Play Nice Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 6 - Prosperity Theology, The Coal Man + His Bootlickers

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I got bored today….

The this is my leader and I’m ambitious for him.
The knife in the back the very next morning.

The I’m not on holidays while my country does burn.
The don’t hold hose mate, when he finally returns.

The 2 billion recovery, I’ll get it done.
The 2 billion dollars of notional funds.

The courage and braveness of firefighting women and men.
The go and get effed from the lad of Nelligen.

The I’m off to the footy, covids alright.
The perhaps I won’t go, I’ll stay home tonight.

The Victorian wave and Gladys gold standard.
The blaming of states, just left abandoned.

The deaths of our aged, of which he does run.
The no plans in place, this ad mans a gun.

The front of the queue, and its not a stunt.
The no meeting with pfizer the lazy fat ….

The it’s not a competition, and its not a race.
The 12 week sprint, hey lets act with all haste.

The gossip of Houston’s white house invite.
The gossip turns out it was exactly right.

The staffers never told me, look I don’t know why.
The leave it to Jenny, cos she’ll clarify.

The women protestors, some would be shot.
The violent extremists, the silence they got.

The concern and sympathy for poor poor Brit.
The backgrounding of her so they can give her a clip.

The spreadsheets of colour, the marginals are taught.
The vote buying value of pork barrelling rorts.

The better money managers, that’s what’s been said.
The one trillion dollars of national debt.

The CEO bonuses is unsurprising.
The welfare to business with profits still rising.

The robodebt victims hounded they were.
The leaners, the proles are dishonest curs.

The wont hold an enquiry into allegations of rape.
The government integrity as thin as a tape.

The blind trust payment, there’s nothing to see.
The “Christian’s resigned”, we’ll just let it be.

The promise of legislated integrity and trust.
The drafted draft, wells its a complete bust.

The aukus deal and nuclear subs , yeah macron knows.
The fella from down under that…can’t hold a hose.
Keep ‘em coming! Some brilliant observations in there mate.
Abbott though came across as that person we all see at the rsl, community club or footy clubs. The hard man that gets along with everyone and says everything pretty straight. A fair few people can relate to him. The bloke who’s president of the rsl. The voice at the community club everyone listens to but might not agree with but still respects or the Footy club hard man that has a role on the committee. Goebbels just comes across as that cnut that no1 talks to that people avoid and dislike. Two very very different characters imo I can see why people voted for Abbott & I can see why people wouldn’t vote for Goebbels.
Peter Dutton gives most normal folk the willies. Absolute bottom-of-the-barrel scrape from Murdoch if so.

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Peter Dutton gives most normal folk the willies. Absolute bottom-of-the-barrel scrape from Murdoch if so.
I bet Xi is amusing himself while listening to Dutton dribble on by working out which Australian industry he can cripple next with an export ban.
I bet Xi is amusing himself while listening to Dutton dribble on by working out which Australian industry he can cripple next with an export ban.
They may exercise their brain cells this time and simply call it out as cynical electioneering.

Pitting the government against public interest would be the smart move.

Just like if we have a policy of containment against China, not constantly announcing it is the smart move.

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unless it was a boat full of Happy Clappers
The LNP at federal level as has been shown over the last two years are incapable of leading us through this next variant. They’ve ran from responsibility throughout the last two years, they’ve abandoned Australians in their biggest time of need.
How soft would you have to be to get upset over what those loons think haha.
I doubt it even happened, certainly nothing on twitter
Come listen, come listen to this one and all.
An intriguing narrative of tales so tall.
There’s stories of evil and incompetent schonks
And a cast of characters who are quite simply c….

There’s the akubra man who yells at the sky.
He’s got rosy red cheeks and likes a nice bit of thigh.

The miner, hi vis, cos play, handyman.
He wants to destroy the earth as soon as he can.

A family values man with a bit on the side.
Who rewrites our history to fill us with pride.

An alleged counterfeit forger, who’s a grants winning freak.
Cayman island millions for not even a creek.

Theres that gang of trolls, the ipa mob.
Who do the bidding of their donors so they can make a few bob.

Of course there’s some tokens, blonde, hissing and screeching.
Consumed with hate and evangelical preaching.

So how does this sound so far my friends.
Would you like too hear more or do you think it offends.
I hope you’re still with me cos the crowd up above.
Are actually the normies, they’re easy to love.

It gets worse I hear you say? Oh yes, yes its true
For what tale is complete without an evil villain or two.

He lurks in the dark, evil eyes full of hate.
A lust for war because the devils arrived at our gate.
He incarcerates children on grounds wafer thin.
We suspect it may be because of their skin.
He just doesn’t care, he cannot be shamed.
Just like the character who cannot be named.
For generations our children should be taught.
Of the terrors unleashed by Aussie Voldemort.

Our numbers man who denigrates his own state.
Is he dividing the people with division and hate?
The lost 60 billion was a bit of stinger.
Unless your nickname is ol’ butterfingers.

You think that is bad, there couldn’t possibly be more grift?
Well there’s a shape shifting monster in charge of all this.
A flip flopping ad man, happy to sell his own soul.
The retention of power is his number one goal.
A spineless coward, an overconfident jerk.
A visionless puppet behind that shit smirk.

He’ll spend your money to buy better polls.
He’ll release propaganda to his army of trolls.
He’ll lie and cheat without any shame.
After all its only a game.

He’ll talk of bubbles and what Aussies want.
Generally he’s speaking of the things that I don’t.
But this troubles not, our hero of good and what’s fair.
For Scott Morrison has learnt to really not care.

So how did you like this hideous cast?
Will we let them build our future as they have done our past?

So come in my friends, come in closer and let me teach you a line.
When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.
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Hard to close borders when his schtick is to atack WA and QLd for having closed borders
If the LNP took control like they should have at the beginning of the pandemic instead of running away and abdicating responsibility to the states we’d have all borders open because we should have worlds best practice quarantine facilities, every state/territory should have been on the same vaccine ratio, instead of penny pinching we’d have had enough vaccines earlier on. This bloody country should be booming. We have the best conditions of any country in the world and those clowns with Scumo leading the charge ran from responsibility. Ffs we have an export industry that’s pumping flat out & we should have a booming domestic travel industry atm. ****en useless pricks!!
Holding off on border restrictions for the 7 states with notable Omicron outbreaks certainly won't help them.

whats the vaccine usefulness with Omicron? If its effective we may be just jumping at shadows
whats the vaccine usefulness with Omicron? If its effective we may be just jumping at shadows

Kingswood 71 just posted this.

I should have added. He’s a very well respected poster with some great knowledge. He posted it on the sub forum on the main board.
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Hard to close borders when his schtick is to atack WA and QLd for having closed borders

Every time Morrison says something you can guarantee that exact thing will happen a fews day later;
  1. Australia has the best record in the world managing Covid - a week later Sydney is in lockdown soon to be followed by Melbourne all because of Morrison's own failures - vaccines and quarantine.
  2. "Only a coalition government can keep petrol prices down" - 2 days later petrol hits $2 a litre
  3. "Borders must be open" - same week a new Covid variant is causing nations everywhere to close borders.
The man is actually a clairvoyant - he just doesn't know it or how to harness it.
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