DT Talk, The Coaches Box, Footy Utopia. What do people like?

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Sep 5, 2005
AFL Club
West Coast
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Out of all the Dream Team shows, websites, information, podcasts etc. Which of the following do people rate the best and what aspects do people like? And what aspects people don't like also.

Personally I think that The Coaches Box weekly show is the best in terms of analysis and insight into helping a coach pick their team. They do get very in depth with their talk, I find Molly however to have an attitude where he doesn't like being told his wrong or has made an error.

Footy Utopia however for the comedy value they bring to DT, but also they do analyse very well on their weekly SEN timeslot. Espeically Dogmat, he has some good theories and ideas.

DT Talk is great also, mainly the website aspect creating forums for coaches to discuss and also providing information about best captain choices, rookies up/down grades etc. Warnie, Calvin and Roy do a great job running the site getting it updated regularly and I'm sure this helps out lots of coaches.

All are very good sources for DT info, are there any others out there which are worth listening/watching/reading?
Out of all the Dream Team shows, websites, information, podcasts etc. Which of the following do people rate the best and what aspects do people like? And what aspects people don't like also.

Personally I think that The Coaches Box weekly show is the best in terms of analysis and insight into helping a coach pick their team. They do get very in depth with their talk, I find Molly however to have an attitude where he doesn't like being told his wrong or has made an error.

Footy Utopia however for the comedy value they bring to DT, but also they do analyse very well on their weekly SEN timeslot. Espeically Dogmat, he has some good theories and ideas.

DT Talk is great also, mainly the website aspect creating forums for coaches to discuss and also providing information about best captain choices, rookies up/down grades etc. Warnie, Calvin and Roy do a great job running the site getting it updated regularly and I'm sure this helps out lots of coaches.

All are very good sources for DT info, are there any others out there which are worth listening/watching/reading?

I don't make errors so I have no idea what your talking about!!!! :D:D:D

But more seriously, was this over the Suckling trade? I mean I was asked to defend thoughts on that, and, I think I have been shown to be pretty right on it. More generally I am happy to be told I am wrong, but often when I ask people about it, it turns out they meant Monty. People get us confused a lot!

Happy to hear your feedback though!

Can I also add my personal view is I hope we generate thought amongst coaches rather then providing a do this, do that type medium. I might be biased, but I give most of the credit to Monty as his picking of players generates most of the debate and thought on it.

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1. Footytragic
2. Coaches Box pod cast


Love the work Roy, Warnie and Calvin do on DTtalk, but sometimes the number of posts and bickering between coaches gets very boring. So haven't been to that site in a while.

As for footyutopia I was getting into it, but the whole Swandlebury theory lost them a lot of creditability IMO.
Footy Tragic has the best and most credible advice, DT talk is great for it's humerous side and advise is generally sound. I find fanfooty great for i'ts stats database, but i would take any advise from Monty( no offense):p with a grain of salt. I rate Big footy the highest, especially the thoughts of Tarquin, stubz and the like.
Tops sites i go to for best info (over the course of the season+pre-season)

1 - Footy Tragic for there State League + pre-season reports
2 - Dt talk - for the laugh each week to lighting things up.
3 - Fan footy - for pre-season team planning before dreamteam opens
4 - grimlock for his program
5 = don't use the rest meeh

I find Molly however to have an attitude where he doesn't like being told his wrong or has made an error.
Haha apologies in advance but this is a shocking call from my point of view. Molly actually listens very well in my opinion (often to well;), not being opinionated enough). This point just absolutely jumped off the page, I am of the exact opposite view. If people are still harping on about the Suckling trade than that is very sad. Look he made his decision right or wrong and it has come off to be one of the better trades of the season to this point. When people say 'bad process good reward', to Molly, do you honestly expect him to see eye to eye with you:confused:. If he thought it was a poor trade he obviously wouldn't have done it so obviously he is going to debate that point.

Anyway I would rate Footy Tragic and the Coaches Box as my two favourite references, I must admit I check FT's page every morning to get me up and going:thumbsu:
The fantasy media has really developed over the last few years along with the game, to the point were we actually have a Dream Team show.
Haha apologies in advance but this is a shocking call from my point of view. Molly actually listens very well in my opinion (often to well;), not being opinionated enough). This point just absolutely jumped off the page, I am of the exact opposite view.
Agreed, I don't listen to podcasts very often but the few times I have listened to The Coaches Box, I have really enjoyed listening to Molly as he comes across as very level headed who seems to explore the options/doesn't jump to conclusions which is exactly what you (I) want when listening to a podcast.

If people are still harping on about the Suckling trade than that is very sad. Look he made his decision right or wrong and it has come off to be one of the better trades of the season to this point. When people say 'bad process good reward', to Molly, do you honestly expect him to see eye to eye with you:confused:. If he thought it was a poor trade he obviously wouldn't have done it so obviously he is going to debate that point.
It doesn't matter whether it was a good/bad process anymore, it might have been a lower % trade/risker trade, but in the end of the day, He's the winner from it.

I don't spend that much time on other sites as I'm on the FFC forum most of the time but I really love the blogs Footy Tragic do and looking through m0nty's stats database is always great.

In the end though, all these sites offer great resources in one way or another and really overlap, the more you spend on all of these sites, the more ideas/options you get for your own team.
In the end though, all these sites offer great resources in one way or another and really overlap, the more you spend on all of these sites, the more ideas/options you get for your own team.

I think this is the key! Getting information you don't have or save time getting and throwing different theories at you that make you think.
We also aired our second TV show on C31 last night - it can now be viewed on the Footy Tragic homepage.

Hi there, I've watched the show and I think at a duration of thirty minutes (minus the adverstisements) it is nice and short and sharp.

One suggestion I would make, if possible, would be to include a few graphics/slides during the program, just to mix it up a bit. For example, if you're chatting about a midfield replacement for Selwood and referring to 4-week averages for a bunch of candidates, it might be nice to see these figures on the screen....I just think it might help digest what's being said.
Hi there, I've watched the show and I think at a duration of thirty minutes (minus the adverstisements) it is nice and short and sharp.

One suggestion I would make, if possible, would be to include a few graphics/slides during the program, just to mix it up a bit. For example, if you're chatting about a midfield replacement for Selwood and referring to 4-week averages for a bunch of candidates, it might be nice to see these figures on the screen....I just think it might help digest what's being said.

Very good advice

I think the combination of resources is good for all and I have a lot of time for many of the people out there entertaining the masses.

1. BigFooty - I tip my hate to this website, I feel that this website was the first port of call to help grow the DT/SC community. I know I stumbled upon this website and then eventually joined No Passengers and also some private forums.
This has allowed me to watch the likes of Monty (Fanfooty), Walesy(TooSerious), Warnie(DTTalk), BtG/Stubz/Bailz/...(FFC) and the FootyTragic boys develop their target audience and grow their product.

2. Fanfooty - Monty has amazing commitment and added to that fact of Molly and their podcast, I tip my hat at your dedication. Glad to see some success heading your way for a LONG hard road of effort.
I still use this site constantly no matter how much I attempt to get Monty to fix my issues with the site.
Coaches Box (Hawk Talk) - Great show that has been running for longer than most people have been playing fantasy AFL. I've enjoyed my two cameo shots. If you have a spare two hours to listen to DT, then go for gold. I often prefer this show when there is a third element to the Monty and Molly combination.

3. FFgenie - Grimlock, a free application that is amazing. I commend your ability to embrace the Web2.0 concept and provide a wonderful free service to the masses. I would be lost without your application.

3. TooSerious - I remember in the early days of this website and how it has grown. It was the online version of FFgenie and it has grown and grown and grown... Onwards and upwards. You were always the SC lover of the No Passengers group and it is great to see the growth in your product from game day scores, to trading tools and articles.

4. DTTalk - They add the fun to DT, give these guys a show on mainstream TV! Funny, hard working and entertaining while providing good quality advice. Full time jobs and still running a website, that is hard work!

5. FootyTragic - Congrats on being the first DT/SC show that I know about on mainstream TV. Only onto episode two, but there is something to work with and all the best.

6. FFC - A community that has started small and is growing quickly. If I am not mistaken Bailz is one of the head programmers and I would love to know how he gets half of the information he does. It is also good to see some more competition in the leagues. BigFooty leagues v FFC v EDT v Z league....

I think they all have their place and offer options to the users. It is so easy to get informed and put together a team and trade your way to a top 10,000 finish or a league win.

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Bigfooty, fanfooty, tooserious/ffgenie>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DTT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FFC

Sums it up well
BigFooty for my Fantasy fix during the week, + DT Talk for entertainment

Fanfooty on weekends for scores
Coaches Box (Hawk Talk) - Great show that has been running for longer than most people have been playing fantasy AFL. I've enjoyed my two cameo shots. If you have a spare two hours to listen to DT, then go for gold. I often prefer this show when there is a third element to the Monty and Molly combination.
I don't want to speak for Monty but I definitely like it with another voice. Can add an extra thought to the conversation, different ideas and often, different rivalries with us other hosts!
DTtalk is dead.

They still do stuff but the good old 10 minute a week show was the real gold. This new stuff is shit.

Hardly listen to the coaches box. I know it's hard for them to keep the time down but when you're looking at listening to a 2 hour+ podcast most of the time I decide not to.

I liked the preseason shows to discuss team building but can't see much point to yakking for hours mid season where there isn't much strategy to consider.

Footy Utopia is funny but I didn't know they were still doing stuff. Might have to check it out.
I read BF, DTTalk, FFC, Footytragic every day (multiple times). I also listen to the coaches box podcast every week and occasionally watch the footyutopia shows.

I love the coaches box, but can't stand &%^$ing "Hawk Talk". I know it's monty and molly's show, so they can do what they want, but I always zone out when that segment comes on and lose interest for the remainder of the episode. I also found the last podcast a little strange, where they invited a guest on to the show and then pretty much didn't let him talk at all! He didn't seem overly impressed either! Hahahahah... I definitely like the episodes where they have a guest that doesn't just agree with them the whole time. The pre-R1 footylover18 episode was great.

Footyutopia shits me for some reason. I just don't really like the format that much and the presenters seem a bit smug.

DTTalk used to be great when they had the weekly pre-recorded show. I think that now they're actually getting some $$$$ for their work on the DT and SC sites, it's probably hard to get motivated to spend a whole lot of time on the DTTalk website - and who can blame them? I'm also not really interested in reading articles by randoms, though some of them are worth reading. The quality of the comments in the DTTalk threads is also definitely the worst quality posting you'll find on any DT related website. ****ing tools like "tkol" really make it a chore to read.

FFC has the highest quality DT-related discussion (outside of any private forums) in my opinion, though the posting volume isn't anywhere near what you get on BF.

BigFooty is definitely the best place to keep up to date with the latest news, rumours etc, but the posting quality isn't always that great. That being said, the posting volume here is enormous, and there are always gold nuggets hidden amongst the other crap. I particularly like the famous DT coaches thread (when it's not being derailed).

Footytragic has great articles each week and I watched their first C31 episode last week. I'm sure that the more episodes they film, the more comfortable they'll be in front of the cameras - they seem a little sheepish at the moment.

All in all, I like to get different DT-related fixes from different sites and media. I like to troll the DTTalk threads, i like to listen to the coaches box podcast at work (multiple times) and I'll check the aforementioned forums and blogs many times a day. Usually the first thing I do when I get out of bed and the last thing I do before going to sleep!
I love the coaches box, but can't stand &%^$ing "Hawk Talk". I know it's monty and molly's show, so they can do what they want, but I always zone out when that segment comes on and lose interest for the remainder of the episode.

Can't agree anymore with this. I pretty much stop listening when it comes to hawk talk ... or skip forward 20 minutes.

I dont understand why molly and monty can't discuss Hawthorn games in there own time. Nearly every player that monty brings up is not fantasy relevant. It also seems weird that monty knows that everyone hates it, but he does it anyway.

It's a shame, because Molly's insights are great.
I love the coaches box, but can't stand &%^$ing "Hawk Talk". I know it's monty and molly's show, so they can do what they want, but I always zone out when that segment comes on and lose interest for the remainder of the episode. I also found the last podcast a little strange, where they invited a guest on to the show and then pretty much didn't let him talk at all! He didn't seem overly impressed either!

Which guest was this? It is a bit tricky over Skype to get good orders but if we did talk over, or ignore someone, that isn't good.

Can't agree anymore with this. I pretty much stop listening when it comes to hawk talk ... or skip forward 20 minutes.

I dont understand why molly and monty can't discuss Hawthorn games in there own time. Nearly every player that monty brings up is not fantasy relevant. It also seems weird that monty knows that everyone hates it, but he does it anyway.

It's a shame, because Molly's insights are great.

Thanks for the nice words. On Hawk talk, I always thought it was more of a joke then serious, but if it is that bad, would it be better to leave it till last team every week?
3. TooSerious - I remember in the early days of this website and how it has grown. It was the online version of FFgenie and it has grown and grown and grown... Onwards and upwards. You were always the SC lover of the No Passengers group and it is great to see the growth in your product from game day scores, to trading tools and articles.

Cheers mate, we try to put out a solid product, with well thought out articles on a weekly basis, while constantly building new innovative tools to help out both the casual SC/DTer and the ones that well, take it too seriously. :D

And while I spose I'm more of an SCer, I do find it funny that year in, year out, my DT rank always seems to be better :p
Thanks for the nice words. On Hawk talk, I always thought it was more of a joke then serious, but if it is that bad, would it be better to leave it till last team every week?

Personally, I think it would just be better to have a bit of self awareness and devote the same amount of time to Hawthorn as you do to all the other teams. This is hopefully constructive criticism though, I enjoy the show ... just find the 'joke' of hawk talk is probably not as funny as you and monty think.

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