Roast Cardinal George Pell retains honorary role at Richmond

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Sorry Doc, forgotten how to tag. And I wasn't having a shot, I'm chewing the fat. It's a topic worthy of debate.

Yup true anyone can. But only a select few are lauded for that support. If the club hadn't considered him an eminent person, how did he get the gig in the first place?

The list of honourary members are individuals who have served their institutions and by extension the public with distinction. The kindest description I can think of for Pell is complete professional failure. No moral outrage here, clear professional failure.

In a criminal trial, the jury is guided and instructed by the judge as to what facts exist for them to reach a conclusion. The RFC booting Pell to the curb from our honourary list will have zero influence on a jury dealing with events that may have happened who knows when ago in the distant past.

But if the charges can't meet beyond reasonable doubt, what then? By doing nothing, Gale implies we should keep him as an eminent RFC representative if the DPP cannot prove he is a peadophile. I call bullshit.

I hope RFCOfficial is across this thread. Memo to Gale...governance is your complete responsibility. If you have these roll calls, ffs review them in light of current events and act accordingly. You have been caught in no man's land because you should have acted way earlier. Did the existence and interim outcome of a Royal Commission escape your attention?
But if the charges can't meet beyond reasonable doubt, what then? By doing nothing, Gale implies we should keep him as an eminent RFC representative if the DPP cannot prove he is a peadophile. I call bullshit.
I said this before. We can still review the position but doing it now is reactionary and means we can be manipulated by the media.

There is nothing to gain by doing it now.

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I said this before. We can still review the position but doing it now is reactionary and means we can be manipulated by the media.

There is nothing to gain by doing it now.

To quote 7374,

"I hope RFCOfficial is across this thread. Memo to Gale...governance is your complete responsibility. If you have these roll calls, ffs review them in light of current events and act accordingly. You have been caught in no man's land because you should have acted way earlier. Did the existence and interim outcome of a Royal Commission escape your attention?"

1) The media have got us on our lack of action and the media don't have to manipulate us. The clubs actions will be the basis on which we are judged.

2) The points made by Tigs7374, re: lack of revision of our patrons is somebody's fault. Maybe the RFC board didn't want to have a difficult conversation with Pell about his distasteful behaviour in protecting pedophiles, and thus being removed from his position.

I still maintain there is a lot to gain by removing Pell from his position now. I personally would be more impressed with RFC/Gale making a statement, saying they've reconsidered their line of action and they intend to stand him down. I don't expect it unless there was to be a loss of revenue through exodus of sponsors and members.
To quote 7374,

"I hope RFCOfficial is across this thread. Memo to Gale...governance is your complete responsibility. If you have these roll calls, ffs review them in light of current events and act accordingly. You have been caught in no man's land because you should have acted way earlier. Did the existence and interim outcome of a Royal Commission escape your attention?"

1) The media have got us on our lack of action and the media don't have to manipulate us. The clubs actions will be the basis on which we are judged.

2) The points made by Tigs7374, re: lack of revision of our patrons is somebody's fault. Maybe the RFC board didn't want to have a difficult conversation with Pell about his distasteful behaviour in protecting pedophiles, and thus being removed from his position.

I still maintain there is a lot to gain by removing Pell from his position now. I personally would be more impressed with RFC/Gale making a statement, saying they've reconsidered their line of action and they intend to stand him down. I don't expect it unless there was to be a loss of revenue through exodus of sponsors and members.
We just disagree. Could have been done earlier but now no way.
To quote 7374,

"I hope RFCOfficial is across this thread. Memo to Gale...governance is your complete responsibility. If you have these roll calls, ffs review them in light of current events and act accordingly. You have been caught in no man's land because you should have acted way earlier. Did the existence and interim outcome of a Royal Commission escape your attention?"

1) The media have got us on our lack of action and the media don't have to manipulate us. The clubs actions will be the basis on which we are judged.

2) The points made by Tigs7374, re: lack of revision of our patrons is somebody's fault. Maybe the RFC board didn't want to have a difficult conversation with Pell about his distasteful behaviour in protecting pedophiles, and thus being removed from his position.

I still maintain there is a lot to gain by removing Pell from his position now. I personally would be more impressed with RFC/Gale making a statement, saying they've reconsidered their line of action and they intend to stand him down. I don't expect it unless there was to be a loss of revenue through exodus of sponsors and members.

In typical AFL fashion, Benny has been caught in no mans land, they should have acted at the Royal commission , didn't they refuse someone's sponsorship last year because of his possible dubious connections?

They also made a song and dance about it at the time.

Poor by Benny and our board yet again,
Sorry if it's obvious. But what actually is an honorary role, and how did he (or others) get on it?

*I don't know enough about this to have an opinion either way, just curious.
There's no actual role. I can only speak to one case and it was given as recognition of significant contribution to the club. They don't get much out of it. 22 game ticket every year and not much else. Nor do they have any obligations.
“It’s really important for me to share my story because when I talk, even in my daily life to people that I don’t know or even with people I know, everybody still thinks he was guilty,” Coccoz, known as juror #10, told Fox News. “And I find it hard to believe that it’s still going on. That’s not what happened… he was accused of some horrible, horrible things and it’s a sad thing that we lost such a wonderful human being on this planet. It painted a picture of him being this monster when he spent all his life trying to do good things for children, that had to have just crushed him,” she said. “I know it would have crushed me. To rob him of the joy of what he worked so hard (for) in his life was just so, so wrong. I can only imagine for him, that was probably the reason why he had a hard time with finding that spark again. I imagine that spark was just taken away.” - Juror from the Michael Jackson trial. The point of this post? Don't be quick to judge when you know jack shit, innocent until proven guilty. Not innocent until you're made a scapegoat and hunted down for an easy story by the far left ABC. Pell deserves a fair trial. People still think Michael Jackson is guilty, and when the FBI raided his place and searched through 49 computers, they could only find man-on-women pr0n. What I find more criminal than someone charged, are the cowards that make them out to be guilty when they're innocent. OP is clueless, club did the right thing 100% and rightfully so aren't dealing with bad press.
Thank you as you saved me some time.
I would also like to add just bc evil people inside an organisation do wrong and even cover up these atrocities, it's not the organisation at fault. The Catechism does not mention these acts as being sacred acts , but abhors them.
Let's simplify things for our readers. If ten employees of the RFC were involved in pedophilia misdoings and Gale swept it under the gutter does this make the RFC as an organisation lose its entire history bc of a few low acting scoundrels? Like the Catholic Church the media would swoop and miss the point and shoot the empire rather than these low life individuals. As if the abc itself has not had any gropers and Peds floating around , yet they make out they're squeaky clean . Again in this example it's not them at fault as an organisation , but the people employed.
I've met Cardinal Pell on a number of ocassions 20 plus years ago and he blessed my two eldest children and wife , but I cannot say he's innocent or guilty in this matter as like all pedophiles they hide well behind their careers especially where trust is involved.
I'm hoping he's innocent in all of this as I would be personally upset considering all the respect I have for him, but I'm leaving it to the courts as these cases can throw up some horrifying results.
The best thing that can happen is he's given a fair trial and not the bull dust the Anti Bloody Catholics(ABC) are dishing out.
While you can't really fault Gale and the club for taking the innocent before being proven guilty stance, I'd have been happy for the club to distance themselves from Pell. Don't need to make a big song and dance about it, just put a line through his name in any formal capacity. Where there is smoke there is fire. Best case he was grossly negligent, worst case...
Thank you as you saved me some time.
I would also like to add just bc evil people inside an organisation do wrong and even cover up these atrocities, it's not the organisation at fault. The Catechism does not mention these acts as being sacred acts , but abhors them.
Let's simplify things for our readers. If ten employees of the RFC were involved in pedophilia misdoings and Gale swept it under the gutter does this make the RFC as an organisation lose its entire history bc of a few low acting scoundrels? Like the Catholic Church the media would swoop and miss the point and shoot the empire rather than these low life individuals. As if the abc itself has not had any gropers and Peds floating around , yet they make out they're squeaky clean . Again in this example it's not them at fault as an organisation , but the people employed.
I've met Cardinal Pell on a number of ocassions 20 plus years ago and he blessed my two eldest children and wife , but I cannot say he's innocent or guilty in this matter as like all pedophiles they hide well behind their careers especially where trust is involved.
I'm hoping he's innocent in all of this as I would be personally upset considering all the respect I have for him, but I'm leaving it to the courts as these cases can throw up some horrifying results.
The best thing that can happen is he's given a fair trial and not the bull dust the Anti Bloody Catholics(ABC) are dishing out.
Look up here in NNSW, and I haven't seen anything on the ABC, What have they been saying?

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Look up here in NNSW, and I haven't seen anything on the ABC, What have they been saying?
There's this belief that the ABC are supposedly anti-catholicism purely because they've investigated sexual abuse cases far more in-depth than your household channels 7 and 9.

Andrew Bolt went as far as saying that they're anti-christian altogether and didn't fall far short of advocating for Pell.
As I said above, he was my old primary school footy coach and he always let people know he played for the u19's and didn't pursue it because he went into the seminary. Maybe it was some silly banter that got out of hand, and it got to the point of no return where he had to keep the story alive.

If only Shane Edwards joined the seminary at age 19!
Would be more than happy for RFC to rid themselves of any association with the catholic church, no matter how small the connection is.

Unless you are well over 100 years old, the Richmond Football Club's association with the Roman Catholic Church pre-dates you. It is part of the club's heritage.
For the record, I am not Roman Catholic.
If nothing else....Pell is a liar!
First question that ought to be put to Pell when he makes it to a Victorian Court...
Did you or did you not play football for the Richmond Football Club...?!?
And if you did'nt why should the Court believe anything that comes out of your mouth...?!?
You would think that the evidence must be strong for the police to lay charges against such a powerful figure. They would be made to look like fools in court if the evidence is flimsy. If he is guilty, there will be serious repercussions for the Roman Catholic Church worldwide.
You would think that the evidence must be strong for the police to lay charges against such a powerful figure. They would be made to look like fools in court if the evidence is flimsy. If he is guilty, there will be serious repercussions for the Roman Catholic Church worldwide.

he doesnt have to leave rome, if he doesnt want to due to a lack of extradition treaties

he is apparently coming back willingly which makes you thik he or his lawyers reckon they are a good chance
Unless you are well over 100 years old, the Richmond Football Club's association with the Roman Catholic Church pre-dates you. It is part of the club's heritage.
For the record, I am not Roman Catholic.

I don't really see how it's relevant how far back the connection goes. The Catholic Church is an abhorrent and dangerous organisation and I'd prefer we had literally zero connection to it.
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