Autopsy Round 22 vs Sydney Swans @ Sydney Cricket Ground - 12/08/23 - 1:45pm

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In with a chance

But **** me.. Rory atkins just ambling after that ball at the end and not recognising that Sydney would grab and have advantage allowed.. that’s a goal given away.
Atkins kicking and speed off half back has been honestly pretty excellent these last few months but * me, if you put in efforts like that as a defender you don’t deserve to be picked
If he just keeps running and bends down and touches the ball there is no advantage and no time for a goal. Brain fart
Shoutout to Lemmens for finding a way to keep Heeney quiet in the second quarter. Hopefully it continues in the second half.
Get the defensive matchups right from the start and we probably go in up 3-4 goals at half-time. so disappointing to give up so many easy ones. Farrar-Heeney and Ballard-Hayward wasnt it.

Midfield playing well though and giving our bit part forward line a chance.

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Autopsy Round 22 vs Sydney Swans @ Sydney Cricket Ground - 12/08/23 - 1:45pm

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