Review Geelong defeats Port Adelaide by 34 points @ AO

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Pretty epic win on the road; Port just couldn’t handle our defensive pressure and gradually wilted.

When we apply pressure like that over 4 quarters we really are as good as any team in the comp; producing that kind of commitment every week is the key to unlocking our best football.
There were periods in the game where Port fought back hard, but I didn’t think we lapsed at any stage, which was the most pleasing thing about the win imo.

Tom Hawkins pre-game withdrawal further threw our already undermanned and unbalanced team into disarray, the late change forced Scott & co. to commit to giving Dangerfield FF minutes and handed George Horlin-Smith a rare game.

The first half was dour yet gripping; we were tight defensively and disciplined all over the ground without actually showing much fluency when in possession; it took a brilliant intercept from Stewart in the middle of the ground to inspire to the first goal of the night, a full 10 minutes into the game – Horlin-Smith on the board! From the next centre clearance Parfitt and Selwood combined superbly to find Dangerfield on a lead, and suddenly we’d gained an early ascendancy.

For their part Port were surprisingly flat early on, largely a testament to the aforementioned pressure on our part, but they knuckled down part way into the 2nd quarter and rallied to reduce the margin and wrest momentum.

Losing Scott Selwood to a pretty cynical hip n shoulder from Thomas reduced us to 19 men for the 2nd half, an all-too familiar position already this season.

But our 2nd half was every bit as committed and disciplined as our 1st; weathering a significant Power surge in the 3rd quarter before regaining resolve and hitting back late in the quarter.
I felt we were in control in the 4th quarter to the extent that with 15 minutes still on the clock I was still fairly comfortable as a supporter.

Our midfield looked as good as it has all year with plenty of strong contributors – Brandan Parfitt’s defensive work was absolutely inspirational. He was also clean and decisive with ball in hand; great vision. Joel Selwood was rock solid, Sam Menegola got his hands dirty. Tim Kelly and Mitch Duncan bobbed up and never stopped running. Murdoch, Cunico did their bit.

The defense stood up under pressure and positively thrived.

Random observations:

* Dan Menzel can be counted on to produce at least one genuine highlight each and every match; his look-away pass to set up a Menegola goal would have had Steve Johnson nodding approvingly

* I’m often critical of Dangerfield’s execution and attention to detail, but the man’s sheer strength is awesome at times. Played ok up forward but his bursts in the middle were ferocious.

* Great return from GHS; disciplined at the stoppages, with the added bonus of two vital goals, the last one the game-sealer.

* Tom Stewart is only 26 games into his career but is already leading the defense, make no mistake. His speed allows him to influence a lot of contests.*

* Jordan Murdoch’s attempt to kick on his right foot was the best laugh of the evening, although Parsons attempt to crib roughly 20m from a boundary-line mark (and subsequent conversion) came close.

* Ratugolea, Fogarty, Cunico and Henry all very solid contributors and all showed a lot of heart.

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Sorry for the intrusion guys - great win. My mums a Cats fan and she just texted "reserves for Stanley and Derm is a dickhead" so i thought id pass it on.

You should listen to your Mum! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

The only thing I could add is that Derm is a ******* ******* d!ickhead ;)

Please tell your Mum that we'd love her to join the Geelong Board on Big Footy :thumbsu:

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One of our best wins in recent memory, to restrict them to just 50pts with our light on back line was amazing! every one played there part within the structure and the coaches need to be applauded. Loved Horlen-Smith's game almost forget he was still on our list lol, Parsons best game for us I thought and Bewsy down back was superb. Dangerfield and Selwood worked hard all game, expected as always but when the game was on the line in that third quarter they dug in and rallied the whole team. Superb leadership!

Can't wait for next week massive test against a team we struggle against. Will Ablett be back?
Massively impressed by Henry. Saw him in the VFL last year and was good overhead and judging the ball in flight.

And he has not stopped this year. Seen him doing the hard stuff and just gets it done. Will have ups and down but for a Rookie pick 16 2 years ago..

Damn he's traveling well.

Kolo - becoming a real dour defender back there. Does the hard stuff and cleans up marks. becoming very dependable.
Stewart - Honours the #44 - cant be a bigger credit than that.
Kelly - Classy and becoming an early bolter for rookie of the year.
Fog - Lifting nicely and becoming a really good contributor to the 22
Sav - competes and makes the hard stuff his business.
BLitz has found his niche - Down back.

Luved all the efforts and its a great win.

GO Catters
No, thank god :p

The crowd, or what was left of it, when Selwood was announced the winner of the medal.

Thank goodness, missed that because my darling neighbour rang to see if I had enough wine + gaspers to make it through the night lol Just have to love the loving concern of neighbours in a very small town in the Bush ;) :hearts: ;) :hearts: ;) :hearts:
Nakia, a lot of people doubted our defense but you were one who stood up for it. Can't argue with anything after tonight. Was a pretty complete performance against some dangerous opponents. Just needs to work on bringing it out better.

Bring on Sydney!
Cheers. 50 Points against. Our defense has been strong all year.

Like I said before this game started, we'll beat Sydney comfortably Vdubs
* I’m often critical of Dangerfield’s execution and attention to detail, but the man’s sheer strength is awesome at times. Played ok up forward but his bursts in the middle were ferocious.

I've never seen anyone with such an ability to pounce on the ball and then get to their feet and instantly accelerate with such fluidity of motion and speed of movement as Danger. It's three actions but he does it in the blink of an eye, almost as one movement.

He did it maybe five times tonight. So exciting to watch.

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