AFL investigates racial abuse at West Coast-Port Adelaide match

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Calm down and stop carrying on like a Pork Chop. What you think might be official badge ergo a Port official, might not be a club official. You might have jumped to a conclusion last night, which probably put you offside straight away with a few posters.
If its a supporter group person it will be up to the club to investigate the WA supporter group. I have no doubt the club will investigate thoroughly and kick someone hard up the arse , and deservedly so, if indeed they can readily identify the person involved as you have suggested.

No need for the insults (albeit a mild one), and I am calm.

Fair enough with the comment about me catching some guys offside with my conclusion - I can honestly see how it had that effect but I think it was obvious by my posts that I was conveying relevant info about the badge as a means of catching the guys (and perhaps getting these guys a boot up the backside on how to deal with supporter misbehaviour in future ) rather than some attack on the club.
I did however mention from the very start that I thought whatever role he had was to do with being in charge of the supporters.

.....makes it sound like you saw a paid employee of Port with these clowns, hence the "hostile" reaction you got from people.

Could I point out I specifically said at the beginning that whatever his role was/badge meant it seemed to do with the supporters.
It was written by me multiple times.
I don't view myself as a dick so I would like to say I understand the hostility if posters felt I was trying to make some case against the Port Adelaide coaching staff/organisation etc
I clearly had no idea and thought you guys would be the one's telling me what the PA badge he was wearing meant.
I wouldn't even know to what degree official Supporter group reps/organisers/etc are affiliated with the organisation at my own club let alone yours.

But I do think it is a damn shame that hostility isn't matched by some towards where the true hostility and outrage should be directed instead of towards someone who is obviously trying to help. it's not like I'm a BF poster with some track record of attacking Port Adelaide.
based on...?

Based on them actively and loudly barracking for Port the entire match?
(when watching the foxtel footage you can actually hear these loud dicks at multiple times during the game, the are very easy to hear when you do manage to hear them arc up)

Based on the fact that whoever that Port supporter 'official' (if that's what he is) knew their names?

Based on the fact that a bald headed, red bearded guy with a port shirt (who also knew them) comes rushing in to back them at the beginning of the video?

Based on the fact that they had multiple incidents with other West Coast supporters during the game?

Based on the fact that SPP wasn't the only Port player they barracked for during the game?

If what you are saying is true then I don't know how to account for everything I saw.
Why rush to turn a blind eye to bad supporters? If it was my club I wo (mind you I am middle-eastern so I have a horse in the race of wanting to eliminate racist pyschos from matches)

They were wearing no west coast gear either? Two of their group their box were wearing jumpers and it was frikkin hot, there were just douches.
Just want to say that 5 men in Perth barracking for Port is actually very flimsy circumstantial evidence that they are Port supporters! Any time I have ever gone to a match featuring the Adelaide Crows, I have barracked and cheered for the opposition club louder that their own supporters!

Four Freo supporters who hate the Eagles could very well have gone to the match with one of their mates who is a local Perth Port supporter wearing his Port gear, and barracked loudly and offensively against the West Coast! In fact, I would hazard a guess that this is what will eventually be revealed.

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ANYWAY GUYS - I'll leave it at that.

I hope these guys get caught and banned, you guys don't deserve to cop the flak that you get for these incidents of a feral minority.

I wasn't trying to cause trouble here - one of the main purposes of forums is the sharing of info and I was seeking to do that.
Any of you who are willing to give me the benefit of the doubt as to my intentions then thankyou.

Good Luck for 2018! Our teams seem to be developing a nice little rivalry, may it continue and I look forward to our next clash (I'm talking about on the field, not on BF!)

Could I point out I specifically said at the beginning that whatever his role was/badge meant it seemed to do with the supporters.
It was written by me multiple times.
I don't view myself as a dick so I would like to say I understand the hostility if posters felt I was trying to make some case against the Port Adelaide coaching staff/organisation etc
I clearly had no idea and thought you guys would be the one's telling me what the PA badge he was wearing meant.
I wouldn't even know to what degree official Supporter group reps/organisers/etc are affiliated with the organisation at my own club let alone yours.

But I do think it is a damn shame that hostility isn't matched by some towards where the true hostility and outrage should be directed instead of towards someone who is obviously trying to help. it's not like I'm a BF poster with some track record of attacking Port Adelaide.

I think the issue is you've used the "official" countless times.

At the end of the day thanks for the info, but if you're going to be a "source" for a story like this and plaster it all over a forum, stick with posting what you saw instead of what you think :thumbsu:
I’m sorry but I’m tired of this shit,I’m sick of these peanuts hijacking my club.

These piss heads need to be run out of our club.

For all the good work our club does in the Aboriginal community to be blown up year after year by some bogan redneck racist dickheads year after year.

If you can’t go to the footy without dropping racist insults you have no right to where my colours.
ANYWAY GUYS - I'll leave it at that.

I hope these guys get caught and banned, you guys don't deserve to cop the flak that you get for these incidents of a feral minority.

I wasn't trying to cause trouble here - one of the main purposes of forums is the sharing of info and I was seeking to do that.
Any of you who are willing to give me the benefit of the doubt as to my intentions then thankyou.

Good Luck for 2018! Our teams seem to be developing a nice little rivalry, may it continue and I look forward to our next clash (I'm talking about on the field, not on BF!)


Thankyou for sharing.

With all that detail/evidence you should be a detective - naturally Port fans don't like the police. They make us nervous even when we're innocent...
Was this the guys in the box upstairs behind the main stand? We were sitting behind the port dug out and these guys were loose cannons yelling all sorts of stuff from the balcony. It was obvious they knew SPP too.

I was down near the weat coast dug out and i could hear the boys shouting quite loud. At this stage it was just banter. I left at 3/4 time and i was wondering how things panned out. Any way i am impressed in what i have read here and i take my hat off to all off you Port supporters. Well done.
For better or worse, there are two feelings at play here and they're not necessarily about this particular incident.

1) It's a given that this kind of act is reprehensible and not one person here or in the AFL would or should condone it. The regularity with which they still occur across the AFL is bewildering.

2) There is an underlying frustration here that the entire club was unfairly tarnished during the Eddie Betts' racist incident, while a similar incident by a Crows supporter and Paddy Ryder in the same game was swept under the carpet. Granted much of this is due to the public statement made by our President with his national profile, whereas Adelaide barely register a mention nationally these days (also partially because there was no public statement by the AFC, as usual). All the more frustrating is that this tarnishing was in spite of our league leading Aboriginal community development programs. As a moron once said, we just ask for "balance".
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Just want to say that 5 men in Perth barracking for Port is actually very flimsy circumstantial evidence that they are Port supporters! Any time I have ever gone to a match featuring the Adelaide Crows, I have barracked and cheered for the opposition club louder that their own supporters!

Four Freo supporters who hate the Eagles could very well have gone to the match with one of their mates who is a local Perth Port supporter wearing his Port gear, and barracked loudly and offensively against the West Coast! In fact, I would hazard a guess that this is what will eventually be revealed.
flipping lol stop watching too much Alex Jones hahaha like freo supporters would actually be bothered to do this hahah smh
For better or worse, there that there are two feelings at play here and it's not necessarily about this particular incident.

1) It's a given that this kind of act is reprehensible and not one person or in the AFL would or should condone it. The regularity with which they still occur across the AFL is bewildering.

2) There is an underlying frustration here that the entire club was unfairly tarnished during the Eddie Betts' racist incident, while a similar incident by a Crows supporter and Paddy Ryder in the same game was swept under the carpet. Granted much of this is due to the public statement made by our President with his national profile, whereas Adelaide barely register a mention nationally these days (also partially because there was no public statement by the AFC, as usual). All the more frustrating is that this tarnishing was in spite of our league leading Aboriginal community development programs. As a moron once said, we just ask for "balance".

Well I for one am proud that our club is the one in this town that confronts this issue head on, even if it does bring a bit more heat our way.

Squibs won’t get hurt, but they won’t earn any respect either.

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Once when will was in my early 20's, I went to a game at Alberton and found on the ground an awesome badge. It looked all official and all so i immediately pinned it in my scarfe and wore it for years.

Just saying.
This isn't good enough and strong action needs to be taken.

Yes they are isolated incidents.

Yes it is just on idiot.

But it is hard to deny that we have had more issues than other clubs and that is not good enough. We don't want to be like the Crows and their player retention issues burying their heads in the sand and allowing it to fester and continue (and this is a much more serious issue). Just read all our defensive comments on here and ask yourself how you would respond if a Crows fan said the same about their retention issues. It is a good way to look at it without the blinkers.

We can argue the semantics and defend our club and fans all we like (we're not that bad, every club has these issues etc. etc.) but all that will do is allow the problem to continue.

The right process is happening to get all the facts but once we have them the response needs to be very strong and loud.

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ruddy lol stop watching too much Alex Jones hahaha like freo supporters would actually be bothered to do this hahah smh

bothered to go to a footy game? not unrealistic at all and the overarching point is that we don't know who the people were. It WAS a game in rural Perth so it's NOT likely they were Port members.
A group of SPP's mates?

Still being investigated. Just know they have no connection with the club.

The club have also received photos and complaints from people nearby about the perpetrator and his behaviour throughout the course of the day. Not an isolated incident unfortunately.

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