Play Nice Scott Morrison - How Long? Part 6 - Prosperity Theology, The Coal Man + His Bootlickers

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Every time Morrison says something you can guarantee that exact thing will happen a fews day later;
  1. Australia has the best record in the world managing Covid - a week later Sydney is in lockdown soon to be followed by Melbourne all because of Morrison's own failures - vaccines and quarantine.
  2. "Only a coalition government can keep petrol prices down" - 2 days later petrol hits $2 a litre
  3. "Borders must be open" - same week a new Covid variant is causing nations everywhere to close borders.
The man is actually a clairvoyant - he just doesn't know it or how to harness it.
Or…. And this is the most likely reason, he hasn’t got clue what he’s doing. That’s why his predictions are shit.

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Scott has interesting ideas about the Liberal Party's broad church, the reason du jour for the shitshow this week. This seems to be the inernal Party version of him keeping out of people's lives as long as they do things exactly the way he wants them to happen.

Scott has interesting ideas about the Liberal Party's broad church, the reason du jour for the shitshow this week. This seems to be the inernal Party version of him keeping out of people's lives as long as they do things exactly the way he wants them to happen.
He isnt very good at it
His last one was Dr Graig Kelly
It is just 48 hours since former ABC journalist Zoe Daniel announced she is going to run as an independent candidate against sitting Liberal MP Tim Wilson in the Victorian seat of Goldstein and she has already gathered together a massive team of supporters. She comes across as a focussed and veery impressive candidate whose focus on the issues of integrity and climate change would seem to place her right at the forefront of where this next election will won and lost.

Seems to me that Tim Wilson has a huge fight on his hands.

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Scott has interesting ideas about the Liberal Party's broad church, the reason du jour for the shitshow this week. This seems to be the inernal Party version of him keeping out of people's lives as long as they do things exactly the way he wants them to happen.

so he’s not only Jeffing the country he wants to Jeff the liberal party too

see the abject rabble the vic libs are now as an output from being jeffed

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They better hurry up, because they will be solely blamed should the variant cause an outbreak in Australia.

Likewise, if there is constraint on booster and childhood age vsccine supply, given a spike in demand.
If there’s an outbreak, they lose, lack of quarantine facilities for returning Aussies, they lose, close borders, they lose. The LNP have staked everything on the pandemic being over and backed themselves into a corner.
If there’s an outbreak, they lose, lack of quarantine facilities for returning Aussies, they lose, close borders, they lose. The LNP have staked everything on the pandemic being over and backed themselves into a corner.
They are big fans of throwing everything they have on red arent they?

These great economic managers….
Great comments on SMH article. This one particularly.

Good article, thank you.

It's interesting to see how Senator Lambie has grown in the job and heartening to know that there are politicians capable of learning from the experience of walking the halls of power.

The contrast with Morrison could not be more stark.

He continues to re-invent history in order to make a stirring speech supporting his religious freedom bill, forgetting how he was castigated when he did the same thing in support of his chosen date for Australia Day.

He continues to abrogate responsibility for emissions reductions by passing the buck to market forces and sinking tax payers money into a gas burning future whilst failing to invest in national fire fighting capability, despite anthropomorphic climate change being proven to be the major factor driving an 800% increase in catastrophic fires in this country.

He's decided to "wait and see" what happens before taking action on the latest Covid threat, Omicron, despite a global acknowledgement that this variant is more transmissable and may be resistant to our vaccines. No action on the international border, no action on quarantine facilities, no action at all. Sound familiar?

And that's just a glance at today's paper.

The nation is indeed rudderless and lost in a storm, and will remain so for as long as Morrison wears the captain's cap.

From this article


Scott has interesting ideas about the Liberal Party's broad church, the reason du jour for the shitshow this week. This seems to be the inernal Party version of him keeping out of people's lives as long as they do things exactly the way he wants them to happen.

Democracy baby 😳

How long are proper liberals going to cop this? It is pure Trumpism. The incompetence. The attacks on institutions. The attacks on your own. The gaslighting. The division. The lack or curiosity.

It is all pure Trump.

Picking winners in preselection is also how Morrison got in let’s not forget. Democratic process was shat on from a great height again when Morrison did his thing to Towke.

Democracy does not exist to these guys. I guess we can expect more happy clappers - what could go wrong 🙄
It is just 48 hours since former ABC journalist Zoe Daniel announced she is going to run as an independent candidate against sitting Liberal MP Tim Wilson in the Victorian seat of Goldstein and she has already gathered together a massive team of supporters. She comes across as a focussed and veery impressive candidate whose focus on the issues of integrity and climate change would seem to place her right at the forefront of where this next election will won and lost.

Seems to me that Tim Wilson has a huge fight on his hands.

Being part of the God Squad won’t get you too far in Goldstein

Scott has interesting ideas about the Liberal Party's broad church, the reason du jour for the shitshow this week. This seems to be the inernal Party version of him keeping out of people's lives as long as they do things exactly the way he wants them to happen.

Last time he was the one man show. Won’t be able to do that again
Democracy baby

How long are proper liberals going to cop this? It is pure Trumpism. The incompetence. The attacks on institutions. The attacks on your own. The gaslighting. The division. The lack or curiosity.

It is all pure Trump.

Picking winners in preselection is also how Morrison got in let’s not forget. Democratic process was shat on from a great height again when Morrison did his thing to Towke.

Democracy does not exist to these guys. I guess we can expect more happy clappers - what could go wrong

Here’s what Alegra Spenda whose father & grandfather were lib ministers thinks of today’s libs.

Everyone knows we cannot afford one more electoral cycle of spin, denial and inaction on climate change, inaction on women’s representation and inaction on the economic opportunities of the green revolution,” she said.

“If the local member is not up to the task then he needs to get out of the way.”

Spender, whose father, John Spender, was a Liberal minister, and whose grandfather Sir Percy Spender served in the Menzies government, said that “today’s Liberal party was not the same party of my father and my grandfather”.

“Wentworth is not radical and I am not a radical at all. But there are those who are trying to paint me and this wave of independents as such.

“To them I would say: trying to protect the environment or our children is not a radical choice; ensuring that our businesses are at the forefront of innovation is not a radical choice; having equal representation of women and men in parliament is not a radical choice; and making sure that our institutions have transparency and integrity is not a radical choice.”

Spender said that she would be supporting the target advocated by the Business Council of Australia of between 46%-50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and warned that unless Australia moved more swiftly in this decade it faced a “brutal transition” to a decarbonised economy after 2030.


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How am I an apologist?

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You said "Any reasonable person expected the state premiers would build the quarantine facilities when it was obvious the federal government wouldn't..."

Under the Constitution, quarantine is a federal responsibility.
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