No Oppo Supporters General AFL and other clubs discussion thread. **Opposition fans not welcome**

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It's a shame that when people talk about Australian Culture, they rarely talk about Aboriginal Culture. Sadly a lot of people think to be an "True Blue Aussie" you have to follow a culture that's largely developed from English Colonisation. Just a random thought that popped into my head a few days ago.
It's a shame that when people talk about Australian Culture, they rarely talk about Aboriginal Culture. Sadly a lot of people think to be an "True Blue Aussie" you have to follow a culture that's largely developed from English Colonisation. Just a random thought that popped into my head a few days ago.
I honestly had very little idea of the depth of Aboriginal culture and its roots until a couple of years ago when I spent time in the centre. Not much time, mind you, but enough to gain heaps of respect. I think my Euro-centric education is to blame for my ignorance. It would be nice if we could do something about that for future generations.

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Who left the door open and let Adam Goodes into this thread???

Yep, don't understand why certain people have to hijack threads continually with their own agendas and ram their opinions down others throats. You want to chat about stuff not about 'General AFL and other clubs discussion', make a thread about it and those that want to trade insults and play clever can wade in.
Terminology is all we have, and it means a hell of a lot.
Well, no, it's not. We have a whole vocabulary of words to convey your view. The term "We discovered .." is not synonymous with what happened to the Aboriginals. It doesn't mean that, it has never meant that and you can't change its meaning just to suit your argument. Nor is it fair to change it and then expect everyone else to be on the same page.

As I've said, you make some salient points (particularly around reaping the benefits of colonisation), but then you go and **** it up in your delivery by presenting it like a religious nutter and telling everyone they're going to burn in hell if they don't atone for their sins. And surprise, surprise, people feel like they're on the back foot and start getting defensive. All of a sudden your once powerful message is lost.

Calling people ignorant just because they don't share your view is ridiculous.

Try taking a step back and attacking it from another angle. You want people to change their views? Present your arguments and let them come to that conclusion themselves. Trying to force it simply won't work.
I just recently found the etymology of the word 'Aboriginal' and I can't believe I didn't realise this earlier.

original=original (no kidding)

Without going into great detail I for one am deeply sorry for the events of the past. For those who say they can't say 'sorry' because they had nothing to do with it think of it like this. Do you say 'sorry' as in 'sorry for your loss' to family and friends of the deceased at a funeral, or do you not bother because you didn't cause their death?
I just recently found the etymology of the word 'Aboriginal' and I can't believe I didn't realise this earlier.

original=original (no kidding)

Without going into great detail I for one am deeply sorry for the events of the past. For those who say they can't say 'sorry' because they had nothing to do with it think of it like this. Do you say 'sorry' as in 'sorry for your loss' to family and friends of the deceased at a funeral, or do you not bother because you didn't cause their death?

I am deeply sorry for the actions of the Europeans on the original Australian peoples, and believe that we should extend our constitution to recognise their presence prior to the European arrival. I take both the Europeans and the ATSI people as being "Australian", and therefore I see it as a heritage of one of my national forefathers committing atrocities on another.

This is why I don't feel personally responsible, because I identify with both sides, I feel I am equally associated with perpetrator and victim.
Well, no, it's not. We have a whole vocabulary of words to convey your view. The term "We discovered .." is not synonymous with what happened to the Aboriginals. It doesn't mean that, it has never meant that and you can't change its meaning just to suit your argument. Nor is it fair to change it and then expect everyone else to be on the same page.
I'm not sure what you are arguing here.

I'm saying that to claim "we discovered Australia" is to ignore an entire race of people who we tried to breed out, amongst other atrocities.

As I've said, you make some salient points (particularly around reaping the benefits of colonisation), but then you go and **** it up in your delivery by presenting it like a religious nutter and telling everyone they're going to burn in hell if they don't atone for their sins. And surprise, surprise, people feel like they're on the back foot and start getting defensive. All of a sudden your once powerful message is lost.
They're your words, not mine.

The people who get defensive about my comments of what white Australia and early settlers have done to Aboriginals of this country should ask themselves why they feel that way.

Calling people ignorant just because they don't share your view is ridiculous.
I didn't say you were ignorant. I simply said that ignoring how we got to be here, and the plight of those we stood on and pushed down in order to have the lives that we do, is by the very definition, "ignorance".

Try taking a step back and attacking it from another angle. You want people to change their views? Present your arguments and let them come to that conclusion themselves. Trying to force it simply won't work.
Whether people change their views or not, doesn't really bother me. The world is full of people and belief systems that I disagree with.

It would be kinda boring if everyone agreed with me.
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I am deeply sorry for the actions of the Europeans on the original Australian peoples, and believe that we should extend our constitution to recognise their presence prior to the European arrival. I take both the Europeans and the ATSI people as being "Australian", and therefore I see it as a heritage of one of my national forefathers committing atrocities on another.

This is why I don't feel personally responsible, because I identify with both sides, I feel I am equally associated with perpetrator and victim.
Brilliant post.
I'm not sure what you are arguing here.

I'm saying that to claim "we discovered Australia" is to ignore an entire race of people who we tried to breed out, amongst other atrocities.
That's the impression that I got, but that link is tenuous at best. Ok, so the term is not technically correct, you can argue a case for that. But you can't link the proceeding atrocities to that.
They're your words, not mine.

The people who get defensive about my comments of what white Australia and early settlers have done to Aboriginals of this country should ask themselves why they feel that way.
Yeh, they are my words, that's the vibe you're giving off. And it's this vibe that makes people defensive, not your comments.
I didn't say you were ignorant. I simply said that ignoring how we got to be here, and the plight of those we stood on and pushed down in order to have the lives that we do, is by the very definition, "ignorance".
You called arupist ignorant because he didn't agree with your view. Just because he doesn't agree with your view does not mean he's ignoring the past.
Whether people change their views or not, doesn't really bother me. The world is full of people and belief systems that I disagree with.

It would be kinda boring if everyone agreed with me.
Surely you do want to change people's opinions though? Why would you not? It's clearly a topic you're passionate about. All I was saying is that there are more diplomatic ways to go about it.
Not much will have change if people still don't give a ****.

As a nation, we really don't give a shit about what happens to Aboriginal people, or the lives they lead.

In the states, they riot when a black man is murdered by police, in Australia it's barely even reported.
I don't really give a shit about anybody I don't know. Nor do most people in reality. It's stretching it to have real empathy for close (yet unknown) neighbours let alone folk from elsewhere. So when lip service is flapped in regard to caring communities and having real feelings for the indigenous peoples, I find it all a bit odd. I care about the rest of the worlds population as much as I do for people from a block away. That's right, not much until we have met, broken bread, chatted and potentially befriended.

Reminds me of all the ******s in Aus who were nearly beside themselves with shock and sadness 9/11, yet weren't moved a smidge by much greater loss of life in A Sri Lankan mud slide previous to that. People are simpletons seeking emotional relief in general which is facilitated by soulful media footage and sad faced presenters.

Walk up to a dodgy looking dude in the pub and give him a cuddle and $300 next time. Bit odd no doubt.
How's not loving the dodgy dude any different to only vaguely caring about any other unknowns indigenous or not.

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Not much will have change if people still don't give a ****.

As a nation, we really don't give a shit about what happens to Aboriginal people, or the lives they lead.

In the states, they riot when a black man is murdered by police, in Australia it's barely even reported.

The last few pages of this thread seem to indicate people do give a s... and BF is a footballing forum??
So how about that opposition team? Don't they suck! Reckon that other opposition team might be a threat to us next season. They have that player they recruited and that other player we struggle to contain. What do others think?

I don't give a shit. And I'm not going to apologise for that.;)
So how about that opposition team? Don't they suck! Reckon that other opposition team might be a threat to us next season. They have that player they recruited and that other player we struggle to contain. What do others think?
I hate that opposition team, I hate their smug fans, and the way the umpires always favour them. I hope they lose a lot of games next year, and definitely don't win the flag. Mind you, I wouldn't mind if that good player they have played for us. Does anyone know his contract status?
:pMemories, oh what a game that was in 1999 against the Sainters..I bought a vhs/dvd player / recorder this week, and set it up last night. I am going to dub some vhs onto DVDs. I watched the first vhs one this morning and dubbed it, when I found out what was on it. In that game we were down by 63 pts, oh boy do I remember that one.Seeing some of the players in that era, was great to see so many of our players. Lekkas,Croad,Harford, Graham, Salmon, Dixon, golly they played well after half time. Holland and Thompson were terrific, Crawf, so many others Vandenberg, some I haven't seen for so long. It was great to come across the old vhs..I am going to have some fun watching some
! as I have no idea what is on them...:D Takes me back 15 years, and I should have some a lot older than that one. Oh boy makes me feel younger watching those players..Memories, memories...hehe. I loved it when Peter Everitt gave away 100 metres..Great to see it again. What a win that was! :p Boring aren't i.
Definitely the 'off-season' then.

The images of Cyril weaving his magic on the M.C.G turf are representative of the perfect personification of the Aboriginal legacy & heritage that is so much a part of what makes our country unique....And, unlike Goodes....Sizzle lets his actions do the talking!;)

If that aint enuf Aboriginal culture for ya, then any one visiting Melbourne could do no worst than to visit the William Ricketts Sanctuary in the Dandenongs!
I just recently found the etymology of the word 'Aboriginal' and I can't believe I didn't realise this earlier.

original=original (no kidding)
Couldn't resist...

At the risk of getting this thread back on topic....

Pretty amusing reading the media wank over Port Adelaide sweating it out in Dubai. I live in Dubai and it's probably colder here than it is in Australia atm. 25 or so degrees everyday, not much humidity, couldn't be more pleasant's the middle of the afternoon right now and I'm sitting here in a pair of jeans. :eek:
At the risk of getting this thread back on topic....

Pretty amusing reading the media wank over Port Adelaide sweating it out in Dubai. I live in Dubai and it's probably colder here than it is in Australia atm. 25 or so degrees everyday, not much humidity, couldn't be more pleasant's the middle of the afternoon right now and I'm sitting here in a pair of jeans. :eek:
Same weather as that in Melbourne today. I recall Adelaide (the club) saying something on social media last year about how the weather in Adelaide was currently better suited for heat training than that of Dubai.
I think the Hawks have got the right idea with the QLD camp.
It's also interesting that the clubs who can least afford it are the ones doing the travelling - this equalisation is just fantastic. Personally I think that these jaunts should be deducted from payments they receive from the afl - that would keep them closer to home
At the risk of getting this thread back on topic....

Pretty amusing reading the media wank over Port Adelaide sweating it out in Dubai. I live in Dubai

OT, Rioli magic , did you go to the GF breakfast that the Australian Business Council put on at the Palms?
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