Opinion Sack Hinkley 10 - UnTENable

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Did he happen to discuss how the forward line is humming along under the tutelage of his brother?
Bravo to the caller who ripped into Kornes about Todd Marshall saying that he should get the same criticism that Kornes hands out to Hipwood. Both of them on big money contracts and fail to deliver when it counts.

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Kornes "Kenny has done a pretty good job with not a lot of weapons"

Serious question. What would it actually take for Kane to judge Hinkley the same way he does every other Senior Coach? At what point is there an expectation of Hinkley to deliver? We are in season 12 " Remember 2012" Wore thin 7 or 8 years ago. The stats are there for everyone to see, Kane just ignores them.

Every AFL club deals with different issues with their lists or injuries or players out of form at different times. The art of Coaching actually comes into it. "Not a lot of weapons" Can Ken only be judged when he has 40 All-Australian players in his squad, all fit and healthy?
He's a pathetic weasel. Said he doesn't owe the Port list management team anything but left it open-ended about what he owes Ken. If you're reading this Kane, how does it feel to have zero integrity?
I did a video on Youtube that looked into Cornes' vendetta against Bevo and when I contrasted it with his reporting on Ken I was actually quite staggered at his double standards. Zero integrity is absolutely spot on.
You can thank the "white noise" all our problems not the spin 👇

"We've worked so hard on goal kicking in the pre season and at every training session"

~ Ken Hinkley 2018

"it is ‘critical’ to get the most out of pre-season ahead of the club’s first internal game"

~ Ken Hinkley 9 January 2023

"Let's have a look at what we've trained throughout the pre-season and see what it looks like under real pressure"

~ Ken Hinkley 23 February 2017

Don't judge us by one game, judge us by the season

~ Ken Hinkley B&F 2021

'We were handed a valuable lesson'

~ Ken Hinkley Semifinals 2023

"I said 10 or 12 weeks ago: wait until the end of the year. Wait and judge us when we can get all our people that we need on the team playing well together, give us some continuity back together and we can play at a high level."

~ Ken Hinkley 10 September 2021

"I will say this, don't judge us by one game, judge us by the collective."

~ Ken Hinkley 30 September 2021

"Does it matter when you lose your 5 in a row?".

~ Ken Hinkley Apr 17 2022

“Wouldn’t change a thing”

— Ken Hinkley 2016

"We still learning"

~ Ken Hinkley 2024

Jeepers. Time for a change. Game plan sucks.

Forwards need more space. Press has been dismantled. Our half backs are being tagged so there is no run. And teams are just filling the centre square with defenders, which is our one wood.
Good summary.
I know its a meme about declaring kenny finished, but the rozee thing could be the straw. Something as glaring as this in a standalone big game is getting a shittone if traction.
I did a video on Youtube that looked into Cornes' vendetta against Bevo and when I contrasted it with his reporting on Ken I was actually quite staggered at his double standards. Zero integrity is absolutely spot on.
Its mindblowing when you consider Bevo has been there less time, at a smaller club, with a lower H&A win %, less AAs, yet has made two grand finals and won a premiership - an efficiency rate Ken could only dream of.

Its not just Bevo either. He went after Fagan and Lyon recently whose have both made grand finals, and is similarly harsh on pretty much every other coach, even new ones.

Beyond a joke.

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Serious question. What would it actually take for Kane to judge Hinkley the same way he does every other Senior Coach? At what point is there an expectation of Hinkley to deliver? We are in season 12 " Remember 2012" Wore thin 7 or 8 years ago. The stats are there for everyone to see, Kane just ignores them.

Every AFL club deals with different issues with their lists or injuries or players out of form at different times. The art of Coaching actually comes into it. "Not a lot of weapons" Can Ken only be judged when he has 40 All-Australian players in his squad, all fit and healthy?
A good coach, with the lists and support Hinkley has had, would have at least 2 premierships over his tenure. At least.

Ang Postecoglou, a coach in a cut throat sport who sack managers on a whim.....

It wasn’t good enough and I have to take responsibility for that, it is on me,” he said.

I am the manager and I am the one putting them out there and it was not good enough.

When we put in a performance like we did in the first half it meant my message wasn’t getting through.”

When asked what message he was sending, Postecoglou was blunt with his reply.

“Come on mate, we didn’t play well, do you want me to write you a dossier of where it went wrong,” Postecoglou asked.

I feel like we’ve lost a bit of belief and conviction in our football and that is on me to change that.

“It wasn’t about conceding the [first] goal, it was our approach to playing football and we were nowhere near good enough. That is on me.

“We’ve been in a bit of a grind for a while now, that is part of our challenge and part of our growth. We have to go out there and perform and sometimes you have to grind out. We were poor today.”

Compare this to a bloke who's been given 11 plus years of unmitigated failure who blames players and "wouldn't change a thing".

Ken Hinkley is a Fraud.
I know its a meme about declaring kenny finished, but the rozee thing could be the straw. Something as glaring as this in a standalone big game is getting a shittone if traction.
still, the way media are lauding how candid he is and courageous for "owning" the decision is further proof of the bizarre media protection racket is. I am glad some are calling it for what it is - absolute stupidity and desperation.
Serious question. What would it actually take for Kane to judge Hinkley the same way he does every other Senior Coach? At what point is there an expectation of Hinkley to deliver? We are in season 12 " Remember 2012" Wore thin 7 or 8 years ago. The stats are there for everyone to see, Kane just ignores them.

Every AFL club deals with different issues with their lists or injuries or players out of form at different times. The art of Coaching actually comes into it. "Not a lot of weapons" Can Ken only be judged when he has 40 All-Australian players in his squad, all fit and healthy?

Come on dude, he’s never going to concede on this. You’ll drive yourself insane waiting for it.
still, the way media are lauding how candid he is and courageous for "owning" the decision is further proof of the bizarre media protection racket is. I am glad some are calling it for what it is - absolute stupidity and desperation.
Where was all this bravery and honesty and "ownership" of the decision to put Aliir and Jones back out on the field?
Best thread on large sherrin.

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Ohhh is that Reddit again?

Are they currently in the ‘Hinkley is a tortured genius and Port Power fans are delusional’ phase,

Or the ‘you know, I actually watched Port Power last night and something I noticed is they’re not very good when it comes to F50 dominance and shots for goal’ phase?

Ang Postecoglou, a coach in a cut throat sport who sack managers on a whim.....

It wasn’t good enough and I have to take responsibility for that, it is on me,” he said.

I am the manager and I am the one putting them out there and it was not good enough.

When we put in a performance like we did in the first half it meant my message wasn’t getting through.”

When asked what message he was sending, Postecoglou was blunt with his reply.

“Come on mate, we didn’t play well, do you want me to write you a dossier of where it went wrong,” Postecoglou asked.

I feel like we’ve lost a bit of belief and conviction in our football and that is on me to change that.

“It wasn’t about conceding the [first] goal, it was our approach to playing football and we were nowhere near good enough. That is on me.

“We’ve been in a bit of a grind for a while now, that is part of our challenge and part of our growth. We have to go out there and perform and sometimes you have to grind out. We were poor today.”

Compare this to a bloke who's been given 11 plus years of unmitigated failure who blames players and "wouldn't change a thing".

Ken Hinkley is a Fraud.
Ange’s is already under pressure in his first season at Tottenham. They are currently in 5th place in the premier league (which should mean champions league qualification next season).

Compare that to our bush league club who are happy with Ken in his 12th season without achieving anything - it’s absurd he is still employed

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