The absolute state of Channel 7 commentary

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Luke Darcy is insufferable.

I cannot stand the way he fanboys over a number of players. When Goldsack came back in the first week of finals, it was unbearable listening to Darce blowing his load over him. He got so involved with his fairytale comeback narrative that it didn't really matter what Goldsack did because it was going to be the best thing ever. On a number of West Coast forward drives, some balls were miskicked basically straight to him but Darce carried on like he was intercepting balls he had no right to intercept because he was just coming back from an injury.

Whenever one his his chosen fanboy players does something good, you can hear him let out a little laugh and from then, you just know he's winding up into one of his 30 second wankfests. It's so painful knowing that it's coming.

I can just imagine him sitting in the commentary box and then sticking his arms out as to say to his fellow commentators, "hold on for a minute guys, this really needs to be said". Then with a massive smile on his face and a shake of the head to signify disbelief at what he's just witnessed, he launches into something like, "Awww, ha, I'll tell you what, awww, Steele Sidebottom... gee... hawww, ha, he is such a brilliant player.... the way he attacks the ball and the way he uses it... geee.... haha... you'd love to play alongside that man."

Just the ******* tone of it. Like he finds it hilarious at how good his player is; almost as if they're taking the piss out of all the other hacks on the field. He says it so slow and matter-of-factly too and he often cuts off another commentator so he can do it like it's so ******* important.
Did you see him last week in the pies change rooms he was jizzing all over eddie maguire hanging on maguires every word
Agree it was sickening listening to him carry on and on
About goldsack.
The commentary is the worst.

Sidenote: what do people think of the umpires mics being on? I cannot stand some of the umpires (ray) and its insufferable having to listen to every single asinine comment from the umpires. There is just so much unneccessary instruction from the umps to the players imo, I feel like they should really just be blowing the whistle more instead of incessantly talking. Maybe it's just me, but I really don't give a shit about their rational for why they've called something a free kick. I just want to know that they've done it, and then play on.
Commentary has gotten so bad in general that I find my love for sport waning. It's like I have to amp myself up to watch something these days because I know what shit I'm about to be served up.

My weekends consist of having the footy ruined by Basil, Dwayne, Bruce and Darcy and the Formula 1 ruined by Martin Croft.

Is soccer the only major sport that remains unmolested by sycophants?
I addressed this in a follow-up comment in this thread....

I just think Bruce has run out of chances now, despite his "status and standing". He is actively ruining the broadcast for me and many others if this thread is anything to go off.

I also believe "knowledge" of a commentator is a bit overrated. How hard is it honestly to see you’re calling Richmond v Collingwood this Friday night and then allocate a bit of time during the week to jot down a few related facts to read out during the broadcast? He probably has interns doing the research for him these days anyway.

It is much more important for commentators to call the play accurately, inject an appropriate level of excitement and refrain from regurgitating the same phrases/cliches in my opinion. I don't think Bruce does any of these things competently now.

Again, I ask your age. If you haven't grown up listening to him, that explains your unforgiving attitude towards him, which is cool. There's actually not 1 commentator who comes close for me, in regards to experience and knowledge. If there was one on air now, and you had grown up with them, you might feel the same way about them in the future. Anyway, that's my opinion, and I respect others who differ.

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I'm 34 and used to love Bruce's work back in the 90s. He was the king. Unfortunately the poster you quoted has it spot on.

His commentary these days consists of:
-homoerotic growls and moans
-repeating the same word several times in a row
-making a comment in the form of a question ending with "ay?"
-lately, he's taken to replacing the word "the" with "that" e.g. off that step, down that line, on that left

All good. You're not quite old enough to have known his full body of work. Don't disagree with some of that, but anyway, for mine he's deserved his long standing, and will go down as a far more legendary commentator than any other buffoon currently on air. But sure, maybe his time is up. He is dealing with leukaemia also, but seems to be handling it pretty well.
Whinge whinge whinge. You are already detached from the rest of the country so geographically cut yourself away if you hate the rest of us so much.
We will replace you with Fitzroy and everyone will rejoice.
Yeah kick us out poach our wingman .he ain’t worth that much
Commentary has gotten so bad in general that I find my love for sport waning. It's like I have to amp myself up to watch something these days because I know what shit I'm about to be served up.

My weekends consist of having the footy ruined by Basil, Dwayne, Bruce and Darcy and the Formula 1 ruined by Martin Croft.

Is soccer the only major sport that remains unmolested by sycophants?
Agreed. And then you go F***, it's soccer.
Again, I ask your age. If you haven't grown up listening to him, that explains your unforgiving attitude towards him, which is cool. There's actually not 1 commentator who comes close for me, in regards to experience and knowledge. If there was one on air now, and you had grown up with them, you might feel the same way about them in the future. Anyway, that's my opinion, and I respect others who differ.

I am 28, but still remember Bruce growing up and have watched most Grand Finals from the 90s on DVD/VHS. I was only 10 when the Sydney Olympics were on and did watch live, but have also re-watched footage from the games (ie. Freeman 400m) on YouTube if you're questioning my credibility. I have never found him to be anything remarkable honestly and felt he was always in Cometti's shadow whenever those two teamed up together.

I enjoy commentary from Hudson, Brayshaw, Bennett, Papalia, Speed, Carey, Nick Riewoldt, Dunstall & Dal Santo right now, but I would also have no issue calling any of those guys out if their standards slipped. I certainly don't feel locked into "Team Hudson" for life or anything just because I get nostalgic about his Nick Davis 2005 Semi Final call.

I honestly think you need to take the emotion out of it and assess things objectively - 2010s Bruce is not doing a great job. I respect that you have your own opinion, but he irritates me and many others more than any other caller.

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