Play Nice Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 6 - Prosperity Theology, The Coal Man + His Bootlickers

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Remember, this is a bloke who has only worked for government shows or a political party. Never worked in a private enterprise. "Can-do" is just another fatuous saying from bumbling #scottyfrommarketing the trickiest, most incompetent, and treacherous PM in our history.

In response to climate catastrophes, a global pandemic, changing attitudes to work, government secrecy, authoritarianism, international demands to cease mining fossil fuels plus an Australian economy facing cultural and demographic changes, Scott Morrison has offered a nonsense slogan, “can-do capitalism”.

Aren't they at something like 48%, tracking similar to last election. A lot of time for the ALP to shoot themselves in the foot again when the Greens start threatening inner-city former-safe-seats with ALP heavyweights.
Lot of time for the LNP to shoot themselves in the foot even more. It’s not the last election . We just had Jackie Lambie yelling at the LNP in the senate. It’s not going down the same path.


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The usual scare campaigning has not truly begun from the liars just yet. But it is coming.
A few , "but we know how to handle money", comments so far.
"Labor will tax you, but we wont."
Blah Blah Blah.
But most of all, the Yella peril has not really started their campaign against Labor yet. But The Yella Peril may not have as much to play with with him losing his court battles.
And then of course, there is the Evil Murdoch media to get into full swing.
The dunderheads are just waiting for their soggy brains to be washed out again with all the bullshit.
The usual scare campaigning has not truly begun from the liars just yet. But it is coming.
A few , "but we know how to handle money", comments so far.
"Labor will tax you, but we wont."
Blah Blah Blah.
But most of all, the Yella peril has not really started their campaign against Labor yet. But The Yella Peril may not have as much to play with with him losing his court battles.
And then of course, there is the Evil Murdoch media to get into full swing.
The dunderheads are just waiting for their soggy brains to be washed out again with all the bullshit.
imo the electorate wont just magically think he’s not a liar. There’s no economic boom to bribe the voters. By the time these scare campaigns come it will be to late. He’s getting lambasted every day. It’s taking it’s toll. He’s done & deep down his supporters know it.
The usual scare campaigning has not truly begun from the liars just yet. But it is coming.
A few , "but we know how to handle money", comments so far.
"Labor will tax you, but we wont."
Blah Blah Blah.
But most of all, the Yella peril has not really started their campaign against Labor yet. But The Yella Peril may not have as much to play with with him losing his court battles.
And then of course, there is the Evil Murdoch media to get into full swing.
The dunderheads are just waiting for their soggy brains to be washed out again with all the bullshit.
Oh, it's begun, check out the number of times they have used 'petrol tax' (a blatant falsehood) and 'sneaky tax' this week. And when they were called out by Steggall on truth in political advertising reform, they tried to frame it as Labor being the only ones behind scare campaigns, citing Mediscare while conveniently forgetting deaths taxes and ending the weekend.
I'm as passionate about the LNP as I am about Hawthorn tyvm. The LNPs record of Jobs and Growth will stand them in good stead.
**** its Jeff

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I'm as passionate about the LNP as I am about Hawthorn tyvm. The LNPs record of Jobs and Growth will stand them in good stead.

You realise the only reason a recession was avoided prior to covid was pump priming with migration? All those brown people and yellow people who now get blamed with all of societies ills?
You realise the only reason a recession was avoided prior to covid was pump priming with migration? All those brown people and yellow people who now get blamed with all of societies ills?
Asking if he realises anything more than "but Labor" or three word slogans like "Jobs and growth" is a pointless exercise.

Next thing you know he'll be calling Labor MPs "sneaky", as was the theme today
Aren't they at something like 48%, tracking similar to last election. A lot of time for the ALP to shoot themselves in the foot again when the Greens start threatening inner-city former-safe-seats with ALP heavyweights.

Both parties are going to have to accept increased independents and minor parties. And the sooner the better for democracy in Australia.
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