Play Nice Politics #3 - Covideo killed the radio star

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Let's hope Creepy Joe Biden can get over the line this year. After the horrors we have had to endure with the Coronvirus the world is going to need lots of laughs and I reckon Creepy Joe can more than deliver in this dept (if nowhere else). His only concern is he has what appears to be a genuine, serious sexual allegation against him, although historically, this doesn't seem to concern Democrat voters (B Clinton).

"Creepy 2020"

Let's hope Creepy Joe Biden can get over the line this year. After the horrors we have had to endure with the Coronvirus the world is going to need lots of laughs and I reckon Creepy Joe can more than deliver in this dept (if nowhere else). His only concern is he has what appears to be a genuine, serious sexual allegation against him, although historically, this doesn't seem to concern Democrat voters (B Clinton).

"Creepy 2020"

The voters already proved that they don't mind creepy, and will vote for genuine sex offenders who even brag about "grabbing women by the pussy". Bad as he is, his history of sexual offending against women is nothing compared to Trump's.
The voters already proved that they don't mind creepy, and will vote for genuine sex offenders who even brag about "grabbing women by the pussy". Bad as he is, his history of sexual offending against women is nothing compared to Trump's.

Trump bragged about grabbing a woman on the pussy whereas Creepy Joe actually did. I suppose when you are willing to vote for a serial rapist like Bill Clinton you have set yourself a moral standard to follow for the future.

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The CCP having a lend of other countries as usual, take anything they say with a grain of salt.

It’s Australia’s fault. If we cut emissions more than just by the agreed targets then China would follow our lead and wouldn’t build or use coal fired electricity plants.
It’s Australia’s fault. If we cut emissions more than just by the agreed targets then China would follow our lead and wouldn’t build or use coal fired electricity plants.
Not sure if that's an intentional strawman, or you're just unable to comprehend the other side of the debate.
It's a real worry...thoughthough 'some' would no doubt say nothing to see here and want to simply brush it off. *some

A visiting United States admiral has warned Beijing is willing to hurt Australian companies if the Federal Government defies the Chinese Communist Party.
Key points:

  • Admiral Davidson linked recent trade blockages at Chinese ports of Australian exports to Australia's recent crackdown on foreign interference
  • He said "Beijing's approach is pernicious"
  • The ABC has confirmed Admiral Davidson discussed Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea with Mr Morriso
The leader of the US military's Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral Philip Davidson, said Australia was right to be concerned about the possibility of a Chinese military base in the Pacific region.
Addressing the Lowy Institute, Admiral Davidson used Australia as an example of China's willingness to take retribution against economic partners that criticise Beijing.
"Beijing has shown a willingness to intervene in free markets and to hurt Australian companies simply because the Australian Government has exercised its sovereign right to protect its national security," Admiral Davidson said.
He linked recent trade blockages at Chinese ports of Australian exports such as coal to Australia's recent crackdown on foreign interference and a decision to ban Huawei from the 5G network.
"It speaks extraordinarily ill of China and serves as a warning to all nations of the kind of economic retribution they take when they dislike another nation's diplomatic or security response," he said.
Admiral Davidson also described China's signature international infrastructure development program, the "Belt and Road Initiative" as a "stalking horse to advance Chinese security concerns".
"Beijing's approach is pernicious. The party uses coercion, influence operations and military and diplomatic threats to bully other states to accommodate the Communist Party of China's interests," Admiral Davidson told his Sydney audience.
"Australia has [the] right to be very concerned about the Chinese potentially building a base in the island chain. Part of the Indo-Pacific strategy the US has put forward — and I believe Australia has made quite clear is in its national interest — is to prevent such bases from happening."
China has consistently rejected suggestions it has linked aid money to politics, while Australian officials have warned Pacific nations about the negative consequences of joining the "Belt and Road Initiative".
It's a real worry...thoughthough 'some' would say nothing to see here.

There is no question China will **** us over economically if we try to crackdown on their interference. What this admiral is saying is basically stating the bloody obvious.

The real debate is whether or not Australians are willing to accept the economic disadvantages of reducing reliance on trade with China. Posters like yourselves may feel justified in posting anti-China rhetoric but never seem to want to have a conversation about what Australia would actually look like if we halted trade with China. This is what actually matters here. We don't need the constant hand-wringing.

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Chinese government unleash pandemic hell around the world..countries in lockdown to try and contain the pandemic watch their economies go into freefall and businesses go to the brink...then in comes the chinese buyers happy to buy up the ailing companies. I hope the australian government watch this very very carefully as virgin is a main carrier here in Australia
It's a real worry...thoughthough 'some' would no doubt say nothing to see here and want to simply brush it off. *some

Yep, that is a possibility but what do you think will we be able to do? We have put all our eggs in the China basket.

We don't have product which is only unique to this country to sell so of course they have options and are within their rights to decide. It is called the power of having the upper hand.

A country of 25m and GDP of 1.4T vs a country of 1.439b and GDP of 14T.

There is no question China will fu** us over economically if we try to crackdown on their interference. What this admiral is saying is basically stating the bloody obvious.

The real debate is whether or not Australians are willing to accept the economic disadvantages of reducing reliance on trade with China. Posters like yourselves may feel justified in posting anti-China rhetoric but never seem to want to have a conversation about what Australia would actually look like if we halted trade with China. This is what actually matters here. We don't need the constant hand-wringing.

The one thing that amuses me in society in general and on this board are people whinge about something but never actually provide a solution or alternative. If you don't have your own solution or alternative then stop your bleating and whinging.

It is like when productive land or residential real estate gets sold to the Chinese. Well hello, they are two parties to the transaction and the seller's greed takes over. Don't take the moral high ground if you are just willing to sell to the highest bidder.
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Chinese government unleash pandemic hell around the world..countries in lockdown to try and contain the pandemic watch their economies go into freefall and businesses go to the brink...then in comes the chinese buyers happy to buy up the ailing companies. I hope the australian government watch this very very carefully as virgin is a main carrier here in Australia

You do know who currently owns Virgin at the moment, don't you?

Etihad Airways 20.94%
Singapore Airlines 20.09%
Nanshan Group 19.98% - Chinese
HNA Group 19.82% - Chinese
Virgin 10.42%

None of these airlines are willing to tip in more as they have their own issues with their airlines in their own countries. Perhaps we should just let Virgin fallover.
You do know who currently owns Virgin at the moment, don't you?

Etihad Airways 20.94%
Singapore Airlines 20.09%
Nanshan Group 19.98% - Chinese
HNA Group 19.82% - Chinese
Virgin 10.42%

None of these airlines are willing to tip in more as they have their own issues with their airlines in their own countries. Perhaps we should just let Virgin fallover.
Yep..and if the takeover happens it will be majority chinese ownership. The whole point of my post was that now the world economies are in crisis and companies are ailing funny that the chinese are there to so kindly step in to buy them doubt at knock down prices. How convenient
Yep..and if the takeover happens it will be majority chinese ownership. The whole point of my post was that now the world economies are in crisis and companies are ailing funny that the chinese are there to so kindly step in to buy them doubt at knock down prices. How convenient

Say we let them take them over. What do you think would actually happen?
The one thing that amuses me in society in general and on this board are people whinge about something but never actually provide a solution or alternative. If you don't have your own solution or alternative then stop your bleating and whinging.

It is like when productive land or residential real estate gets sold to the Chinese. Well hello, they are two parties to the transaction and the seller's greed takes over. Don't take the moral high ground if you are just willing to sell to the highest bidder.
People are also happy to whinge about Chinese interference and never take a look at our own government's role in this. They're the meek assholes who let the fox into the chicken coop. Maybe we should spend more time looking inward and actually examine why we've become so reliant on the Chinese in the first place. We knew China were acting in bad faith long before Corona virus was a thing. It's not like they ever had a good reputation.
People are also happy to whinge about Chinese interference and never take a look at our own government's role in this. They're the meek assholes who let the fox into the chicken coop. Maybe we should spend more time looking inward and actually examine why we've become so reliant on the Chinese in the first place. We knew China were acting in bad faith long before Corona virus was a thing. It's not like they ever had a good reputation.
This is about the first time i agree with most of what you said. Yes our and many other governments have been very complacent in allowing critical business, land and resources to be bought up. What should have happened a long time ago is that the government should have prohibited the sale to foreign nationals of nationally important business entities and we never ever should have sold outlr lands..allow long term leases but not outright sale. That way you never lose total control. The cat is out the bag but the government could start to impliment foreign ownership laws that begin after a certain date so as not to penalise who owns what now but make it clear those practices are a thing of the past going forward. There is plenty they can do to phase in tighter controls that are not going to crash the economy and do not just target china but apply to all foreign entities
This is about the first time i agree with most of what you said. Yes our and many other governments have been very complacent in allowing critical business, land and resources to be bought up. What should have happened a long time ago is that the government should have prohibited the sale to foreign nationals of nationally important business entities and we never ever should have sold outlr lands..allow long term leases but not outright sale. That way you never lose total control. The cat is out the bag but the government could start to impliment foreign ownership laws that begin after a certain date so as not to penalise who owns what now but make it clear those practices are a thing of the past going forward. There is plenty they can do to phase in tighter controls that are not going to crash the economy and do not just target china but apply to all foreign entities
Combine this with the Chinese infiltrating both our major political parties through donations & other means...

Awesome podcast on food supply issues in the US that relates to Australia.

And a really good listen to get views on the economic response in the US. Interviews economists that have served both republican and democratic. Largely a consensus. Similar to what Australia (and nost developed countries) has done but with a few differences.
China warns Canada not to help U.S. in Huawei case or there will be ‘consequences’

China warned Canada on Friday that it needs to be aware of the consequences of aiding the U.S. in a case involving the Chinese tech giant Huawei that is believed to have sparked the detentions of two Canadians in China.
Foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang’s comments Friday came after U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called for the release of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.
READ MORE: China refuses to speak about detained Canadians, Freeland says
Both were arrested on Dec. 10 after Canada detained a Huawei executive wanted by the United States on fraud charges. While China has denied they were taken in retaliation, it has repeatedly implied that there is a strong connection between the cases.
Korvig, a former diplomat and Asia expert at the International Crisis Group, and Spavor, a businessman, have been accused of colluding to steal state secrets. Canada has repeatedly urged their immediate release, calling their detentions “arbitrary.” Neither has been permitted access to lawyers or family members.
“We hope that the Canadian side can have a clear understanding of the consequences of endangering itself for the gains of the U.S. and take immediate actions to correct its mistakes so as to spare itself the suffering from growing damage,” Geng said at a daily news briefing.
Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of the company’s founder, is accused of lying to banks about the company’s dealings with Iran in violation of U.S. trade sanctions. Her attorney has argued that comments by U.S. President Donald Trump suggest the case against her is politically motivated.
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