Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 2

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Thats the dept who think locking up the best areas of Australia and putting a toll on it is the way to go. Also forced the removal of hundreds of stunning 80-100 year old Jacaranda and flame trees all along the freeway because someone in the department was offended that they weren't "natives".
Probably a brainstorm from one of those "cultural diversity officers" they all seem to have these days. They'd issue a statement chock full of clique words gleaned from last weeks interstate seminar notes, and then spend millions removing the trees. Its all just so damn important isn't it.
Better off sacking 2/3rds of the staff at these junkets and buy a copy of "Barry's big book of native plants" and " Beautiful tree removal for dummies".

No doubt every single department thinks that what they do is unique, not a waste of taxpayer funds, and vital in some way.
Just use a few clique words like diversity, sustainable, cultural, etc and its the beginning of an entirely new govt dept.
My local lot spend squillions each year on "festivals" that apparently "celebrates" all sorts of utter s**t that noone cares about. Noone even goes to them but apparently they are so important they must be done again next year as well.

Good way to win next election. Announce a massive fat cutting because just about every vote out there understands just how bloated the public service and local govt has become.
Hey just back from crashing an after-party of pot-smoking hippies who were celebrating stopping another back burn, somebody put their dole cheque over the bar and ordered round after round of soy lattes. Did I miss anything?
Hey just back from crashing an after-party of pot-smoking hippies who were celebrating stopping another back burn, somebody put their dole cheque over the bar and ordered round after round of soy lattes. Did I miss anything?
Hope you said hi to Bomberboyokay for us.
Hey just back from crashing an after-party of pot-smoking hippies who were celebrating stopping another back burn, somebody put their dole cheque over the bar and ordered round after round of soy lattes. Did I miss anything?
Were they radical left and woke?
Impossible. Your lot already told us the public service is packed to bursting point with cultural marxists.
With the marxists, the new left, the environmentalists and the cultural marxists all "marching through the institutions", they're going to have to start building parade grounds in every PS Department.
So much for adaption and resilience.

The stupid fat f*** thought that we'll just kick action on climate change down the road. Well guess what campaigner face it's happening now and people are looking to your sorry arse to lead on this. Which is a tragedy for our country.
Why? What would that do to reduce global emissions?
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Morrison didn't take his missus' endometriosis as a sign that god didn't want them to breed instead turning immediately to science but climate change is just a lefty plot.

How Gough drinks from the wormwood and the gall every day ....

You should father a child yourself , might broaden horizons.
Hey just back from crashing an after-party of pot-smoking hippies who were celebrating stopping another back burn, somebody put their dole cheque over the bar and ordered round after round of soy lattes. Did I miss anything?
That was generous of you to stump up your dole cheque!
Weve had gomer pyles in here tell us that 150 million to equip firefighters with proper breathing apparatus is just not feasible.
You can't even buy one good Christmas Island press conference for a measly $150m
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