm Hole in a local Soccer Pitch, Origionally when we tried to dig out some swing equiptment turns out 300 kilos of Cement is under them to keep w***ers from digging them out and stealing them
-Fined 200 dollars riding my pushbike trashed
-Bashed a south African immigrant while about 8 people cheered me on(note, i didnt start this one)

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-Stole somebody;s mail Box
-Stole about 50 garden gnomes and all put on some guys lawn
-Stole a bag of cement, ripped it open and poured a fair bit into a public toilet and flushed it
-Pissed in MANY mail boxes
-Threw a Bag of Flour at a Police Car
-Stole one of those kids swings set from a derelect house, put it infront of the neighbours house
-At the shed (Northbridge Pub, shit place) was talking to a girl i knew from ages back, good friend, after she walked away a bloke came up started saying "shes mine you ****** **** off" and i spat on him, ended up with 5 blokes beating the shit out of me
-Friend Passed out in some bushes, Decided to leave him there and left him in strange neighbourhood passed out
-Drunk and saw this bloke passed out in the bushes, decided to pee on his shoes
-Egged a Muzz Buzz
-Almost accidently had a threesome with 2 mates GF's
-drunk off my ass again we drove around and found a farm, had 5 carton of emu draft($19.90) and we got a set of golf clubs, and played some Midi Golf
-Nudie Run down Some road, Drunk/high Abo chick asked me if i wanted some halfway during my jog:thumbsu:
-Dropkicked my mate in the back of the head for some reason, he broke my nose.
-Made out with Lesbian, Her GF Punched me in the head
-Made out with some total Uggo for a free drink
-Let somebody taze me for 50 dollars.
-With a Certain young Football player (i wont say his name, wasnt on a list back then)got really drunk and threw empty bottles all over the outside albany go-kart track, had to bolt when police showed up
-Dug about 3 50cm Hole in a local Soccer Pitch, Origionally when we tried to dig out some swing equiptment turns out 300 kilos of Cement is under them to keep w***ers from digging them out and stealing them
-Fined 200 dollars riding my pushbike trashed
-Bashed a south African immigrant while about 8 people cheered me on(note, i didnt start this one)

Your a ****en loose ****. No offense I think I'd rather get pissed with a few other ***** from BF before you.
Was woken up by an woman screeming in St Kilda about 5 years ago as I slept soundly. She was going ape shit. I told her to calm the **** down.

It took a while for me to realise, but she was possibly within her rights to complain as I was in her spare room and must have wandered through the door she opened to cool down her house after a hot day. I though it was the hotel me and a few other blokes had booked for a 21st. Building were slightly simmilar, but 2km's apart.

I had something sort of similar happen once. After a pub crawl in Freo I woke up in the detached back room/laundry of my house, which was a short walk from the centre of town. Only problem was I soon remembered I had moved out of that house nearly a year ago.

I still have no memory of how I got there but I managed to sneak back out before anyone saw me.
Yeah my roommate did it in our 18ths year. He was a party and got completely ****ed up then wandered down the road to this randoms place. Went out the back to this garage and hopped in a white falcon and slept there the night. Woke up at 6am and bolted.
I had a Q9 drink on the weekend then chucked it 10 seconds later. The first time I've ever chucked alcohol.

I don't remember most of the night, but it was caught on video camera. It was so hard to watch on TV the next morning with friends. >_< I wont go into anymore details. :p

The Q9 is a Quarter of Red Bull/V (250ml can), a bottle of Powerade and 9 shots of random alcohol. I had 2 of these... Straight down. (a 1.2 litre jug) 9 shots at once = ****kkkkkkk.
After the Boxing Day Test in Melbourne 2005 I woke up on the roof of a warehouse or shop in Richmond, blind drunk, then woke up back on the ground. Lost my phone and jacket in between those two points.
one of my old mates made the 4 and a half hour drive to geelong to get some maccas, passing numerous other outlets on the way. He got his food and just turned around and came home. 9 hour drive for a big mac. :p
Drank a bottle of salad dressing once
Tore a mailbox to pieces and threw it on the roof of the house we stole it from
Tore some old vine off a shop front
Trashed a garden in the main street of town
stolen several signs
thrown up in several letter boxes
punched my housemate in the nose
and most recently, punched my windscreen, and smashed it.

I'm not the most restrained drunk
Anyone willing to fess up starting shit, whether it be verbally or physically?

If so, I am interested in why you do this (apart from the obvious 'coz i was drunk' response).

I do it all the time.

It's because I have repressed homosexual tendencies and I overcompensate.
Worst was probably driving around the streets of Shepparton after a 21st, having never been there before and hence having no idea where I was going.

Scariest was waking up in my hotel room in Tokyo having no idea how I got there. I think that either my drink at the strip club was spiked, or I drank too much sake at the restaurant and it took 4 hours to hit me.

Trust me, that kind of thing is much more disconcerting when you're in a foreign city.

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one of my old mates made the 4 and a half hour drive to geelong to get some maccas, passing numerous other outlets on the way. He got his food and just turned around and came home. 9 hour drive for a big mac. :p
the old man drove from wagga wagga to a pizza shop in windsor gardens before diving back home back in the early 70's (thats around 10 hours each way just for a pizza)
like another guy said previously, spent all me money and walked home from (for perth people) Perth to Hamilton Hill, up Stirling Hwy, took 7 hours, last hour or so was in excruciating pain because i pulled a muscle in my groin (yeah yeah) and pretty much just hobbled the last few k's
I don't understand people being total ****s when it comes to peoples property. No matter how pissed I get, I don't want to go around pissing in peoples mail boxes or destroying something.

****ing w***ers.
drunk so much one night in the city that i wnt from being in a club with all my mates to waking on a cranbourne bound train just before it departed with no phone, wallet, or shoes to speak of. i had blood and vomit smeared everywhere

it was one of the more embarassing train rides
One of my work mates slept with a transvestite on his 21st a few months ago. I went home before everyone else woke up but from what I was told a bunch of the guys woke up to a half naked transvestite in the kitchen making a coffee. A few of the guys were worried they had brought him/her home with them but after a while they decided to show themselves and just flat out ask. Turns out it was the birthday boy. He had no memory of how he picked him up other then the fact they both gave each other head before he passed out. The look on his face when he woke up was priceless, They got a camera out and taped it all :D. Id post it on the web if not for fear of my life.
One of my work mates slept with a transvestite on his 21st a few months ago. I went home before everyone else woke up but from what I was told a bunch of the guys woke up to a half naked transvestite in the kitchen making a coffee. A few of the guys were worried they had brought him/her home with them but after a while they decided to show themselves and just flat out ask. Turns out it was the birthday boy. He had no memory of how he picked him up other then the fact they both gave each other head before he passed out. The look on his face when he woke up was priceless, They got a camera out and taped it all :D. Id post it on the web if not for fear of my life.

And we have a winner.:thumbsu:
And we have a winner.:thumbsu:

We lost him after about a hour and spent the rest of the night trying to find him. About 12 o clock I decided to check his house as the last resort and his car was there so we just figured he met up with his girlfriend at the time and she drove home. We just got the spare key out and stayed over as we hadnt really seen him all day.

Im SO upset I went home that 10 minutes too early. Biggest regret of the year. I was equally upset that everyone thought it was me who brought her over. I was the first one home but still...
As an impressionable youngster in high school I used to get toasted EVERY Friday and Saturday at various parks/parties around my neighbourhood.

Two VB longnecks = $5.00.
Youthful reckless abandon = Priceless.

- Mates and I stole women's underwear from a clothes line, put them on and walked into Maccers and ordered.
- Set fire to a fence in an alleyway. Within 30 mins the whole alley was on fire, fire engines everywhere.
- Once we raided lockers at a local high school, text books/bibles/atlas'/calculators etc. and sold them to people from my school.
- When they had midnight bowling at AMF, I once pissed down the gutter. No one even noticed.
- Pissed on many cars, windows and storefronts.
- Threw empty bottles from moving cars into stationary cars.
- We used to have a 'Street Van' (church group) that came around the neighbourhood at night offering a free coffee and some biscuits. Once we stole their van and ate all their biscuits.
- Ran into a milkbar with a hood over my head and swiped as many pornos (mags) as I could. The attendant chased me although I was long gone in a getaway BMX.
- We used to camp out at Brimbank Park over night. One night my mate brought a handgun and started shooting in the air. Anyway we got chased out by rangers/cops. One of the scariest nights of my life. Hiding in bushes while cop cars are crusing around with spotlights looking for us.
- Smashed countless letterboxes. Got chased a few times. My mate got smacked by an old lady once.
- Countless fights
- Countless fat chicks.

These days I prefer to drink alone.

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