The things bogans do and like

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Not necessarily. Quite a few regular people are car enthusiasts. Nobody would accuse James May of being a bogan.

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Car enthusiasts come in all shapes and forms. People into new cars, old cars, high end cars, shitboxes...

Modified car culture (which bogans loved) in Australia was all about the mechanical and getting your hands dirty. As the cars got more modern and complicated it sort of shifted a bit and you saw a lot of Commodores with big rims, dark tint and a loud exhaust that were otherwise standard.

Modified culture today is more about the electrical and the cosmetic. People hot up Japanese cars (and new Fords/Holdens to a lesser extent) by taking it somewhere for a new EFI chip or to change the fuel mapping etc. Nowhere near as common for someone to spend their weekends/evenings in the garage under the car with a set of spanners and a beer.

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Star Wars is 3 movies in the 70s/80s to most people, then the 3 movies in the 90s/00s, and now the 1 movie and 1 abortion so far in the 2010s have extended the franchise.

Star Trek has been 5 or 6 TV series and 3 (?) different series of movies. I can't tell most of them apart.
I wouldnt have Bogans as great cinema goers
Theres hasnt been a good enough Silvester Stalone Movie for a long time to get them out the door.
Modern bogan sees FLEXIBLE HOURS in job ad, thinks "Oh that sounds good" not "Oh that means the hours are shit and will change, they won't care about my sleeping pattern, expect me to drop everything on short notice, managers get every weekend and public holiday off and are driving home by 5.30pm every day but will get crabby at me if I don't call at 9am to tell them I'll be sick for nightshift 13 hours later".

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Modern bogan sees FLEXIBLE HOURS in job ad, thinks "Oh that sounds good" not "Oh that means the hours are shit and will change, they won't care about my sleeping pattern, expect me to drop everything on short notice, managers get every weekend and public holiday off and are driving home by 5.30pm every day but will get crabby at me if I don't call at 9am to tell them I'll be sick for nightshift 13 hours later".
This sounds like you are ranting about your own job.
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Hey i did a Contiki :$

It wasnt actually that bad- the group of people were fine and a mix of ages.
Yeah I did one. All they wanted to do was go clubbing and get hammered and by the end of the week most were staying in the bus instead of sightseeing. Some were even trying to convince the guide not to stop to see places. Generally prefer to run my own show.
Yeah I did one. All they wanted to do was go clubbing and get hammered and by the end of the week most were staying in the bus instead of sightseeing. Some were even trying to convince the guide not to stop to see places. Generally prefer to run my own show.

Fair enough.

our tour was a mix of partying, but people still actually did stuff and sightsee. I also took a break from the tour cause i was exhausted (June- Trek America across the US, 3 week break in the middle then a 6 week European Contiki)- so i had 8 days in Santorini on my own instead which was bliss, and re joined the tour in Budapest.
Holidays: Bali or Contiki.
Cars: Holden or Ford
Beer: VB or Draught
Sport: Cricket and footy
Dating: white or white
Housing: Pakenham or Berwick
Fashion: singlets or polos(collar up)

I've been to Bali, drive a Ford, like those beers, watch those sports (plus boxing and MMA for extra bogan points), have never dated a non cracker and like wearing singlets and polos. I fail because I leave the collar down and don't live anywhere near there.

I would add one million bogan points for my musical tastes...

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