Grand Slam Novak Djokovic Saga: Australia Returns Serb

Are you happy Novak is NOT playing the AO

  • No

    Votes: 67 27.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 135 55.8%
  • Such is Life

    Votes: 40 16.5%

  • Total voters

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Note: This is not a thread to air your views on left/right politics, vaccination mandates or conspiracies, this is a thread to discuss Djokovic and the Australian Open saga only. Humour is accepted and encouraged :D Abuse is not.

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Europe has an assumption of open borders. It's what underpins their whole EU passport thing. As a foreign tourist I didn't have my passport checked at various land borders when travelling through Europe.

Not all countries.

I travel extensively through Europe and know this for a fact. On my last trip (2019) I had a border check done as I was entering Denmark from Germany by car.
I was from Australia, also not included in "this". The point is, Europe has lax borders.
But not completely open borders between all countries. The point of that part of the article I read being the rich dodged what controls did apply at the time.

It sounds like the Spanish suspect Novak did this travelling between Serbia and Spain. I suspect that if he did, it was known by authorities at some level.
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Depends how European you look I've found.


For me it was a pretty soft check done by Danish officials. There have been discretionary border checks done between Germany and Denmark for the past decade or so. I was waved in as I was driving across the border, a quick check of my passport and off I went.

I was also checked coming back on the Rostock Ferry.
Apparently, Netflix are making a 'Drive to Survive' series for 2022 - They are at the Australian Open following Djokovic - It should make for captivating viewing in 2023.
I remember you defending the drug cheat football side you support shouldn’t be surprised you’re in this w***ers corner.

For me it was a pretty soft check done by Danish officials. There have been discretionary border checks done between Germany and Denmark for the past decade or so. I was waved in as I was driving across the border, a quick check of my passport and off I went.

I was also checked coming back on the Rostock Ferry.

I've been on many a train across a country border where they've sporadically checked passengers and must look suitably European that they don't bother.

Bad luck if you're Indian or Asian though.
He had an exemption from TA, not from the Victorian Government, who declined to support his application.

There was an Independent Medical Panel setup by the Victorian Government engaged by TA, but that isn't in and of itself support from the Victorian Government.

TA were also advised in writing twice that a positive covid test inside the last 6 months wouldn't exempt someone from the quarantine restrictions.
Can you cite something that proves Victoria did not back his exemption? Which is is separate from sponsoring a visa.

"Djokovic was given a medical exemption backed by the Victoria state government and Australian Open organizers on Jan. 1, based on information he supplied to two independent medical panels, and he was approved for a visa electronically"

"The court submission Saturday said Djokovic received confirmation from Australia’s Department of Home Affairs saying that his travel declaration had been assessed and that his responses indicated he met the requirements for quarantine-free arrival in Australia."

Then they did a dodgy on him and changed how they handle the exemptions.

I don't know what more you want. Greg Hunt writing a letter to Tiley doesn't mean shit, they can write all the letters to each other they want. The Dept of Home Affairs gave Novak the green light, that is what matters.
Would be nice if Hawke announced his decision BEFORE the men’s final is played.
Just do it in the middle of it. Novak forfeits. Much lols ensue. Serbian President spontaneously combusts.
I remember you defending the drug cheat football side you support shouldn’t be surprised you’re in this w***ers corner.
Step around the car crash folks.
Easy does it...
Can you cite something that proves Victoria did not back his exemption? Which is is separate from sponsoring a visa.

"Djokovic was given a medical exemption backed by the Victoria state government and Australian Open organizers on Jan. 1, based on information he supplied to two independent medical panels, and he was approved for a visa electronically"

"The court submission Saturday said Djokovic received confirmation from Australia’s Department of Home Affairs saying that his travel declaration had been assessed and that his responses indicated he met the requirements for quarantine-free arrival in Australia."

I don't know what more you want. Greg Hunt writing a letter to Tiley doesn't mean sh*t, they can write all the letters to each other they want. The Dept of Home Affairs gave Novak the green light, that is what matters.

Can you cite something that proves the Victorian Government did?

This says the Victorian Government won't support his application.

There was an Independent Review Panel involved, that had been setup by the Victorian Department of Health, but that isn't in and of itself support from the Victorian Government.

Huge ‘mistake’ behind Novak Djokovic visa cancellation, vaccination exemption for Australian Open (

the Independent Medical Exemption Review Panel appointed by the Victorian Department of Health.

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He had an exemption from TA, not from the Victorian Government, who declined to support his application.

There was an Independent Medical Panel setup by the Victorian Government engaged by TA, but that isn't in and of itself support from the Victorian Government.

TA were also advised in writing twice that a positive covid test inside the last 6 months wouldn't exempt someone from the quarantine restrictions.
Tilley’s ‘cunning loophole’ was that no one would challenge a Doctor’s declaration that a medical condition existed that prevented the person from being vaccinated.

The criteria of “vaccination can be deferred, in those with PCR- confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, until complete recovery from the acute illness (which may be up to 6 months)” was presented to TA’s medical staff and the panel as the Federal Government’s ‘six month regulation: vaccination can be deferred for six months for those with a positive SARS virus test’.

At no time has a medical professional told Djokovic that his health, and wellbeing, would be endangered if he was vaccinated, and strongly advised him against it.
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Just do it in the middle of it. Novak forfeits. Much lols ensue. Serbian President spontaneously combusts.
And a few posters here
I've been on many a train across a country border where they've sporadically checked passengers and must look suitably European that they don't bother.

Bad luck if you're Indian or Asian though.
and if your from Australia say your from Austria
Can you cite something that proves the Victorian Government did?

This says the Victorian Government won't support his application.

There was an Independent Review Panel involved, that had been setup by the Victorian Department of Health, but that isn't in and of itself support from the Victorian Government.

Huge ‘mistake’ behind Novak Djokovic visa cancellation, vaccination exemption for Australian Open (

That’s the sponsored visa. Completely different, you have them mixed up.
The Vic Gov granted him his Visa.
That’s the sponsored visa. Completely different, you have them mixed up.
The Vic Gov granted him his Visa.
States don't grant visas. Never have. Never will.
Sorry that's correct, my bad. His entry was still meant to be based on Victorian jurisdiction for which he met the criteria, hence why the other player and person were allowed in before him.
You don't know he met the criteria... you hope he does..cos you want him to play.
Novak Djokovic slams Naomi Osaka's decision to boycott press conferences at the French Open
While Novak Djokovic acknowledged that Naomi Osaka may have her decisions to boycott the French Open press conferences, he yet insisted that it was a part of the sport. As a result, he believed it to be the duty of players to attend them as professionals. Speaking to the reporters, Djokovic said, "I understand that press conferences sometimes can be very unpleasant. And it’s not something that you enjoy, always, you know, especially if you lose a match or something like this. But it is part of the sport and part of your life on the tour. This is something we have to do, otherwise, we will get fined."
This is just getting pathetic now.

The guy has done the wrong thing, even if there was an element of miss communication relating to his exemption, he has lied on his entry form and has knowingly not isolated when he has had COVID.

Why is this even a discussion? Novak is not a draw card player, literally the only support he gets is from Serbians, the general population do not like the guy, AO attendance nor viewing numbers will drop due to him not playing. A few Serbians might lose the plot but really, who gives a shit.

Novak Djokovic slams Naomi Osaka's decision to boycott press conferences at the French Open
While Novak Djokovic acknowledged that Naomi Osaka may have her decisions to boycott the French Open press conferences, he yet insisted that it was a part of the sport. As a result, he believed it to be the duty of players to attend them as professionals. Speaking to the reporters, Djokovic said, "I understand that press conferences sometimes can be very unpleasant. And it’s not something that you enjoy, always, you know, especially if you lose a match or something like this. But it is part of the sport and part of your life on the tour. This is something we have to do, otherwise, we will get fined."
SOG says, "do as I say, not as I do!!"
You don't know he met the criteria... you hope he does..cos you want him to play.
His exemption to compete at AO was based on recently recovering from covid, this is also qualifies for an exemption to enter Victoria. So how could he meet the criteria for one but not the other when it's the same criteria?

IDGAF if he plays. If he withdraws from the tournament himself I couldn't care less, I don't like him, but I'm not going to let that cloud what I think is right and wrong here.