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Surely the West is bleeding cash and it's only a matter of time before they wrap things up
The new editor in chief took over in January 2019, immediately made over 30 journalists redundant, brought in an increased focus on tabloid shocks and engagement farming, and then slapped up a paywall a few months into his tenure.

Since January 2019, the SevenWest share price is down 60%. It's currently the second lowest it's ever been. The lowest was also under his watch, in 2020.

Said editor in chief was just promoted to director of news and current affairs for all of Seven West (eg all of their TV news and CA programs).

Thank **** nobody watches TV anymore, because it's about to get worse.

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Surely the West is bleeding cash and it's only a matter of time before they wrap things up

The new editor in chief took over in January 2019, immediately made over 30 journalists redundant, brought in an increased focus on tabloid shocks and engagement farming, and then slapped up a paywall a few months into his tenure.

Since January 2019, the SevenWest share price is down 60%. It's currently the second lowest it's ever been. The lowest was also under his watch, in 2020.

Said editor in chief was just promoted to director of news and current affairs for all of Seven West (eg all of their TV news and CA programs).

Thank heck nobody watches TV anymore, because it's about to get worse.

How does he have a job
The new editor in chief took over in January 2019, immediately made over 30 journalists redundant, brought in an increased focus on tabloid shocks and engagement farming, and then slapped up a paywall a few months into his tenure.

Since January 2019, the SevenWest share price is down 60%. It's currently the second lowest it's ever been. The lowest was also under his watch, in 2020.

Said editor in chief was just promoted to director of news and current affairs for all of Seven West (eg all of their TV news and CA programs).

Thank heck nobody watches TV anymore, because it's about to get worse.

How does he have a job
Shame on your pharmacy for selling the West
Some lady came into my shop recently during a quite patch of the day and asked if we had the West. Told her no and then “imagine how much busy you would be if you had a few newspapers around”. Was polite and gave a little laugh but inside was laughing at such a suggestion.

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Some lady came into my shop recently during a quite patch of the day and asked if we had the West. Told her no and then “imagine how much busy you would be if you had a few newspapers around”. Was polite and gave a little laugh but inside was laughing at such a suggestion.

Didn’t know people could read at your opium den
Was saying he's deepthroating the bosses
I think the Onomatopoeia for that is "Gluck"
Used in a sentence it might look like
"It was my birthday on the weekend so my partner busted out the Gluck Gluck three thousand."

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