Media VeinMedia Presents... Opposition Analysis: S30 Edition

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I’m so glad you asked.

Vegetables are mostly grown in animal manure with blood and bone as a fertiliser.

View attachment 977775
Uhhh, I'm going to have to correct you on that one ABV. Most vegetables (ie. those commercially grown) are fertilized with urea, phosphate, potash + trace elements. Manure would only be used in small scale niche production.
Uhhh, I'm going to have to correct you on that one ABV. Most vegetables (ie. those commercially grown) are fertilized with urea, phosphate, potash + trace elements. Manure would only be used in small scale niche production.
Nup. Doesn’t suit my narrative in triggering vegans.

I’ll stick with my poorly researched claims ahthankyouverymuch!

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Nup. Doesn’t suit my narrative in triggering vegans.

I’ll stick with my poorly researched claims ahthankyouverymuch!
Vegans are more likely to only eat "organically produced" vegetables. They are generally fertilized with manure, so you can use that in your narrative.
Vegans are more likely to only eat "organically produced" vegetables. They are generally fertilized with manure, so you can use that in your narrative.
Vegan defined as: a person who does not eat or use animal products.

Manure defined as: animal dung used for fertilizing land.

So organically produced vegetables use animal products and therefore cannot be eaten by vegans
Which is fine but if you had a theme and found good reactions around said theme, that'd have been awesome
It was hard enough finding gifs that fit the conversation without adding a theme to the mix. Didn't help that I was solely on my phone for the early part of the week but it was difficult nonetheless.
Vegan defined as: a person who does not eat or use animal products.

Manure defined as: animal dung used for fertilizing land.

So organically produced vegetables use animal products and therefore cannot be eaten by vegans
Granted I'm not a vegan but this doesn't sound right to me. Manure is a natural, organic product. That is a hell of a lot more vegan-friendly than fertiliser.
Sounds like Antonio BlueVein hasn't ventured past city bounds very often :p
All the chemicals they use in mass production of food and vegetables are why people are born with severe mutations.


Vegans are more likely to only eat "organically produced" vegetables. They are generally fertilized with manure, so you can use that in your narrative.
Beauty. I’ll use that in my upcoming thesis on how vegans are not really vegans because of chicken poo.
Vegan defined as: a person who does not eat or use animal products.

Manure defined as: animal dung used for fertilizing land.

So organically produced vegetables use animal products and therefore cannot be eaten by vegans
Vegan defined as: a person who does not eat or use animal products.

Manure defined as: animal dung used for fertilizing land.

So organically produced vegetables use animal products and therefore cannot be eaten by vegans
You'd think so, but no. That segment of the world is just loaded with hypocrisy.
Granted I'm not a vegan but this doesn't sound right to me. Manure is a natural, organic product. That is a hell of a lot more vegan-friendly than fertiliser.
I mean, of course it's natural, organic and better for you. But by definition a product from an animal



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Round 10 Vs Gumbies FFC: Ratings
Round 10
Gumbies FFC Vs Baghdad Bombers at
The House Of Gumby


The Stalwart



Pretty hard to look past this poster when you are talking about Gumbies stalwarts. Has been around the joint for longer than most and is a former captain of the club. A unique individual who is never short of words, his posts are always well executed and he is one of my personal favourites.

The Up and Comer/s



I saw enough from fridge to suggest he will be a decent contributor to the league, provided he can stay active and engaged. He has a humorous side and likes to be filled with copious amounts of beer, just like any good fridge should.



Pretty hard to classify Riv as an up and comer, but I believe he’s really come into his own as a Gumby. Seems to be enjoying his time at The House of Gumby but he once posted a picture of kiwi fruit on a pizza in a Bombers PM, so him leaving the club was merely a formality.

The Gumbies didn’t have anyone the fell into The Fallen Hero category.

The Court Jester


Genghis Tron

It takes a special kind of someone to pique my twisted sense of humour, and Genghis certainly has that ability.
He has been a fantastic pick-up for the rebuilding Gumbies, and hopefully he will stay there and stick it out for the long haul. Take the time to engage him in your next match thread with the Gumbies, as he’ll either make you laugh or make you cry.
His music scares me.

The People’s Champion’s People’s Champion.



Pretty hard to go past this guy when you are talking “elite” posters.
I mean, the league MVP award is named after him since he was the first to ever win it in S15, and he has been a constant in the league ever since.
Easily one of my favourite posters kicking around at the moment, but you do NOT want to be on the receiving end of one of his epic rants. No one can scorn you quite like beezy can.
He better ****ing like this post, or I swear I’m going to have a bitch fit.
Hey beez , I’ve been meaning to ask you, who is the bloke in your avatar?

So there we have it peeps, the Gumbies analysis and ratings are all done and dusted.

Up next is our rematch with the Coney Island Warriors.

Until then, peace ✌🏻

Round 9
Baghdad Bombers Vs Las Vegas Bears
At Abdu Prison


The Stalwart.

The Las Vegas Bears didn’t have anyone that fit into this category.

The Up and Comers.

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For a man that stumbled into the league by accident, this young rookie sure has made a splash.
After only 9 matches is already one of their best posters, and that’s no slight on the rest of the list at all. This bloke is just that good. Will certainly feature in the EKA voting come seasons end.

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Another rookie from the Las Vegas Bears, Mr Guero has captivated hearts all across the land of Sweet.
Has an incredible eye for rocks (we are up to 16) and loves a hit of golf, even if he is putting from the rough most of the time. Another who will feature in the EKA at the conclusion of the season, guero is but one important cog that will see the Bears rise in the future.

The Fallen Hero

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It pains me to say this, but I think Bono did his best work at the Wonders and should probably consider a move back there to find his spark. A generally likeable persona, U2 seemed to lack something in his latest outing against the Bombers.
I certainly hope he can get back to his best in the coming months, as a fit and firing Bono is good for the league.
He’s also gotten a bit portly, as his selfie above clearly identifies.

The Court Jester.

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Before the commencement of S30, the Bombers courted the Moose rather vigorously to try and gain his signature.
It was rutting season at the time, so he was fairly amorous in our team PM, and basically everyone had a turn.
This guy is seriously funny and was an absolute delight to post against, which puts him in the top 5 rookies this season IMO.
Hopefully he can stay engaged as he will be an asset to the league for many seasons to come.
Please don’t confuse him with a deer, or else the last thing you see before you depart this green earth is a set of antlers and an angry moose with a boner.

The People’s Champion’s People’s Champion.

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In such a short period of time the man affectionately known as “Crushy” has certainly staked his claim as a future captain of the Las Vegas Bears.
Will do absolutely anything for his teammates, and leads by example.
Loves a virtual punch on and having a laugh, Mr Crusher has an important decision ahead of him in the coming months.
Does he stick it out at the Bears, a club that needs an enforcer and someone who will go into battle for them, sometimes singlehandedly?


Does he come back to the might of the Baghdad Bombers posting unit, and let the vicious cycle continue?

Some interesting times ahead for the Las Vegas Bears.

Well peeps, another ******* round of painstaking analysis and ratings done!

Up next, the plasticine figurines from The House Of Gumby

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You .....gif
Round 11 Vs Coney Island Warriors
Round 11
Baghdad Bombers Vs Coney Island Warriors
at Abdu Prison

Round 11 saw the Warriors of Coney Island make their way to the fortress of Sweet, Abdu Prison.
The mid-season lull was in full effect as the previous encounter between the two clubs in round 4 saw 81 pages of goodness, whereas the round 11 rematch was nearly half that with only 48 pages added.

The Warriors were well down on active posters with only 10 contributors across the week, and NaturalDisaster was the only Wazza to crack the ton with an admirable 102.

The people’s S29 EKA winner, Tonga Bob , managed a solid 88 posts whilst holidaying within the 5km radius, and harry000 posted 52 times.

TheInjuryFactory stormed home in the latter half of the week to register 48 posts, and Doctor Colossus smashed a quick-fire 33 before retreating to Death Mountain to deal with a malpractice suit.

Residents stats keeper FootyGuy13 posted 22 times and absolutely obliterated all comers in the trivia night, whilst zackah posted some things from a beach in Port Douglas.

Dinsdale and RelaxMax combined for 11 and TubbsFarquhar finished on 4 N/O.

An extremely chilled week was had but that didn’t stop the Bomber legend iDon booting 9.5 in his 450th match to singlehandedly sink the Warriors on our home sand.

Up next we’ll have some ratings.
Round 11
Baghdad Bombers Vs Coney Island Warriors
at Abdu Prison

Round 11 saw the Warriors of Coney Island make their way to the fortress of Sweet, Abdu Prison.
The mid-season lull was in full effect as the previous encounter between the two clubs in round 4 saw 81 pages of goodness, whereas the round 11 rematch was nearly half that with only 48 pages added.

The Warriors were well down on active posters with only 10 contributors across the week, and NaturalDisaster was the only Wazza to crack the ton with an admirable 102.

The people’s S29 EKA winner, Tonga Bob , managed a solid 88 posts whilst holidaying within the 5km radius, and harry000 posted 52 times.

TheInjuryFactory stormed home in the latter half of the week to register 48 posts, and Doctor Colossus smashed a quick-fire 33 before retreating to Death Mountain to deal with a malpractice suit.

Residents stats keeper FootyGuy13 posted 22 times and absolutely obliterated all comers in the trivia night, whilst zackah posted some things from a beach in Port Douglas.

Dinsdale and RelaxMax combined for 11 and TubbsFarquhar finished on 4 N/O.

An extremely chilled week was had but that didn’t stop the Bomber legend iDon booting 9.5 in his 450th match to singlehandedly sink the Warriors on our home sand.

Up next we’ll have some ratings.

I lost by the way.
Round 11
Baghdad Bombers Vs Coney Island Warriors
at Abdu Prison

Round 11 saw the Warriors of Coney Island make their way to the fortress of Sweet, Abdu Prison.
The mid-season lull was in full effect as the previous encounter between the two clubs in round 4 saw 81 pages of goodness, whereas the round 11 rematch was nearly half that with only 48 pages added.

The Warriors were well down on active posters with only 10 contributors across the week, and NaturalDisaster was the only Wazza to crack the ton with an admirable 102.

The people’s S29 EKA winner, Tonga Bob , managed a solid 88 posts whilst holidaying within the 5km radius, and harry000 posted 52 times.

TheInjuryFactory stormed home in the latter half of the week to register 48 posts, and Doctor Colossus smashed a quick-fire 33 before retreating to Death Mountain to deal with a malpractice suit.

Residents stats keeper FootyGuy13 posted 22 times and absolutely obliterated all comers in the trivia night, whilst zackah posted some things from a beach in Port Douglas.

Dinsdale and RelaxMax combined for 11 and TubbsFarquhar finished on 4 N/O.

An extremely chilled week was had but that didn’t stop the Bomber legend iDon booting 9.5 in his 450th match to singlehandedly sink the Warriors on our home sand.

Up next we’ll have some ratings.

88 posts while on holidays? I deserve a pay rise TheInjuryFactory!

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