Are GWS looking to use picks 3, 12, 15, 18 and 19 purely for the draft? Or do they want to get some players in via trade?
Maybe we could upgrade pick 33 or 43 for one those later picks and offer up Byrne-Jones or Bonner?
We genuinely need to trade away a player for 2nd round. Can't see it happening another way.
Hayes, Drew, Bonner, DBJ, Farrell. DBJ with most value in that lot perhaps as an All-Australian and club BnF although he was off it best this year. I know he just resigned but yeah either him or Drew
Yeah I think north have done well. What more can you hope for to get for a player that wants out than a similar pick + a future 1st on top. That’s a good deal.In all seriousness North have actually done fine out of this deal. So have West Coast. GWS showed up, bent over and handed over the lube to make it work for everyone else, and I salute them for it.
Also west coast, despite people knocking them to get out of pick 2 and the private school vic boys and into hewett territory , whose not far behind, if at all those vic boys plus get another pick. That’s good for them.
Ports given up a lot, but the fact we get future 2nds and 3rds back helps a lot,
In the end rozee butters jhf Bergman sinn to look forward too in our midfield.
I really rate that group of players as a future midfield. High end young talent there.