Banter The Adelaide Board Politics/COVID Thread Part 2 (WARNING NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED)

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We do..they are voting for this guy, not the guy (Warnock) that ran over his wife and mistreated poor people in a building his church has a financial interest in



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I think the people who fell for it are those who would like to believe that some Americans are gullible and believe anything, and in doing so they ironically outed themselves as the gullible ones.

Gather your are a Dick Cheney fan lol.
I would say betting & fast food companies have a bigger negative impact on our community.... & should be banned.

I have no issue with our Australian Cricket captain refusing to participate in advertising for a company he doesn't believe in.
I think it's more the hypocrisy. Don't get me wrong, I get where he's coming from but this is coming from a person that unnecessarily travels the globe to play sport.

This increases his carbon footprint. It's his job though? People and businesses defend their actions with flawed justifications.

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The poll showed that the 21-point margin would be the closest Republicans have come with Latinos since 1994, with the Democrats' lead cut nearly in half in just four years, from the 40-point advantage they enjoyed in the "blue wave" of 2018.

New polling bodes well for Republicans if the numbers translate into turnout and ballots cast in the 2022 midterm elections.​

Fresh data from Rasmussen Reports shows that if the election were held today, the GOP would win 22 percent of black American voters.
Whereas I have no problem with this. Climate change for example is such a huge issue that I have no problem with players saying I don’t want to support a company that contributes to it.

This goes way back to sports teams touring South Africa during apartheid. They justified it by saying “oh it’s just sport, not politics” - except that helped prop up a regime that disadvantaged more than half the population.

For me, it’s about time sport faced up to these issues - including gambling - and organizations realised they can’t have their cake and eat it too.

You’re giving up petrochemicals?
Haha, are you morons really still peddling this is as your big 'gotcha' moment? You must be kidding me.

At the time these comments were made, Alpha and Delta were the predominant circulating variants of SARS-CoV-2 virus. For these variants, vaccination did reduce risk of infection. This is both self evident from population level data, and confirmed in numerous RCTs which I've shared previously. My kindergarten aged kids would understand these pretty pictures so it's staggering and embarrassing that you don't.

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In the weeks and months after the Omicron variant was first detected, policy and messaging shifted, recognising the growing body of evidence that vaccines were not as effective at preventing transmission for this variant.

You idiots are complaining that we should have known in March 2021 that vaccines weren't going to be as effective against a variant that didn't even f***ing exist until November 2021. I can't imagine how unfathomably stupid you would need to be to still not understand this, given the number of times it has been explained to you.

They will conveniently ignore accepted data in favour of a tweet. There is no hope for them.
Cummins should be sacked and his contract shredded

Interesting Slippery - weren't you all in favour of players refusing to play on the basis that they didn't want to wear a pride guernsey due to their beliefs?

Why has your position changed now?

Harmful beliefs are good reason to refuse to wear a guernsey, but beliefs that benefit everyone are not? Interesting take.
IF there is not a huge red wave at the election, it just shows that the democratic propaganda machine really does have a grip on people..Although you would have to think lived experience - crime, poverty, rampant drug addiction, telling boys they can have babies etc etc should do the job
No Mate if there is not a red wave it is down to a couple of GOP errors and those errors are all on the Trump/MAGA supporters that have some power in the GOP.
1 Trump's endorsed representatives are not performing that well in the key states for the senate. The states that are important to winning control
2 long-term GOP supporters who don't like Trump and don't like where the MAGA movement is taking the Republican party are refusing to vote.
3 The Rowe vs Wade issue. has created a huge backlash that will affect the vote of a lot of the independents who normally vote against the sitting President in Midterms.

As it stands today, the GOP will win the House but lose the Senate.
When they should be winning both the House and the Senate.
All they needed to do was wins either in Arizona, or Georgia, they are losing in both seats, and they should be winning in Pennsylvania they are losing

In Arizona Kelly would have been hard to defeat but running Trump-endorsed Masters against him was a bad call and it shows in the polls.
In Pennsylvania, They are running Dr Oz against Fetterman, a decent Republican would have easily beaten Fetterman, Dr Oz in running so bad Even Trump withdrew his endorsement. The funny thing since Trump did that Dr Oz has improved in the polls still losing
In Georgia, Warnock should not even be close but they chose Trump-endorsed Walker to run against him.
In Nevada with Laxalt a non-Trump/Maga GOP performing well and leading in the poll against Cortez Masto.

So the GOP should have had all 4 of these senate seats, yet they may only get 1 in Nevada. but will lose Pennsylvania.

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My position on this is well documented over a couple of years ......when the AFL started getting involved with social causes, I warned that once you open these gates & associate Football with politics, you don't get to handpick the causes you'll champion

OK ...the AFL decide to support causes, worthwhile causes .....because it clouds their monumental support for the gambling $

The Players will now start to associate the causes they want actioned .....and use the sport, nay, hold the sport to ransom ....until they get the AFL to support

Of course zero mention of gambling ......but the recent rejection by the bankrupt diamonds, of sponsorship $$, shows where this is heading .....strap yourself in

Once you open Pandoras Box .....there's no closing the lid again .....very foolish by the AFL

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Yes, does everyone and sports people just realise how much our society is reliant on oil and to a lesser extent gas? Now coal I agree with as it basically only has one purpose.
Former Vice President of the USA. Ring any bells yet?
I think just about every poster on this thread is keener on US politics than I am. Yes, it rings a bell that I have no interest in answering. Your kind explanation has me no closer to identifying the point of that post though.
So what is your position on the vaccine mandates. Just answer the question man as i am getting sick of seeing petes question I Jun I having to be asked and asked😘

Maybe the lemming can comment on SA removing mandates in healthcare settings whilst SES in Vic won’t. He can explain the science and why the risk assessments differ between the 2 organisations. Obviously SES VIC has peculiar aspects that make it a more risky workplace for covid.
No Mate if there is not a red wave it is down to a couple of GOP errors and those errors are all on the Trump/MAGA supporters that have some power in the GOP.
1 Trump's endorsed representatives are not performing that well in the key states for the senate. The states that are important to winning control
2 long-term GOP supporters who don't like Trump and don't like where the MAGA movement is taking the Republican party are refusing to vote.
3 The Rowe vs Wade issue. has created a huge backlash that will affect the vote of a lot of the independents who normally vote against the sitting President in Midterms.

As it stands today, the GOP will win the House but lose the Senate.
When they should be winning both the House and the Senate.
All they needed to do was wins either in Arizona, or Georgia, they are losing in both seats, and they should be winning in Pennsylvania they are losing

In Arizona Kelly would have been hard to defeat but running Trump-endorsed Masters against him was a bad call and it shows in the polls.
In Pennsylvania, They are running Dr Oz against Fetterman, a decent Republican would have easily beaten Fetterman, Dr Oz in running so bad Even Trump withdrew his endorsement. The funny thing since Trump did that Dr Oz has improved in the polls still losing
In Georgia, Warnock should not even be close but they chose Trump-endorsed Walker to run against him.
In Nevada with Laxalt a non-Trump/Maga GOP performing well and leading in the poll against Cortez Masto.

So the GOP should have had all 4 of these senate seats, yet they may only get 1 in Nevada. but will lose Pennsylvania.
Thats not what one of the biggest polling firms has to say - Real Clear Politics.

The will pick up Nevada and are closing fast on Georgia as Walker destroyed Warnock in the recent debate and Pennsylvania - especially after Fetterman's performances recently - now there is a candidate totally unfit both policy wise and health wise to be running for senate. Even FiveThirtyEight which does things differently from Real Clear Politics currently has the senate 50-50 but that does not count for historical undercounting of the republican vote.

The repubs are likely to romp the house in

Real Clear Politics predicts Nevada and Georgia senate seats will fall to the republicans
You can trust the California Democrats to do the right thing here

California county says 5,000 election ballots mailed by accident​

I liked this part

Officials are asking residents who received duplicate ballots to destroy the additional ballot.
The ballots both contain the same barcode and won't result in a duplicate votes being cast if both are used, according to officials. :rolleyes:

Maybe the lemming can comment on SA removing mandates in healthcare settings whilst SES in Vic won’t. He can explain the science and why the risk assessments differ between the 2 organisations. Obviously SES VIC has peculiar aspects that make it a more risky workplace for covid.
Covid recognises invisible state borders apparently
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