Universal Love TRTT Part 8: Random thoughts also sack Hinkley

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Weiss and Benioff should never get another gig ever again. And they had ******* 2 years to come up with that pile of poo.
Bloody hell GRRM, get of your arse and finish the story. Give us something that doesn’t take years of build up, only to go for the Disney ending.
Game of Thrones finale was one of the best episodes of the season considering where it started.

i still think the way they dealt with Dany was shit, but I just assumed she was anakin like controlled by the dark side of the force for this episode so it made more sense.

I also now wish the ending had been Grey Worm becoming a Stalin-esque dictator attempting to turn Westeros socialist while sending all the lords to the wall after murdering their king (Jon) and conquering all their lands.

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I was baited with the Rocky is garbage comment a few weeks back and didn't bite and I'm not biting tonight either.

Just basking in the disappointment of others.

Nonetheless, if people are bagging the saga as a whole then that means the sequel trilogy is included so I'll let it play out. The enemy of my enemy...

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I wasn't baiting you. I watched it and it sucked, then I realised it beat Taxi Driver for best picture and that's bullshit.
Jon going from murdering Dany to being in a jail cell off screen via fade to black is the biggest cheat of the entire series.

I agree but also where did all the Dothraki come from? It looked like they all died fighting whitewalkers
I still haven't finished watching the first episode of Game of Thrones, I started about four years ago, I remember some kid being thrown off a castle and that little midget from 'In Bruges' is in it

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He's as one dimensional as Stallone.

I don't care about Stallone, he's not even the worst thing about Rocky. It's literally everything else, especially his drunk brother in law.
lol Jesus

De Niro did things in a single scene in Godfather II that most actors couldn’t hope for in a career.

Haha I forgot Godfather and Goodfellas. You're havin a laugh JBC.
I agree but also where did all the Dothraki come from? It looked like they all died fighting whitewalkers
Unsullied as well. All had bugger all in front of gates of Kings Landing, then this episode it’s like they miraculously refilled their ranks effortlessly. And the Wildlings were going North of the Wall, how’d they just hang around waiting for Jon? Argh. Must stop getting wound up analysing all the holes before trying to sleep.
Haha I forgot Godfather and Goodfellas. You're havin a laugh JBC.

High in the running for dumbest thing ever said in a thread rife with Trump supporters.

Also, The King of Comedy. Scorsese’s overlooked masterpiece and a tour de force for De Niro performing a role like nothing he’s done before or since.
Unsullied as well. All had bugger all in front of gates of Kings Landing, then this episode it’s like they miraculously refilled their ranks effortlessly. And the Wildlings were going North of the Wall, how’d they just hang around waiting for Jon? Argh. Must stop getting wound up analysing all the holes before trying to sleep.

and where's the punishment in getting sent to the wall? There wouldn't be much to do there anymore, no real threats to speak of. Why wouldn't they just bring him back once the unsullied pissed off?
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