Banter Adelaide Board's Combined Politics/Covid discussion Banter Thread (WARNING NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED)

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You can’t help the stupid.

there is nothing dumber than a trump supporter… peak dumb****ery..

love how these deadshits keep going on about everyone that doesnt follow trump as being a “sheeple” whilst at the very same time they are herded into, and made to line up in, pens (all the while watched over by men on horseback) waiting to be let into a stadium to listen to the biggest con artist in human history!.. the irony of it all is austounding.

Biden is a right wing, gun totting, conservative redneck who was a poor choice for the democrats… but he’s still a thousand times better than the absolute moron he replaced.. old donald “lets all inject bleach“ trump!.
If you wanna know why Marshall will probably win the state election

Spurrier's recommendation does not surprise me at all. A couple of weeks back was speaking with a friend (NRAH insider) who felt that Spurrier was the most conservative of all the state CHOs. Back then they didn’t have a single Covid cases in hospital, and apparently their modelling (pre Omicron) if restrictions were lifted were predicting a very small number of deaths - as in low double figures.

From speaking with family and others involves in the SA public health system, it seemed like the restrictions and PPE guidance were on par with what was happening here in Victoria despite us having 1000s of new cases a day.
what an absolute muppet this ****stick is… a treasonous little toad putting the lives of Aussie embassy workers at risk by publically encouraging far right extremists to go protest infront of our embassy’s in the US..

and on the show of US conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.. a bloke so ****in low he even tried to claim the sandy hook massacre, where 20 kids aged between 6 and 7 were gunned down whilst at school, was all a great big anti-gun conspiracy and never actually happened.

can these hard right loonies get any more bat shit crazy??…

Can we please ban George from actually returning.. surely he can go live in Manila with his missus permenantly?.. or has she dumped his ignorant useless arse?..
love how these deadshits keep going on about everyone that doesnt follow trump as being a “sheeple” whilst at the very same time they are herded into, and made to line up in, pens (all the while watched over by men on horseback) waiting to be let into a stadium to listen to the biggest con artist in human history!.. the irony of it all is austounding.

Biden is a right wing, gun totting, conservative redneck who was a poor choice for the democrats… but he’s still a thousand times better than the absolute moron he replaced.. old donald “lets all inject bleach“ trump!.

Few Monday night drinks son?

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Crikey you‘re still going.

Get the missus to release some of that tension.
this is what you do isnt it.. you are so predictable.

your hard right wing hero’s are being shown up to be the absolute and utter dumb**** fools they are.. so instead of ridiculously trying to defend them (because deep down you know its just too much to try and defend it) you attack the person that is exposing them..
this is what you do isnt it.. you are so predictable.

your hard right wing hero’s are being shown up to be the absolute and utter dumbfu** fools they are.. so instead of ridiculously trying to defend them (because deep down you know its just too much to try and defend it) you attack the person that is exposing them..

I haven’t started any conversations about that.

You just lobbed onto this page and made three posts full of angry gibberish.

Calm down sister.
What's wrong with Scomo now? I support him because he's inspirational.

In that sense where he proves that anyone can rise way above their level of competence and still... well collect a paycheck I guess.

Gives me hope that I may one day make more than minimum wage. Got to say I'm pretty good at letting other people do things and looking confused.
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